Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Says a man without anything to state instead.... Very... inspiring....

    Here is something else to think about:

    "With a population of 328M in the US, it may require 2.13 million deaths to reach a 65% threshold of herd immunity, assuming it even works."
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  2. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    your crazy the real numbers are way higher they just not telling us the truth so i would also say that chart is BS!!!!
  3. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    This professor must be a conspiraloonie.


  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  5. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #885 Yen, Sep 3, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2020
    Especially read there:"The difficulties of death figures"!

    Getting back to this:"How many people have to die before you would invoke all the measures we can put to good use?"
    This is actually the heart of all....I want to ask you.....!

    Humans die due to infections all the time. When recorded we have peaks / waves / seasons. Some get assigned to a new virus....
    When would we have to say humankind cannot stand it anymore, we have to apply rules to protect humans? Why COVID-19 and not FLU17/18? Rational difference? Coincidence?

    We should differentiate what would be corona without media. What is corona purely perceived from your 'real life'?
    And what is corona by including info you only know from media?

    By that you know how big is the part of what you know 'virtually'...and you can imagine what impact a little misinformation can have on your imagination of COVID-19!
    That's the reason why FLU17/18 has left back another imagination than COVID-19 does! But it says nothing about severity at all.

    So you can say how a pandemia appears to be (in one's mind) is dominated by the media!

    That's the reason why it is important to have different sources and different voices and people such as Bhakdi....
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  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Humans die all the time due to other people having guns and going crazy - should we let it happen "naturally", as it isn't "statistically significant" for the "normal functioning of society"?

    Why do you answer with a question, when there is a clear problem to be answered by you, since you suddenly changed a reasoned and reasonable position for...

    So, no: you read with understanding right there - the fact there are 'difficulties' and some "grey zones" does not automatically annihilate the problem and we don't need to deal with it any more, we can somehow pretend it doesn't exist. More autopsies are needed, more resources, more precise figures, sure. That does not mean THE problem is not there because there are some figures which are not ABSOLUTE! In that case, you can kiss good-bye Science as such, as Science does not deal with ABSOLUTES!!!

    THE point here being: your "advice" could cost millions of lives throughout the world if it becomes public health policy. And you can remove your conscience, which you seem to have had, at least before you listened to that shallow quasi-politician (who should remain a Scientists for everyone's sake) with some quasi-Scientific "understanding" of statistics but I tell you: we thank the Gods (all of them!) you and him are not politicians. And we also thank them for some enlightened politicians around the world who worked towards saving their electorates - see Kerala's shining example!

    Oh, well, having listened to that dopey "professor", given your proclivities, I can see quite clearly that you need a "leader" and so having found him - I can't recognise you of old any more. You're a true believer.... (Btw, to whom am I speaking now - Elliot or Mr Robot?)

    I always remember Zizek's little story re. Buddhism and how easy it was to "reconcile with " and "integrate into" Japanese Imperial militarism and colonialism... What idealistic "compassion", doing some "excellent" work right there....

    Chew on "statistics" a bit longer.... maybe you see the light... eventually... and then find a"scientific nirvana"...
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Here, of course that there are problem, re. various criteria or methodologies, different sensitivities etc. But there is a rational way of going about it, without giving up, throwing your arms toward Heavens and throwing yourself at the mercy of the elements...

    MEPs worry over lack of harmonised Covid-19 criteria

    TodayMEPs have raised concerns about the lack of coordination and common Covid-19-related criteria among member states - while the EU virus-alert agency said that priority should be given to the harmonisation of test capacities and methodologies. Read on ยป
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  8. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #888 Yen, Sep 3, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2020
    The flu 17/18 caused 25100 cases of death here in Germany. (Source RKI, the same institute that provides the numbers for COVID-19)
    The current amount for COVID-19 is 9321.

    I cannot notice any rational relation that would justify political measures here and no political measures there....can you?
    Flu17/18 caused more deaths, but no other negative impact on society / freedom / human pandemia has been announced...

    'That' professor and his wife provided data which underline his statements. He's specialist for microbiology, virology and infection epidemiology. 1991-2012 he led the institute of medical microbiology and hygiene in Mainz, Germany.

    During his profession he's trained 1000 nds of physicians...

    I don't think you are qualified to judge about his scientific abilities.
    He's just somebody who is not taking anything that comes from the RKI for granted. He is pointing out fatal errors. He considers error rate of tests, he relates positives to a basic amount....he differentiates SARS-CoV2 positives FROM the sickness COVID-19.

    He proves that the first wave in Europe was already far after high-peak when the lockdown had been announced. He proves that the lockdown in Europe 'against' corona had no significant influence on infection rate of the first wave...!

    It happened like this here in Germany: The RKI delivered absolute values, the politicians made decisions. By that they changed their statistical parameters many times. (Once it had been infections per week per 100000 citizens, then it was the reproduction factor.....first masks were not useful (WHO statement), then suddenly masks were useful and became law--a total mess!

    I don't need a 'leader' I need reasonable persons!
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  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    No, you are not a reasonable person when it comes to making a public health policy - not on this evidence. You are following and passionately! It's strange you can't see that, as the change in your attitude is - drastic!

    Again, the point is: thank good we have professional politicians and not business people or scientists setting a public health policy.

    In both cases - a veritable disaster! As we can see around the world! Some professional politicians can also mess things up, of course, there is no guarantee in all things Human! But "politics like a company" or "politics by statistics" - oh, dear.... Anything deciduous goes and - yayks!
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  10. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Thank goodness we have honest scientists and medical doctors who are not alligned with corrupt politicians and the worst of all: world health organization officials.

    Officials led by "philanthropists" like B Gates who bought the WHO as a mean to make business with people's health, and lives I should say.

    This is sanitary contingency and should be addressed by competent professionals even when they disagree. If they disagree, debates must be put in place.

    This covid-19 is for me and many others, a political move with obscure ends. There's no coincidence most governments in the world followed WHO'S "recommendations" like a recipe. These same governments don't want to listen to non-aligned scientists. Go ask these scientists from Argentina, Spain, Mexico and a huge etc.
  11. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    From those I'd expect that the applied measures would be put to the test. So we can get which measures really helped to prevent spreading of the infection and which not!
    This is a reasonable way to go. Streeck et al. did that and what happened? The RKI and some others were pissed off and he had to deal with legal measures against him!

    It absolutely can NOT be that politicians say this or that measure had success without to have scientific data which do deliver proof.

    'We' are not familiar with lockdowns and pandemia so how can somebody say that professional politicians did a good job?

    Their job was like:" When you stay at home you cannot be run over". Bravo!
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  12. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013

    No matter what one might think we are, we all believe in something unlike some pseudo-intellectuals who "believe" they don't believe LOL

    Hey even scientists do believe. Scientists believe in scientific method to acquire knowledge. It's the best method available but ultimately scientists rely upon their beliefs. For example, years back scientists believed and had for absolute truth NaCl (common salt) was bad for our health, specially those with hypertension. Now scientific studies show the risks involved from a low sodium intake diet. Or how about sunlight, they said it's bad for your skin. Now it's quite the opposite.

    Amusingly we find ourselves immersed in an ocean of beliefs. Hey, many scientists out there believe in God.
  13. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I stop now to have focus on what I think went wrong....being upset about.
    I just got info from Streeck (he just was in the news) who contributes a lot to find out how 'super spreading' took place in Heinsberg for example.

    It seems there had been a married couple at carnival who acted as super spreader. Responsible that hundreds of people got infected there was the AC that was in 'circulating mode'.
    Such results are important, since corona won't be over that soon and people need to find a reasonable way to deal with it..and soon there will be winter time again.

    I only wish more investigations from more scientific groups will happen and are heard by politicians so they can adjust their rules to have more sense.
    I spoke of bad luck or luck, but in fact they are individual conditions that made some regions being more or less affected.
    The raising rate of testing without being related to it then made corona to appear worse than it it fact had been...

    Another ungrateful fact is that if you lower restrictions and the rate of death increases by that you have lost....but the fact that the suffering caused by restrictions are decreasing by that is mostly left back unconsidered...
    I am no politician and that is fine. :)
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  14. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Please, stop the self-congratulating and self-gratifying BS and innuendo. Either you have a reasoned argument or this does NOT help!

    Jesus Marx wept... This is just... too ridiculous for words... Really... This "trial by proxy" is for really poor sods, so c'mon, you can do better than this... Surely...

    In "conspiracy" BS everyone is an "expert" and I get it, how this is rather intoxicating, but.....

    Ah, really? We do know how to do that - look at South Korea, Kerala and so on... Why do you have to intensely ignore those facts? Is that scientific? Why do you have to blindly listen to that guy? Seriously? Ignoring the obvious and tons of effective methods/facts right before you, so you can be a bit "notorious"? Achhhh... You're bored, aren't you?

    You would want that - but based on this evidence in this thread lately, you changing position, in spite of evidence which you now ignore in a pig-headed manner - I am grateful that people like that do not get to change the rules in order to get aligned with Trump and his lot! At least in some states...

    In a word: Kerala!!!! Get a grip, FFS!!!

    Kerala! South Korea. Etc. Testing, tracing, isolation, equipment if at all possible etc. etc. Whatever is needed to protect their population - they were prepared for it!!!

    Unlike Trump, who by definition is gonna be your next hero...

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  15. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    I believe we are better off not quoting each others posts, you and me. I believe we are "getting along" through the forums as long we respect our opinions. I'm sorry you believe I'm insinuating something.

    Respect, remember?
  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sorry, all this "conspiracy" stuff is just too ridiculous for words and somebody must state the obvious - so, let it be me... No one else seems to have the balls or just can't be bothered...

    The way things are developing lately, with even Yen jumping on the bandwagon - well, I find it a really sad state of affairs...

    Soon, very soon, most people will become Trumpians.... Now, what does that tell you?!?
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  17. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    I'm doing so. Now you let me be.
    I hope this is the last time I quote you.
    Also I hope I'm being polite enough.
  18. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #898 Mr.X, Sep 4, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2020
    Another 2 cents to the pot

    Hey hey hey, hang on
    Not too fast
    Slow down

    Those experts are conspiraloonies too!

    Lately there's a new wave... No wait, pandemic of lunatic professionals super experts in their own fields been hit by a strange new virus turning them to idiots conspiranoids.

    Horror, sacrilege, they go vs. official narrative!

    Good grief! They say medical procedures and medications can kill people!!
    Repent! Repent! Siners

    yeah right :rolleyes:
  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Now, now, you started it and now you're the aggrieved party, after I responded... :rolleyes:
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  20. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
    Bout Time people get a liddle sense ;) @lobo11 a lost cause deau o_O
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