This official line has changed during the pandemic. And it also depends how one does understand it. Now we know this official line is no political line which would have a choice.. It is a real fact. We will not get rid of the virus. At the beginning the possibility to eradicate the virus was considered as a valid possibility which can be archived! The Chinese stuck to that idea until a few weeks ago. BTW I just had a look at recent variants. This is a very dynamic process, I lost track after BA.5 tbh. Now since we have BQ.1 and BQ1.1 it seems the new predominant variant will be XBB.1.5. in the near future. This would be the first time a recombinant takes over. Two variants originated from BA.2 (BJ.1 and BM.1.1.1) recombinant. There is also a variant CH.1.1 which is more transmissible than BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 but less than XBB.1.5. If you are interested in the UK tech briefing here is v 49 https://assets.publishing.service.g...ant-technical-briefing-49-11-january-2023.pdf
Again, this is NOT a scientific stance!!! Science does not deal in absolutes - OF ANY KIND!!! Including "we shall never get rid of the virus"... No one has seen the future, so no one can claim anything of the sort. But I can see how it opens options for one of those "ideologies"...
Although I agree with you on that..completely.... You seem to forget that a relative which lasts a long time (compared to an average human life time span) seems to appear as an absolute. The virus won't exist forever so it is not an absolute. But if it'd exist the next few decades?!? Come would be the same to say.....humans will get sick sooner or later is wrong. Since science does not deal in absolutes.... Long COVID: major findings, mechanisms and recommendations.
China reports 60,000 COVID-related deaths, says peak passed
It's almost like dead people can't work ♀️ "Fed Reserve chair Jerome Powell struck a particularly somber note at his press conference ... when he mentioned that one reason the labor market is so tight right now is that many workers died from COVID-19." The missing workers who are never coming back Data: Federal Reserve; Chart: Rahul Mukherjee/Axios So, shall we play "Who can ignore more?!?"
@ Being honest ---- > >The missing workers who are never coming back THATS ME !!!! I was tested right at the start and they told me i was corona positive .......... after that i was suddenly very very very very ill and was given a sick note for the last THREE YEARS !!! .......... after that all i could do is sit on my arse on the sofa and watch TV ........... now i have long covid !!!!! and will never never recover = FREE MONEY ........... and all my friends and neighbours feel very sorry for me ............ FOREVER !!!!!
Riiiiight.... NO one died, it was just that everybody is like you, because "you are the world", long live M. Jackson...
HI! All My first post Dont know what or if I can say what I want to say or should say; and You may delete this post About COVID and Vaccines, Science is the cause, made in laboratory, vaccine is not cure Put internet to good use, find out the real truht!!! "Not the public Lies" covid infections viruses are here to stay, and many many more different ones coming; including Many More natural disasters world wide Find out whom you are? go back at list 60 years and beihand, your ancestors, learn, how; what; who did what how they lived, we DO NOT know who we are, we think we know everithing where the opposite is the truth We have made the virus, we have made what happens today, we forgot who? what? why? we are! I do not want to say more, or what I should really say and couse uproar, I do not intend to stay here and keep replying, I cannot say more GOD BLESS TO ALL
people tends to do more than just create a virus, for one example. since 1921 - Dear Mr. Thomas Midgley, Jr. kill lot of people with his Leaded-gaz and he knew how much this dangerous, and still did it, and he have more bad ideas. Spoiler: Thomas Midgley, Jr. governments / big corporates don't care about us, the only thing they want is $$$ and it proven a lot of times and since industrial revolution ( < 100 years ago ) we killed earth / people / animals like …. 10x more worst there is a movie I don't remember his name .. earth is totally destroyed, only Afrika survived - and people go on sea Ferry to Afrika to save themself
My last post wasnt ment to be moronic trolling ......... it was to try to point out that this incident hasnt been dealt with neutraly and objectively ........... disshonesty , psychology , mass hysteria , psychosomatics , sugestion , paranoia , self deception and ignorance have been left out. Plus covid and long covid should have been kept apart and dealt with seperately ........ and also a clear distinction made between being tested positively and actualy haveing covid . The doors to self deception and dishonesty have been left wide open ....... and abused . At the moment in ' life ' it seems to me that mass confusion ........ in several directions / subjects is running wild ......... and being allowed to run wild ............. wich amounts to a divide and rule through mass panic / hysteria based on greed , ignorance , ego and vanity . We dont need a ministry of truth or censorship .......... but somewhere along the line we have to protect truth and facts .......... and some mentaly ill / confused people have to be contered ...... in public . When i look and see how the press has distorted things , sensationalised things , done one sided reporting i see ........ again somewhere along the line we have to divide the press into objective , true news ........ and views / entertainment .......... and make it clear which is which . And teach children in schools the difference between claims , proof and facts ........... and how to see that . That people learn to be responsible for what they say and do . For instance bill gates isnt satan , the great reset isnt bad , qanon doesnt exist . This is a stumbling block for humanity at the moment ........... a large part of life is deception .......... and its how we are / can be controled and directed ........ and how people in power can keep themselves in power and keep makeing profit . An example being the climate catstrophy ........ it would be easy to do something / things that would realy make an effect ........ but they arent done because then the people in power would have to change a system that puts them in power , keeps them in power , keeps us down , keeps them makeing a profit and keeps trhe power mechanisms in the hands of the rich ................ And if we question the things i mentioned .....and concentrated on truth and honesty then eventualy we come round to jesus , democracy rights , justice ......... and the legitimacy and sense / usefullness of this system . An example ......... in germoney now .......... because of the rproblems in the ukrain and the suply of gas people were told to save gas .......... and the german public just turned the heating down and saved THIRTY % without any noticable problems or dificulty = Germoney doesnt realy need the brown coal from lutzerath ........... the only reason for it being mined is for profit for the companys and the government = We could do something but it isnt done because then the rich and powerfull wouldnt be able to make more profit
An aspect I see a situation that has invited people to be ill ....... encouraged them to have long covid ........ first make adverts for it ........ its bad / dangerous ........ theres a pandermic ........,. then tell them what the symptoms are ....... and straight away people start to think and ' think ' ........ and frauds ....... and hypochondriacs ........ and loosers ....... felt a calling. If we look at groups of people with ' long covid ' there seems to me to be a clear , visible connection ......... theres an over proportional amount of small , fat , tall , thin people , people with allergys ........ the fringes of society ......... weaklings ......... loosers ........ people with no real identity. Then look at the tests , and people testing and people being tested for long covid ........ again it looks to me like wanna be experts ....... doctors and ' ill ' people ........ wanting to find / have long covid . The questions being asked by doctors were often sugestive ........ and confirming ....... it wasnt neutral and obective . People wake up in the morning and feel ill / weak and wonder why ........ and at the same time they're being bombarded with a list of possible long covid symptoms ........... and find them in themselves . Is long covid a disease ? ....... the results of a disease ? ........ or is it psychelogic ? ........ i can find all the symptoms of long covid in me ........ especialy if i look long and hard enough ........ and feel sorry for myself ......... but then i think about mass hysteria ....... and a persons psychology ........ and the power of belief ........ and the physical effects that they can have on a person . I dont see any physical proof that long covid realy exists , or that its a result of haveing had covid . Its almost as if a trail of crumbs has been layed , its been pointed at and advertised , benefits have been shown for victims , and people that usualy get ignored are suddenly taken seriously. When i say that i think of someone i know thats used doctors and the health systems all across europe for over 50 years ...... that person got free money / housing / medical treatment / sympathy / an identity ........ and wasnt seen as a social security money fraud . People felt sorry for him ...... and helped him . All he had to do was to tell doctors what they wanted to hear .
You changed your drugs again, haven't you? Not the best you used so far, I must say... Long Covid certainly isn't psychological... And there are other potential (nasty) consequences even if one hasn't Long Covid. For instance, many kids in the UK (one of my sons included) have been coughing since October/November. Various other infections go into the equation but facts are facts... Now, we need to interpret such phenomena the best we can... But we can't ignore it!
Finally it is important to have strict definitions so we can make sure that we all are talking about the same. This does not even work... so no wonder why some people still have doubts about the existence of it. Those people don't have to be 'wrong' ...mostly they simply have another idea of what's called 'long COVID'. The appearance of a phenomenon is always first (here in the form of a set of symptoms with a temporally association to a SARS-COV-2 infection and a defined minimum duration)...and to give it a name is always second. So the definition of 'long' COVID is actually broad enough that it actually isn't deniable. (Its existence as such)....and if it would be 'psychological' it is NOT less or more serious! Actually it doesn't matter how one names a phenomenon..what matters is to draw the right conclusions. And that works best when we have a strict idea of it. "i can find all the symptoms of long covid in me" We are individuals. A viral infection of a respiratory system related virus is an impact which initiates lots of return back to normal takes months, regardless of individual 'impressions'. The only difference is that 'other's' impressions are taking place in the form of longer lasting symptoms which impair life quality more or less... (While at you or me without long covid.....only a lab would still 'notice' of an previous COVID infection)... The recovery process takes time and sicne we are individuals we encounter more or less 'complications' or delay. The question ...Is SARS-COV-2 here an exception? I think not. If we'd have the same amount of infections at one time, but another resp. virus, we would encounter the same amount of 'long' recovery issues. If I am right here or not is not important, though. What's important is to figure why some people are that much exhausted after the infection. And as you can read here: Coronavirus | Discussion | Page 235 | My Digital Life Forums Science has not much to offer (yet)...the reason for it is that long covid has various reasons why it can happen as such...
Your old enough to remeber other popular infections ......... the different types of flu for example . Like bird flu and swine flue . They marked a turn . Suddenly infections were in the hands of the press . Now we have covid .......... wich is now not in the hands of science ........ its in the hands of the press and the internet ............ and as you know .......... everyone in the internet is an expert . What i'm saying is it is what it is , it does what it does , proof is proof , rumor is rumor .......... we need to put it back in the hands of science ........ and scientific method . Collecting lists of unexplained symptoms and ' throwing ' them at covid is wrong . We have to diferentiate . When we were kids ........ nearly every year there was a cough , sore throat and or fever going round . It didnt have fancy names . It wasnt all blamed on one possible cause without proof . Trying to be obective i think that there are several things going round at the moment . Not just covid . There apear to be a lot of people with definate health problems that dont fit with covid ..... but are being blamed on covid / lumped together with covid . Some of them could just be the same colds and sore throats that always apeared from time to time ........ and not be covid ........ or ' secret ' covid . @ ME ....... wild speculation ........ and the power of psychology / paranoia I'm ill . Have been for the last few months . ............ i was in the emergency department of the local hospital for 11.5 hours and they tested me from top to bottom and found nothing . It isnt corona .......... but some of the symptoms are the same as the ...... advertised ...... symptoms of long covid in the net . For example total exhaustion .......... I refuse to speculate . I'm frightened .......... i definately have something and all the doctors can say is that i should wait for the next episode and then come back . @ Psychology ........... I'm frightened that i'm in the process of dieing . ...... slowly ........ and all i can do is watch ............ i had to fight with my inner self to get me to stop imagining that every breath is my last ....... my brain and fantasy run wild ............ and each theory confirms itself .......... and makes me more frightened ............ = WTF ?!!! ......... i have to be carefull that i dont convince myself .......... and therby confirm it .......... and drive myself towards it I'm hard core . Usualy psychelogicaly very stabil and in control . Reason and proof come first . But when i look at other people i see that most of them arent ........ and i see them in panic ......... wich makes it worse ........ and see them being driven by the press , the net , their own fear and ignorance . I feel for them . We have to put science back in the hands of scientists and medicine back in the hands of doctors .......... and do something about people talking s**t , and spreading s**t ......... and causing panic .
Firstly I want to thank you that you shared what's going on with you and how you feel. I wish you all the best and the power and energy to go through this without getting affected with 'dark thoughts' that much. I know that, and I guess every human can comprehend. We (humans) have the ability to feed a fear cycle by thoughts only. We can lie down in bed, at night, waking up, feeling actually not that bad at this moment, but recognizing / remembering something is wrong and I don't know what it is......and then the dark thoughts about are starting...again.. I feel with them..and also with you. It applies to something more has an illness and the doctors don't know what it is or where it comes from. Many people are living in such a situation and have lived before the pandemic. And I agree with you. Now we have a container, called 'long COVID' where 'they' can offer a probable 'explanation'. Before the pandemic this container did not exist. But what then is really different? We all want to know HOW we can treat that what one has got. One wants to get healthy again. Since long covid has a broad definition (as being said) it also can be used BROADLY as an explanation. But what really matters is: Now that I might determine I have long COVID: Does this knowledge point me to a working treatment of my illness? And if 'valuable' then is that knowledge that I have long covid at all? The term long covid is used by MSM to point out that COVID 19 is something one should be afraid of! Something that can last a long time. Is their purpose to inform at first place? AKA to talk about latest ways what to do and what could work? NO. They mostly report about numbers and how bad it is (individuals who suffer a lot) and then they stop reporting! Any temporal correlation of SARS-COV-2 infection and just one symptom of the set of symptoms that 'belongs' to long COVID definition can now be used to make one saying it is long COVID. And any similar side effect that is caused by the S protein and actually comes from the vaccines can be determined as 'long COVID'. Strictly seen I had long COVID as well. I had anosmia which lasted 3 weeks. My way to keep away from a fear cycle in this regard is to read scientific publications. To get knowledge for own understandings. Couldn't agree more. But for now..the only thing that works is to keep away from such people and actually MSM. And to try to stay objective and being rational as you have said.
An example ---- > >What's important is to figure why some people are that much exhausted after the infection. Yes . People are reporting exhaustion ......... and makeing a conection between it and covid ........... and its being claimed that it is / could be long covid ........ and proof that long covid exists . But ........ at the same time there are reports of increased cases of Chronic fatigue syndrome in people that havent got and havent had covid . I havent got and havent had covid but i do have the symptoms of Chronic fatigue syndrome .......... = I havent got / cant have long covid .......... = Are the people that claim that they have long covid and use tiredness as a symptom / proof ............, realy suffering from tiredness caused by covid ......... or are they just people that have Chronic fatigue syndrome and have been tested positive for covid ?