Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    More conservative, indeed right-wing rag pearls, which I kept showing through, against the backdrop of right-wing BS...

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  2. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019

    In the European Parliament, where they made shocking discoveries about corona vaccines.

    “The government knew that vaccines would not protect against the spread of the virus, but did not share this information with citizens. On the contrary: vaccines were imposed on our citizens with lies, hiding side effects and jeopardizing the health of everyone who took such a vaccine. Vaccination campaigns should be stopped as soon as possible. They are simply not safe and they do not comply with EMA regulations.
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  3. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  4. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    DKS DATA - Excess Deaths
    In the UK, excess mortality is now higher than during the Second World War, retired policeman David Dixon, who carries out extensive research into the phenomenon, has found.

    According to official figures, 67,100 British citizens died during the Second World War. Excess deaths in the UK this year alone stand at 71,562.
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  5. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Well, the Chinese are warning us that they have a very high level of upper respiratory tract infections in the Northern part of China...

    God knows what that virus and then the vaccine did to us...???
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  6. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    Prof. tells with tears in his eyes what else awaits the world
    The second signature symposium of the AfD faction was held in the German Bundestag on November 11 and 12. For two days, experts discussed the consequences of corona policies. Emeritus Professor Sucharit Bhakdi also spoke. He spoke with tears in his eyes about what else awaits the world.

    Transcript (v1.1)
    Thank you, thank you... I have given thousands of lectures, but the beginning of this one is very difficult for me. I'm so touched. I'm so moved... Sorry. Apology.

    Do you know what the life expectancy of a German citizen was at the beginning of the medical revolution in the 19th century? -Yes: 38 years. 38! And do you know if at that moment a person was celebrating their 60th birthday, how many years did they have ahead of them? Yes: six to seven. Relatively much less difference with today. How do you explain that? At the time, infections were the leading cause of illness and death, and they affected younger people under 60. Those infectious diseases were defeated by microbiology, so that the total life expectancy doubled. Other medical advances in cardiology, cancer research, genetic engineering have not brought nearly as much to mankind compared to them.

    How did microbiology achieve that? The majority, especially politicians and the media will shout: "of course through vaccinations!" But this is the global fallacy that has caused the current crisis. The fact is that vaccinations play a much smaller role than other circumstances. In particular, the improvement of living conditions and healthy lifestyles were decisive for the decrease in fatal infections.

    However, one thing is certain: the vaccination turned out to be the greatest blessing for the money and world elite, for the pharmaceutical industry and politics. They could pursue their own interests under the common slogan "everything for public health", "everything for the good of the general public". To achieve this higher goal, they created the WHO. This body, which is not democratically elected by the people, is actually a private association, is now in the process of authorizing health care in the 190 member states.

    Germany is one of the biggest proponents of this project. In just six months, a final vote will be held in these buildings of the German Bundestag on whether the WHO will be given the general authority to issue a mandatory decree that the suspension of human rights is justified and necessary in the event of a medical emergency. This also includes the use of new gene-based RNA vaccines. The WHO has already announced that these vaccines should be available for as many human and animal vaccinations as possible. I wonder why? Money and power. Power and money, always the same answer.

    Certainly, some of the vaccinations were actually beneficial. Tetanus (Wundstarrkrampf) can really be defeated with vaccination these days. Others such as polio have disappeared, possibly for other reasons as well. The issue of real necessity for many vaccinations is coming up more and more. Declining willingness to vaccinate is most effectively combated with direct or indirect mandatory vaccination. But this needs to be officially ratified. So that's what the WHO is for. And then it must be ensured that the vaccines can be made available in sufficiently large quantities.

    There was actually a problem lurking here. In conventional vaccinations, inactivated substances are injected that induce the formation of specific antibodies. The vaccines against tetanus and diphtheria, for example, must be produced by human hands. Manufacturing is relatively complex and expensive. In the case of RNA vaccines, the corresponding genes are used instead of gene products. The injected people then produce the final products in their own bodies. It couldn't be cheaper.

    Genius is the case: the WHO orders the injections. In other words, the citizens pay for the genes with their tax money, get injected and then act as the factories for the production of vaccines themselves. Yes, how does that work? The genome is the entirety of the encoded DNA instructions in a cell. (On the left, the DNA) These books of life are contained in chromosomes and are packaged in cell nuclei. The DNA script consists of only four letters that are placed next to each other. The ingenuity of each series is the code for a very specific protein product. ABCD results in Product 1, BACD Product 2, BADC Product 3 and so on. The number of possible products increases with each expansion of the words to an unexpected height. With two letters, there are two possible sequences: AB and BA. With three, ABC, there are already six possibilities. You can try it out at home. With three: six possibilities With 4: 6 x 4 possibilities, that's 24. With 5: 24 x 5, so that's not how it works exponentially but super-exponentially. You should always multiply the last number by the previous result: ABCDA 5, ABCDAB 6, and so on. There are only four letters, but in any long sequence with 10, you get more than 3 million possibilities. Amazing. Someone introduced that. Somebody.

    When a prescription is needed for a product, the book of life is opened, opened on the right page, and a copy, a flattened copy, is produced. This copy is RNA. (mRNA in the middle) And this is then taken to the production site in the cell and used, processed. The product manufactured according to the recipe is used for verification on the windowsill of the cell, outside. The recipe of the RNA itself is disposed of quickly and quietly. The DNA remains. Lifelong.

    RNA vaccines are short-lived copies of chromosomal receptors, which control production of certain antigens, for example for the virus spike protein. RNA vaccines must be packaged in small fat globules – so-called lipid nanoparticles. These are these spheres and they contain mRNA. They should be packed ready for shipment. The packaging protects the RNA from destruction so that it can be transported through the bloodstream to all organs of the body. There, the spheres turn out to be Trojan horses. Cells absorb them, their cargo is released inside, and the recipes control the production of the gene product that also returns to inspection on the windowsill.

    More than a billion, many billions of RNA copies in fat globules are recognized with each injection into a human recipient -- a child, a baby -- administered. The mass production of RNA for vaccines requires the mass availability of DNA templates. How can this be achieved? There are basically two ways to do this. First of all, the four DNA letters are now freely available in supermarkets in large packages. Their codes are computer-controlled in a pressure vessel that can be manufactured in laboratories in any desired order. If DNA recipes for the coding of virus spike protein are known, for example, they can be recorded in gene laboratories and then used to make copies of the RNA. And so Biontech's first corona vaccine was born, which was developed with the help of Pfizer in the summer of 2020.

    In the clinical approval study, it was tested on 20,000 people. 20,000 got it, 20,000 got a placebo Due to its alleged success, the conditional permission for use was granted in Germany and then in the world. The success of the clinical admission examination is a separate story of large-scale fraud and deception. We have already seen that today. This was the first battle. But the second followed immediately. The greatest deception of all time.

    Remember: several billion artificially created DNA recipes to vaccinate only 20,000 people, that was feasible in gene labs, but vaccinating billions of people? No, that was not possible. That was just way too much and way too expensive. To do this, manufacturers had to go back to nature. The trick of creating billions and trillions of countless DNA recipes was no longer automated in machines. They now come from bacteria. So, two ways to produce. The first way: artificially computer-controlled, the second: mass production by bacteria Mini Chromosomes. Plasmids. These mini-chromosomes... In this case, this DNA is no longer human DNA, but it is now bacterial DNA. Note. Yes, these mini-chromosomes are easy to obtain and manipulate. Strange recipes such as the gene for the corona spike protein or any other gene that they have can be inserted there.

    The bacteria are then cultured and simply reproduced en masse by culture. The plasmids were then extracted and used as a template for the production of mRNA copies Now we do have them again – but they come from bacteria, these copies. Stopper! Are you shouting, isn't that different from what is allowed by the authorities? Another procedure? Obvious question: "Was the use of the bacterial chromosomes for vaccine production ever tested for safety and approved?"

    The answer can be found in recently published books by Dr. Jürgen Kirchner alias David Fischer and lawyer Dr. Brigitte Rörich. Literature that I had already recommended, they have just appeared recently. Answer: no, they have never been checked for content nor for security. The authorization authorities, which always included the PEI (Paul Ehrlich Institute) and FDA, simply waved them through and approved them. They, the authorities, were conspirators and accomplices.

    Ladies and gentlemen, by now at the latest, the silent suspicion must come that this whole vaccination campaign was and still is a gigantic medical crime.

    Now I will discuss the monstrous consequences of such a crime. What everyone needs to know is that enforcers stand guard in every cell. Everything is fine if something is produced according to a recipe from her life book. But if the recipe comes from an unknown book, the security forces of our immune system immediately seize on the producing cell. The immune system's ability to destroy cells that do not produce itself is given at birth and ends with death.

    On the left [on the screen] a cell that has prepared a familiar recipe. Everything OK; The product, in black, is not recognized by our immune system and the cell remains alive. Very different: on the right is a cell that has taken up injected RNA and converted it. This is the injected mRNA, which is packaged in such a way that it can reach all cells in the body. Then this cell is marked by the immune system and sentenced to death. It is something that every child in the should learn in school Every child should learn this in school.

    Think of rejection in transplants: you get my kidney and it gets rejected. Not even within the same species is that tolerated, humans. And if, after the first failure, a new attempt is made, you will receive my second kidney, followed by a merciless, rapid, and more violent rejection.

    The same principle is the ever-increasing intensity of the undesirable events that take place in the wake of booster RNA injections. Remember, the number of packaged RNA copies associated with each injection is gigantic. Throughout the body, almost innumerable immune attacks are carried out that only stop when the production of the foreign proteins is finished.

    How long will this take? A few days, as the vaccine makers, the vaccine worshippers, the politicians, the Nobel Prize committee continue to argue tirelessly? Last year, there was a disturbing finding about this claim. In vaccinated people, spike proteins and multiorgan inflammation in the sense of autoimmune reactions were observed weeks and even months after the injections. This has been linked to serious and often fatal diseases: What could and can be the cause of such catastrophic long-term production of an RNA-encoded protein?

    In March of this year, Kevin McKernan and colleagues discovered a frightening explanation. In vaccine production, the bacterial mini-chromosomes must be removed from the packaging of the generated mRNA. Otherwise, they will be encapsulated in the package. We have bacterial chromosome on the left, RNA copy in the middle. Before this RNA is packaged, the DNA must be removed. This is possible, but not trivial. Otherwise, they will be co-packaged and then we will have something like mRNA packaged next to DNA.

    I don't think that's that hard to understand at all. And I can imagine that the politicians of other parties understand that too. Okay. We don't need to discuss that now.

    Kevin McKernan discovered that this decisive step in the removal of plasmid DNA had not been carried out conscientiously. Huge amounts of plasmid DNA, and in packaged form, were found. The successful delivery to the cells was thus guaranteed. Kevin's discovery has now been confirmed in several other laboratories, including in Germany. A total of 27 batches examined so far have found large amounts of DNA impurities. Four weeks ago, even the Canadian medical authority confirmed plasmid DNA presence. However, the authority does not see this as sufficient reason to revoke the permit.

    Question to the audience: Has the responsible German authority, the Paul Ehrlich Institute of the Federal Ministry of Health, reliably carried out scientific measurements? Question. Answer: No. To this day, it still hasn't.

    Ladies and gentlemen, this must have legal consequences. That is simply criminal. The Paul Ehrlich Institute, like all authorities of the Federal Ministry of Health, is obliged to protect the population from health risks.

    The inclusion of bacterial chromosomes changes the entirety of DNA instructions in the cell and is synonymous with a change in the genome, obviously. With each cell division, the protective envelope of the cell nucleus dissolves into that foreign DNA that enters the cell, immediately next to our chromosomes and is then enclosed in the newly formed nuclei of the daughter cells. Continued production of foreign proteins can occur, leading to long-term inflammation and organ damage throughout the body. Such long-term production has been demonstrated in cell culture experiments and in animal experiments because these lipid nanoparticles have been used in animal experiments for more than 10 years to introduce foreign DNA into animal cells.

    Of course, the Paul Ehrlich Institute says: but that has not been demonstrated in humans. Well...

    Continuous production can simply be fatal. That much is clear. The vascular walls are damaged. Bleeding and the formation of clots are inevitable consequences, we said that 3 years ago, not true. Three years, my God. The tissue will die due to lack of oxygen. The heart is an organ that cannot replace dead cells. Who hasn't heard of the mysterious sudden cardiac arrests that occur worldwide. Those are just the tip of the iceberg. Vaccine-induced heart disease is on the agenda of young and old. Fortunately, to save the honor of German science, renowned pathologists have risen up and conducted the world's first studies linking vaccination to the most serious organ damage:

    Professor Anne Burkhardt, who recently died in a tragic accident, and his good friend Professor Walter Lang, who spoke to you today, Dr Michael Mörz in Dresden and the world-famous Professor Peter Schirmacher, Director of the Institute of Pathology at the University of Heidelberg. Through their work, it has now been scientifically proven and so in this work by Peter Schirmacher it literally says: it has been conclusively proven that vaccination can lead to fatal myocarditis. That's what it says. It is an internationally widely cited work, absolutely accepted. No one can come and say that this has not been proven.

    These gentlemen, and there was another lady, Ute Krüge, also mentioned today, they have long since demonstrated and proven it.

    The second organ that can't replace its dead cells: the brain. Depending on where the vaccine injury occurs, it can lead to a wide variety of neurological and psychiatric diseases. Nerve disturbances, but also dementia, psychoses and behavioural changes are the order of the day in vaccinated people. The incredible horror story isn't over yet. Crumbled DNA fragments have been found in large quantities as vaccine impurities. Incomplete DNA sequences have an increased tendency to invade and be absorbed into the chromosomal DNA. The possible consequences are endless. It can lead to disruption of the delicate network that controls cell division and cell differentiation. Cancer and developmental disabilities can be consequences. Mutations in sperm and fertilized eggs can alter hereditary traits.

    Ladies and gentlemen, believe only this: the truth is that cost-effective procedures for reliable separation of the mass-produced RNA from the bacterial chromosomes do not exist. The complete removal would be far too expensive. Therefore, the bacterial chromosomes have also been found in all vaccination damage examined so far. Note that impurities with plasmid DNA in all RNA vaccines are the rule, not the exception. And remember: the difference between this DNA and the DNA that the Paul Ehrlich Institute always cites as acceptable contamination differs in that this DNA is packaged, ready for shipment to the cell. This never happens with naked DNA. They can inject DNA from bacteria into the intestines: nothing happens because this DNA is immediately dismantled, destroyed.

    Ladies and gentlemen, anyone who touts RNA vaccines as safe and effective, who claims that the vaccination only rarely has serious side effects, is either incredibly ignorant or infinitely evil and is exposing himself to persecution like anyone who actively or passively administers and recommends these vaccines. Because it has now been scientifically proven that the vaccination can only have negative effects and this to a life-threatening extent.

    Finally, finally, something positive. The positive message for the world. The all-important DNA discovery was made only months ago. Before that, no one could have guessed that vaccine batches were contaminated with contaminated chromosomes. Equally important, the general public had no idea that they were being advised a substance that hadn't even been tested. Not on effectiveness, not on security, not on content, quite simply. Therefore, dear doctors and colleagues, you can still save yourself. You were deceived. You were abused. You had no idea of what and how everything was happening. But now they know, and now, for now, there is a short time to return to the path of Hippocrates. Never take a syringe in your hand again unless you are really sure that there is no bacterial DNA. And get rid of the despising WHO.

    In the same context: politicians of Germany. Across all party lines: you too can save yourself from major crime by stopping it. You could still insist that you didn't know any of this. You, too, were deceived and abused. You, too, can still defend yourself and your honor. Save yourself. Pull your head out of the noose, as fast as possible. Soon it will be too late. Because the world is now beginning to understand things and you will not be able to maintain that the wake-up call has not reached you. Now is the time to act together for the sake of your people. Decide that no further RNA injections should be given until the vital unresolved issues have been clarified.

    And, dear politicians, please realize that any sales contract based on fraud and deceit can and must be declared null and void. Demand the money of your people back from the manufacturers of these fraudulent goods... ... and give the billions to your people, especially to the poorest vaccine victims and their legacies. Dear fellow human beings, the division of our society has created deep rifts. Let's find each other again. Say no to anyone who has become a puppet of power and money. Say yes to our community of solidarity, which only this country can and must rebuild, as it did in times of crisis. Let's join hands and now let's move forward as a united nation towards a better future.
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  7. Opulent_Maelstrom

    Opulent_Maelstrom MDL Junior Member

    Dec 30, 2022
  8. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    wef-schwab-kissinger-1160x628.jpeg.jpg schwabheathkissinger-1024x479-1.jpeg.jpg
    The World Economic Forum is not the brainchild of Klaus Schwab, but grew out of a CIA-funded Harvard program under Kissinger.
    Kissinger recruited Schwab at an International Seminar at Harvard, which was funded by the US Central Intelligence Agency. Even though this funding was revealed the year Klaus Schwab left Harvard, the connection went largely unnoticed—until now.

    The World Economic Forum is not a European creation. In fact, this is an operation emanating from the grandees of state politics of the Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon eras; All were associated with the Council on Foreign Relations and the associated Round Table movement, supported by the Central Intelligence Agency.

    There were three extremely powerful and influential men, including Kissinger, who would lead Klaus Schwab to their ultimate goal of complete global domination in the spirit of the American Empire through the creation of social and economic policies. In addition, two of them were at the origins of creating the constant threat of global thermonuclear war. By placing these men in the broader context of the geopolitics of the period, I will show how their paths crossed and merged in the 1960s, how they recruited Klaus Schwab through a CIA-funded program, and how they were the real driving force behind the creation of the World Economic Forum.
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  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    C-19 and thermonuclear devices, alll-in-one, very efficient...
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  10. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I would consider this as a must have basic lecture. (About infections / viruses / spread).
    Interesting to verify knowledge / get updates.
    In the meantime it has become a series of vids with Dr. Craig on the same channel.

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  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    Highly contagious '100-day cough' sweeping across the country
    There has been a 250% increase in cases, with five symptoms to watch for, as the potentially deadly illness leaves people sick for months

    "The “100 Day Cough” is medically known as pertussis or the whooping cough. For the first 1-2 weeks after you're infected, your symptoms will seem a lot like the cold or flu - runny nose, fever, and a cough. After 2 weeks the cough gets much worse and usually turns into coughing fits that sometimes result in vomiting. Coughing fits can last more than 10 weeks in some cases.[1] Pertussis is highly contagious and is easily spread from person to person.[2] Because pertussis is a bacterial infection, the best method of treatment is an antibiotic, but this must be done within the first 3 weeks of infection, after which the infection is usually gone and you're just left with the nasty cough.[3] There is no cure for pertussis. Your only choice is to let it run its course, but you can try one of several options to help relieve the cough."
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  12. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    I had this for like 3 weeks. @$$#_ annoying and meds don't help.
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  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #4954 gorski, Dec 11, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2023
    Indeed but honey kinda laces your throat and reduces the irritation - tried and tested as per link above...

    Croat hospitals are now dealing with the same issue, too... Everybody noticing something much worse than in the last 3-4 decades, at least...
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  14. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  15. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  16. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
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  17. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4959 Yen, Jan 9, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2024
    The time when Omicron appeared scientists had difficulties to categorize it from a genetic POV....
    The Omicron variant had a lot of differences...actually Omicron's parent is nothing of those pre variants. Therefore SARS-CoV-3 would have been a reasonable name for it.

    Nobody cared, but there is now a new scientific work:
    Unnaturalness in the evolution process of the SARS-CoV-2 variants and the possibility of deliberate natural selection (
    This work sheds some light and goes even a bit further.
    The important findings IMHO:
    These findings can be considered as an additional evidence that COVID (Omicron) is artificial.
    Furthermore Omicron is much older than expected and could have escaped the wuhan labs at the same time or a bit later...
    It also supports the hypotheses that it has been deliberately released to weaken a previous lab accident.

    Either way the study shows evidence that Omicron is much older (2020) and "formed by an entirely new mechanism that cannot be explained by previous biology."
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  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Perhaps. And perhaps they could have said "We can't see how..." That would sound a wee bit more... human...
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