Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    About that
    Coca cola & other bad companies
    Use science to justify their sh*
    When you see a Dr smoke etc etc ...
    Didn't change much to this days
    Pay and get good research about your product :D
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Anthony J Leonardi, PhD, MS

    "If you’re really worried about an mRNA vaccine versus the virus, you should stop right now The virus has much more mRNA, uses it harmfully, and puts it all over your organs."
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  3. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4663 Yen, Dec 22, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2022
    This comparison is full of flaws, though.

    -The mRNA used in the vaccine is modified. The uridine there the 'U 'has been completely substituted by N1-Methylpseudouridine. This is new, and we still do not fully understand what such a modification does. For instance how many CYCLES such a modified mRNA can be used as a blueprint to make the antigen. This means the actual dose of the antigen produced has a great variation and is unknown, but higher than 'natural'. This even was the purpose of making that substitution!

    On the amino acid level there are additionally 2 proline substitutions which are made to enhance immune reactions. We also don't know much about its side effects.

    -The mRNA in the vaccine codes for a part of the virus only. Unfortunately it is the S protein, a part of the virus which is associated with many toxic effects at the virus and so at the vaccine as well.

    -The mRNA in the vaccine is encapsulated with LNP's which don't have approval for medical use. By that we don't know about its attributes and where it lasts. The idea to enter cells by positively charged LNPs to bring in a foreign modified mRNA is new. The complete biodistribution is still unknown and never has been fully researched at. It can enter there where the original virus never would and by that it adds behaviours which are completely off from the natural infection!

    And finally: The vaccines don't prevent infection. So you need to get through the vaccination AND infection.
    Found something....(thanks to drbeen)
    Now I am curious who can comprehend's actually quite obvious and one does not need to be familiar with maths or studies. :):)

    My comment: It belongs to: "Another study which has been on the news recently: How you can bend conclusions mixing up relative values to absolutes to your like."

    "Apparent risks of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome diagnoses after COVID-19 vaccination and SARS-Cov-2 Infection"

    The conclusion: "For POTS-associated diagnoses, in particular, the post-infection risk was 5.35 (5.05–5.68, P < 0.001) times higher after exposure to SARS-Cov-2 infection than after exposure to vaccination."

    The real value: 1.134 means 13.4% higher only!

    Would you be able to find the manipulation?

    I try to extract the essence and then tell me how you would see that.

    It's a study about POTS. You actually don't need to know what it really is to get to the issue, but here: A simplified idea what those set of symptoms are. When you are resting like sitting or lying and then you stand up quickly your body has to regulate the new situation that you are in an upright position now. If it cannot you are suffering from POTS which usually appears as: Dizziness, raised pulse rate, fatigue, vertigo.....

    They compared the influence on POTS if you get vaccinated.
    They compared the influence on POTS if you get infected.


    Group 1: Before the vaccine the incidence rate of POTS in that group: 0.68% then 90 days after vaccination: 0.91%. means: Odds is 0.91% / 0.68% = 1.338 times greater.

    Group 2: Before the infection the incidence of POTS in that group : 3.2% then 90 days after infection: 4.86%. Means Odds: 4.86% / 3.2% = 1.518 times greater.

    How 'they' did the comparison now:
    The vaccine group raised to 0.91% the infected group to 4.86%. This means the Odds relation is 4.86% / 0.91% = 5.34 times higher. NO THAT IS wrong!

    The right comparison IS to use the odds!!! 1.518 / 1.338 = 1.134 times more when you get infected compared to when you get vaccinated AND

    1.518 / 1.21 = 1.25 times higher when getting infected compared to the control group.

    It should be obvious to everybody that when a group starts already at 3.2% and goes up to 4.86% you have to use the relation and you can NOT use the absolute 4.86% and compare that to 0.91% right?

    This is that much obvious that anybody can see it..actually! But this study got whores of science eermm scientists....

    You clearly can see how they manipulated FIG3

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  4. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  5. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Now, here's a good "talking point"...

    A UK right-winger moans...

    "My youngest child just got diagnosed with strep at the urgent care. No big deal. Rx for Amoxicillin. However, CVS says they have none, and it is back-ordered. Could someone explain how we are sending billions to Ukraine, but our kids can't get basic meds?"

    And here's an answer using one's common sense:
    Kashif Pirzada, MD
    "So you advocated for all our kids to get infected with an immune system damaging virus, and now that we’ve run out of antibiotics dealing with the fallout, you think it’s because we gave our surplus weapons to Ukraine? Wow."
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  6. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I don't get it.
    Strep is streptococcus, a bacterium, hence we use an antibootic as treatment such as Amoxicillin.
    What has that to do with a virus?

    And the last question is a valid one..IMHO.
    Not saying it is causal. Means "Because we've sent money to the Ukraine we don't have money left to guarantee for basic meds." OP also did not...

    We have the same problem. Many basic meds are not available. There must have been some mismanagement for sure.

    And please no political associations. I sorely replied to a content of somebody. I would have replied the same if it was a "leftist" or something else. :)
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    @Yen: this is rather indicative of your own failings in this situation because you missed exactly what you advocated, while trying to be a clever architect of a public health policy in response to C-19:

    "So you advocated for all our kids to get infected with an immune system damaging virus..."

    C-19, as it turned out, is a virus messing with our immunity system...

    Or you have a radically different understanding - even from your previous explanations how it may turn the immune system against us...???
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  8. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Something to get more info about:

    Marion Koopmans
    Jan 2
    Lots to do about XBB. Omicron derived sub lineage, that actually is a recombination (a new virus produced by stitching together parts of the genome from two different sub lineages, BQ1 and BA5. It can only happen in a patient simultaneously gets infected with two viruses).

    An answer to her:

    T. Ryan Gregory

    XBB is not a recombinant of BQ.1 x BA.5. It is a recombinant of BJ.1 x BM.1.1.1, both of which are BA.2 lineage variants. (BJ.1 is an alias for BA., BM.1.1.1 is an alias for BA.

    But then we also read this:
    Hannibal Lupe

    Replying to
    And BQ.1 and BA.5 are not two different sublines, but rather BQ.1 is a subline to BA.5 - or more precisely to BA.5.3.1 I wonder why so many people write such nonsense. What is the purpose? It undermines the credibility of the main message itself.

    It gets worse...

    Yueting Zhang

    Replying to

    The Sato Lab (Kei Sato)

    Dec 27, 2022
    Our multiscale investigation provided evidence suggesting that #XBB is the first documented example of a SARS-CoV-2 variant that increased its fitness (Re) through an recombination event rather than substitutions. 8/8

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  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Ahem, ahem...
    Covid Report

    For the first time ever the Walgreens national Covid positivity has gone over 40%!!!! #XBB15 #CovidIsNotOver

    Prof. Dr. Sanjeev Bagai

    Replying to
    Happy Birthday COVID! The new Back presents are BJ.1; BM.1;XBB1.5;BQ.1.etc. What a disaster. 3 years on. Millions of new infections & thousands of death. Need revised public awareness strategies & newer Vac. Don’t forget your Masks

    Victoria Cochran, M.Div. - #Nicethings2

    Replying to
    Not only that, but look at the area of the graph, from end of masking onward, compared to previously. The amount of time we spent at surge levels, this past year, is mindboggling.

    passed the treshold.jpg
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  10. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4670 Yen, Jan 5, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2023
    2 different ways how it can be understood...
    1. It weakens the IS so other pathogens have a greater chance to infect, means co-infection.

    AFAIK SARS-COV-2 is here not suspicious, at least not more than other respiratory system related viruses. Sure when an individual fights the virus it has to assign resources to that 'fight'.
    This means it should be clear that the IS has already capacities occupied. The same applies if one has co-morbidities or other ongoing infections which already occupy capacities.
    But it is common sense that if somebody is sick fighting a pathogen generally that we take care and stay at home, take a rest and avoid any additional IS taxing activities.(Best would be to support it even more by taking vitamins, zinc, etc...)

    I replied that way because SARS-COV-2 is not known to promote other pathogens. That's why I asked: What has strep to do with a / the virus?

    This wording points to my previous explanation. The IS turns against us.
    2. Auto immune reactions.

    Body makes auto antibodies (as a reaction to the virus), ABs which also attack receptors which are needed for proper body functions.
    There is actually a 3rd point. Some individuals have problems to clear the virus completely. They or parts of those constantly poke the IS.
    At point 2 and 3 we are not speaking of a co-infection, though.

    Mutations and family tree.
    It is complex, not even the experts are in agreement, sometimes.
    AFAIK BQ.1 came from BA.5, XBB from BA.2.
    BA.5 itself from BA.2.
    Also BA.4, BA.2.12.1 and BA.2.75 came from BA.2

    Either way.
    IMHO the details do actually not matter most. Also not how they are created. (random error or random recombination).
    We never should forget. There is NO intelligence and no intentional direction behind both! All is based on the random error principle.
    Ribosome can make an error not translating correctly and can confuse viral mRNA from one strand to another and by that can recombine variants.

    'We' then assign retrospectively intelligence to that, but it is based on: "I make here and there some random changes, I do that simultaneously at a huge amount of infected individuals, the chance to get a new 'surviving' one is most then."

    That's why it is more Important to look at the 'rules'...

    Mutations are either created by random errors in the reproduction process or recombinations there.
    Each individual carries lots of own mutations during an ongoing infection. Most of them are 'minor' so they never play a role. Anyway we know tons of mutations that have been found in labs. Most are never in the news.

    The more immune pressure the more mutations AKA immune escape. Means: If a variant hits a population that was already infected by that variant OR was vaccinated against it there is more pressure to escape = to mutate 'away' from the acquired immunity.
    In China we don't expect a great immune pressure, because many individuals are still 'naive' to the predominant variant. This may change at future waves.

    The 'mutation direction': To become more contagious at first place. Once a mutation that is more contagious has been randomly created it even attracts attention by that attribute!
    More contagious also includes the fact to be as such even though there is already some immunity created before.
    This comes along with a similar or less virulence, though.

    And finally an interesting study.
    "Twice-Daily Oral Zinc in the Treatment of Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Trial"

    Even though the effect on mortality was not statistically significant, at ICU admission and at combined outcome it was.

    So how to read:
    Zinc reduces mortality and ICU admission. At mortality the study power was insufficient to have a statistical significance, though.
    At ICU admission there was enough power also at the combined outcome.

    Here also: Although this is a good study one has to read the values correctly. The 95% CI Confidence interval at mortality Odds Ratio is exceeding one (OR: .68; 95% CI .34–1.35).
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  11. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4671 Yen, Jan 5, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2023
    Something more important.

    I already pleaded for COVID vaccine EUA withdrawal. The EUA was justified if at all until delta..but now...
    Either way what others opinions are, some facts need to be known, especially for those who still consider to get the vaccine.

    Some history
    Swine Flu vaccine 1976: Has been withdrawn. 1 serious event per 100,000 vaccinees.
    Rotavirus vaccine 1999: Has been withdrawn 1-2 serious events per 10,000 vaccinees


    COVID vaccine: 1 serious adverse event per 800 vaccinees!


    Another study about the new bivalent vaccine:

    "Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine"

    Yes you read correctly. The higher the number of vaccines received, the HIGHER the risk of contracting COVID. This clearly point towards immune imprinting / exhaustion. The estimated effectiveness remaining is only 30%.


    Regardless of your previous opinion of the COVID vaccines, take that into your consideration when you think about your next shot.

    No matter where the vaccine's sweet-point was, they are over it!

    A withdrawal would be the rational consequence, at least at pre-pandemic rational times.

    I just saw Dr. Campbell has taken down his video where he presented that study.
    I don't know why....will let you know.

    He had to take it down from YT, but it is still on Rumble.
    He updated his description of the study.

    I am updating the link and the description. To be fair he added another outcome where the estimated effectiveness remaining VE is 30%.

    So we have to get this all together:

    Vaccine status according to 2 recent studies:
    One based on publicly available data from Pfizer and Moderna studies, one based on a huge amount of healthcare workers (Employees of Cleveland Clinic, n = 51,011)

    1 serious adverse event out of 800 people vaccinated and the estimated remaining vaccine effectiveness only 30% left, with the outcome the more shots, the HIGHER the risk of contracting COVID.
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  12. Palladin

    Palladin MDL Senior Member

    Feb 1, 2014
    #4672 Palladin, Jan 9, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2023
    The January 2023 Pfizer data dump is now available, and for the first time in a long time there are over 100 .pdf and .docx files that don't require any special program, instead of the .XPT files that does require a special program to be able to read them.

    I found this one interesting 125742_S39_M1_lab-1448-0-3-pkg-insert-clean.pdf
    Don't need any stinking preservatives 125742_S12_M1_waiver-req-preservative.pdf

    The files that have an .XPT extension and that is a data file from SAS.
    SAS Institute provides a nice tool, the SAS Universal Viewer, for exactly this purpose.
    To download this free software, go to

    Unless you have an SAS account you will be prompted to create a user/password to access the file but it is a simple process and they will ask for you email address and then they will send a confirmation email to create your user/password. Then download and install the SAS Universal Viewer.

    Once you download and install the SaS viewer go to the C:\Program Files directory and look for SASHome, and double click that to access all the sub-directories underneath it. Then select the SASUniversalViewer sub directory and then there should be a sub directory 1.5 and in that there will be SAS UniViewer.exe

    Run that and do a File Open and select SAS V5 Transport File and then point it to wherever you extracted the files from the Zip files that you downloaded.

    See attached

    Attached Files:

    • fda.jpg
      File size:
      104.1 KB
  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    What, in oh so many cases it does not behave in such a way to turn the body against itself? You, Yen, explained it here, FCOL... You just repeated it - autoimmune reactions...

    And now that so many of us are weakened - after many of yous have advocated mass exposure and "herd immunity" - now you are "surprised" at such an outcome?!? FFS!!!!
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  14. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  15. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    things are getting ugly again this thing is picking up strength and the levels of infections is rising and now humanity hitting eight billion this makes it even worse... mite turn into a super bug soon. :eek:
  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Indeed, it is a worry... But for some - just let it all come, babyyyy!!!! If it ain't happening to them personally - it ain't happening to anyone at all... Autism or what?!?

    In the UK alone we are seeing a 100-fold increase in the levels of flu and similar diseases... Let that sink in: 100-times increase...

    But no, nothing to do with the glorious "f***-all, throw the caution to the wind policies" re. C-19...

    How did it come about? "Well, don't look at me, gov, I was merely saying C-19 should infect everyone, nothing to do with flu or me, duuuhh..."

    Yeah, right...
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  17. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4677 Yen, Jan 11, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2023
    'Herd immunity' was an unpleasant expression for that what we call now natural immunity.
    The pandemic has originated lots of strange expressions such as being 'asymptomatically ill'.

    The term herd immunity implied that we all can become immune a life time, which was a mistake, it mutates more than previously thought. On the other hand it's due to mutations that it became Omicron at all and by that it has weakened a lot...

    But natural immunity is the major fact why the pandemic has become endemic AKA what we fortunately can call 'lucky you!!!'.
    Not the vaccines, not the measures....if we are looking back at the whole past 3 years.

    The scope of the auto immune issues is not known yet. And also if it is extraordinary (high) at COVID (compared to other pathogens). Auto immune reactions are known 'malfunctions' of some humans. We never had an infection of one virus which affected so many people at the same time.
    The tendency to suffer from auto immune related illnesses is raising since years amongst humans. There is a general impact on human health and the IS which support auto immune issues.

    Worldwide 5-8% of the population are affected, we know 80-100 different kinds of auto immune diseases and that ALREADY before the pandemic. It is also a consequence of our understanding of 'healthy' living, the way we eat, stress, the way we encounter 'nature'....

    Also we have to consider if it is an attribute of the virus it could be an attribute of the vaccines as well. That btw. is one reason why I am constantly repeating the real benefit of the vaccines is still undetermined.
    There is still a lot of work to do. :)

    Collapsing of national health systems.
    It is mostly not an unique attribute of COVID. It happens all the time when there is a wave of infection.
    COVID just shamelessly uncovers (again) what's essentially wrong with the health systems.

    Excess deaths..something is / was going on. We have to properly clarify that. What is attributed to the infection itself and what has to be attributed to the political measures 'against' COVID and the consequences of such decisions.
    Interestingly it 'happens' when the virus itself has lost virulence already (after delta) and the vaccines were / are widely available.

    Unlikely. The virus already took the endemic route. The artificial part inserted in the lab is already 'mutated'....but still a part of the S protein.

    Maybe another virus in the future.
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  18. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    >Collapsing of national health systems.
    >It is mostly not an unique attribute of COVID. It happens all the time when there is a wave of infection.
    >COVID just shamelessly uncovers (again) what's essentially wrong with the health systems.

    And little britain shamelesly and blatantly goes back to the dark ages .

    A descendant of asian imegrants .......... a multi millionair .......... wants to ban strikes ............. and the little british unions wont unite .......... AND THE LABOUR PARTY .......... sabotage eachother ......... and sabotage the british public .......... while at the same time boasting that the little british are free , are world leaders , are the mother of all democracys.

    And people are dieing in ambulances , in ques to emergency departments in hospitals ........... and the corridors are full of beds with people being treated because the wards are full ........... and at the same time the old peoples homes are flooded and over flowing ........... and are calling ambulances for old people with demence = They get rid of them , dont take trhem back again afterwards , and the hopsitals have to deal with them .

    And now germoney is following in the same direction .......... i was in the emergency department of the local hospital a few days ago ......... i had to wait 11.5 hours to see a doctor !?!? .......... it was full to over flowing , trhe coridors were full .......... and the staff had to keep playing sheep dog for very confused people with altzheimers wandering round naked , or with just a nappy on !?!?

    The only possible next step after trying to ignore old people , sick people , the working classes to death is .............. executing them .

    Rule britania .
  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yeah, yeah, let's pretend... nowt to do with me, gov, it was "others", I just... you know.... repeated... one couldn't do it any other way... It's just... that the terms changed... Now they are "different"...

    (Except that there were some of us who did think "differently"...)

    Here, let's ignore this, for instance:

    "More than 10 million children worldwide have lost a parent or primary caregiver from COVID-19. (...) A recent study on excess deaths by the World Health Organization found that COVID-19 was the third-leading cause of death globally in 2020 and the world’s leading cause of death in 2021. There were approximately 5.1 million excess deaths globally in 2022, making the “mild” Omicron variant the third-leading cause of death."

    "In his infamous commentary on German Basic Law, Schäuble declared, '[W]hen I hear that everything must take second place to the protection of life, then I must say: that is not correct in such an absolute sense.'

    To justify opening up the economy and ruthless back-to-work policies, Schäuble argued pointedly, 'Fundamental rights are mutually limiting. If there is one absolute value in our Basic Law, then it is human dignity. It is sacrosanct. But that does not exclude us from having to die.'"

    "...the official line has been that we must all learn to 'live with the virus.' More correct would be 'die with the virus...'"

    "The mendacious half-heartedness in the way such measures—vital for old people’s and nursing homes—are handled is revealing. It confirms what was evident in the disgracefully positive reaction to the unexpected surplus in the pension funds: the politicians did not decide in favor of mass infection solely because they wanted to keep the economy open at all costs in the interests of short-term profits. They also see it as an effective means of reducing the 'pensioner overhang' and relieving the government of pension subsidies long term."
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  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I apologise for the source but this simple and rather an unpleasant facts is a fact...
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