What makes me upset most is: All the VALID and REASONABLE objections from scientists against recent corona politics have been destroyed by right wing demonstrators and politicians such as AFD here, extremists, uneducated cads, failed existences! The German demonstration in Berlin against current corona politics has failed because some idiots have joined there. Some idiots who have carried the Imperial War Flag and other right wing things. And other idiots who even deny that corona is real and they say it is made and invented by govt. to dictate the society! They have such a poor soul that they take ANY chance to express their ideology which is full of s**t. By doing that (we) who have valid objections are seen being the same idiots and (we) are not taken seriously! Those idiots are supporting the govt by unveiling their ideology and stupidity. So it's easy for the govt. to state that those who have valid objections are the same idiots. Congrats to those idiots! Nothing will change because of them!
Should I understand you agree with this Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss (ACU) organization?
Spoiler: RUS Россия первой в мире зарегистрировала вакцину от коронавируса. Эпидемиологическая эффективность зарегистрированной 11 августа вакцины для профилактики COVID-19 не изучена. Во время исследования на 38 добровольцах были зафиксированы 144 побочных эффекта. Медикам при введении раствора пациенту необходимо держать под рукой противошоковое оборудование — о чем российскому президенту не доложили перед презентацией «Гам-Ковид-Вак» «Защитный титр в настоящее время неизвестен. Продолжительность защиты неизвестна. Клинические исследования по изучению эпидемиологической эффективности не проводились», — говорится в отчете. Минздрав сообщал, что иммунитет после вакцинации «Гам-Ковид-Вак» может сохраняться до двух лет. Подтвержденных данных этой гипотезы нет, заявил доктор медицинских наук, профессор патофизиологии Университета имени Сеченова Антон Ершов в опубликованном на сайте «стопкоронавирус..рф» интервью.У 38 подопытных были зафиксированы 144 нежелательных явления. Большинство прошло без последствий. Однако на 42-й день исследования не завершилось 31 нежелательное явление (были зарегистрированы лабораторные отклонения иммунологических показателей). Исход разработчику до сих пор неизвестен, следует из документов. Google translation Russia was the first in the world to register a vaccine against coronavirus. The epidemiological efficacy of the vaccine registered on August 11 for the prevention of COVID-19 has not been studied. During the study, 144 side effects were recorded on 38 volunteers. When administering the solution to the patient, doctors need to keep anti-shock equipment close at hand - something that was not reported to the Russian President before the presentation of Gam-Covid-Vac. “The protective titer is currently unknown. The duration of the protection is unknown. No clinical studies have been conducted to study the epidemiological effectiveness, ”the report says. The Ministry of Health reported that immunity after vaccination with Gam-Covid-Vak can last up to two years. There are no confirmed data for this hypothesis, said Anton Ershov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Pathophysiology at Sechenov University, in an interview published on the stopcoronavirus..rf website. 144 adverse events were recorded in 38 experimental subjects. Most passed without consequences. However, on the 42nd day of the study, 31 adverse events were not completed (laboratory deviations of immunological parameters were registered). The outcome is still unknown to the developer, follows from the documents. PS: You have to be an idiot to inject this dangerous vaccine. Let's see the result in 5 years!
Philippines' Duterte has 'huge trust' in Russia vaccine, volunteers for trial https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-philippines-russia-idUSKCN2570HS Bat Hero along with PresidentTrump
PresidentDuterte says we gotta trust either The Russians or DE Chinese cause dey de only ones giving it to us for FREEEEEEE No offense to Chinese but Bat thinks him rather trust De Russians
I trust no one. If I learned anything in this life is, like the old saying: if it's man-made don't take it. Period I rather die than letting that culmination of human arrogance and greed get inoculated in me.
You don't need any vaccine, just sip some hand sanitizer and wash it down with some of your Trump recommended Hydroxy chloroquine ( https://heavy.com/news/2020/03/chloroquine-coronavirus-cure-trump/ ) and enjoy life to it's fullest in an ICU! To follow up on what @Yen was saying about the rise in stupidity, it started on January 20 2017, when the chief idiot got sworn in and common sense has been missing from the world ever since! It seems that people who are qualified to comment are ignored and others who pull the info out of their butt are held in high esteem. Looks at @gorski "humans"
So Bat forget easy width Old Timers but Witch Idiot got sworn at on dat date ? Macron, Trudeau, Merkel ?? Only People(sic) without any common sense are de Anti Trumps Liberals
Bat told @R29k NOT to drink de water up dare in YankeeLand and look wat happened Next R2 will dye his head pink and say shim a SheMale
So Early treatment width DE Trump Kung Flu drug could have possibly lowered de Deaths by 78.7% Wow, Thank You DEMONcRATS and dare lap dogs in FAKE News Imagine if Governors hadn't stuck De Infected in Nursing Homes two ??? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/20...third-world-countries-promoted-early-hcq-use/ ATTN: @lobo11 Word of caution https://www.************/billionaire-john-mcafee-arrested-for-wearing-thong-as-face-mask/ Besides NOT finding any bread at Looted err "Peacefully Protested" Best Buy and Louis Vuitton Stores, AOC said dat PROOF DE Looters erm "Peaceful Protesters" are really looting cause hungry just by de fact dey're Attacking (Crap Bat) "Protesting" Ronald McDonalds https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/20...cago-looters-targeting-ronald-mcdonald-house/
Now Bat starting to ponder if @MS_User is really just lobo width Blue hair stead of pink ANYWAY...With All demTeachers -aka- Socialism Indoctrinators afraid to go back to School in Merica cause of de Kung Flu, here's a Vid of what kids in udder parts of de World go through to get an education Yes, Bat is looking at property in dis area even though him'd prefer to stay closer to or South of DE Twin Cities