Sorry but on topic and Bat'll get to de rest later after changing de dam radiator Yesterday .Bat had stopped weadeating to drink some water when him sonephew drove up width a Kung Flu mask dat went from him eyes to wats posed to be a chest Bat.2 went like "OH s**t" and Bat grabbed a crucifix sitting on the outside table to keep him at bay So he can't work but can't draw unemployment Dats Forked Up Only symptoms he got is he can't smell or taste anything. Later Bat eat lunch den goes take a 15 minute nap. Walk outside and Bat.2 talking to his Mom on phone about her car being broke down Overheated So send Bat.2 and his friend width tools and water but somebody had helped her make it to Wally World parking lot. Bout a hour later dey all show up at de same time. Bat.2 in lead, Bat present wife and daughter in car, den Bat present wife boyfriend in de rear width a Kung Flu mask on as well Turn out dat Bat present wife boyfriend brother in a coma dying of de Kung Flu So Bat went from not knowing a single person dat tested positive to knowing two people in one day Also Bat.2 needa get outta bed go change his Moms radiator cause her boyfriends wife won't let him buy her a used car C'est La Vie
But a very strange thing is going on here: those dying are not from influenza or pneumonia or cancer or anything else anymore. Something quite strange is going on. Ha! I know what! The rest of maladies went for a vacation. Must be so.
The original virus of Wuhan SARS-CoV-2 D614 has been almost completely replaced by SARS-CoV-2's the dominant pandemic form today. (D614G mutation) Interesting article: but....
Judy Mikovits This woman must pose a real threat to the cartel wow. At anyone, if you possess copies of her videos, please share.
Are you serious? Because of people like her, real scientists who have rational objections against actual views / rules and politics about corona have a real hard job! They are lumped together with a dumb and embarrassing woman. She is a shame of the entire scientific community! In fact current corona politics take benefits of her crap and people have a hard time because they are compared to her being the same way. To defend current politics search for rational people who are against it and have a valid reason. THEN search for an individual who is also against current politics, but is known to have a bad time and bad reputation / criminal and unscientific mind. Then disqualify the rational people who have valid objections by relating them to the idiot. That's the way how they take benefit from dumbasses like her.
>Are you serious? LOL !!! ...... You ask that question in a troll thread ? ...... a circle wank thread where people bombard it / the net with psycho-rhetorical bulls**t ...... clever dicks trying to be a bigger / better clever dick than other pseudo intellectual clever dicks ....... in a downward spiral . Deliberately trying to shoot reason and responsibility down to the level that it becomes sozial sabotage . Ignorant people trying to big themselves up at the cost of others . Her Vs this thread ---- > ' Because of people like her, real scientists who have rational objections against actual views / rules and politics about corona have a real hard job! They are lumped together with a dumb and embarrassing woman. She is a shame of the entire scientific community! In fact current corona politics take benefits of her crap and people have a hard time because they are compared to her being the same way. To defend current politics search for rational people who are against it and have a valid reason. THEN search for an individual who is also against current politics, but is known to have a bad time and bad reputation / criminal and unscientific mind. Then disqualify the rational people who have valid objections by relating them to the idiot. That's the way how they take benefit from dumbasses like her. ' Yes !!! Exactly Same same her and this thread ?
Don't know anything about her.... BUT Judy Anne Mikovits is a former American research scientist who is known for her discredited medical claims, such as that murine endogenous retroviruses are linked to chronic fatigue syndrome. Wikipedia Given Wikipedia Rep for the Truth makes Bat believe she's most likely credible
She could not have it true that she's made a mistake (contamination of a cell line)... She counterfeited the values anyway to have exciting news...but soon later there's been more and more inconsistencies. Even 'Science' has withdrawn her works in their magazine. She even got criminal destroying scientific data / stealing material and even at HER OWN study from 2009 she never related something to vaccine insecurity before. (She did that later to have a fake argument against 'big' pharma). Well her biography or not.....already her current statements should people alarm ('activated by masks'...etc)......people need to learn to distinguish drivel from victims of a failed career and real rational counter-arguments against big pharma / current corona politics.
Yes I am. I don't know her. Read about her yesterday. I wanna hear what she has to say. Then I decide. All my past life I chose the system, the well established scientific community, especially the health sector. After what they did to me and millions I would be an idiot who deserves to die if I trust again. I'm against the system, Judy is too? I wanna hear her.
That's a reasonable way. But what she's saying will be always her personal POV... For now she 'helps' the establishment comparing 'rational' scientists -who have valid counterarguments- to her questionable drivel...being the same way. Anyway what you can do to find the truth IS to research about her biography as well. It's written until today...and compare it to what she's saying to make your own (proper) opinion. Find out: -Why the magazine 'Science' has withdrawn her works and what the co-authors said about it later -What she really said in the mentioned 2009 report against vaccine safety (literally nothing there) -Why she got fired AND why she got arrested. ...
Thanks a lot for this. They confirm my unscientific suspicions. Keep posting more about this. I've always thought masks do more harm than good.
Especially you. Wait no. You add that special taste of bitterness to this thread. Oh and btw, learn how to quote properly people in here. Your posts look and smell like s**t.
It seems they did not consider "not giving your infection to others" (say, sneezing) and the fact many are unaffected by virus/asymptomatic... so, suspect...
Btw: The infamous adjuvants:
For covid-19 and other maladies. Have fun... Chlorine dioxide papers There goes my trolling and all my psycho-rethorical BS cause I'm a clever dick. Eine deutsche Studie (Preprint) ergab, dass 81% der Personen, die noch keinen Kontakt mit dem neuen Coronavirus hatten, bereits über kreuzreaktive T-Zellen und damit über eine gewisse Hintergrundimmunität verfügen. (google translation) A German study (preprint) showed that 81% of those who had not yet had contact with the new coronavirus already had cross-reactive T cells and thus a certain background immunity.
This philosopher is way more thoughtful than you, Sleepy... So, go back to sleep (i.e. nod off), it's better for you, than trying to dish such "insults"... If you have an argument - let's see it, otherwise...
A few more Chlorine dioxide papers