LOL. People are actually calling 911 if they run out of toilet paper. Freakin' idiots!
@Bat.1 - Now we are truly f**ked! Unless you own a bichon frise. Just grab 'em by the back of the neck and wipe your butt. LOL.
It might help people to prevent to touch their's recommend to apply only after you have piddled.
I read a story where 2 brothers bought about 8000 bottles of hand sanitizer and tried to sell them on e-bay and amazon for profit and they were banned from selling them and told they could go to jail for price gouging . just remember in the old days we used to wash baby diapers and now you have a use for those odd socks that don't pair up ! as far as water goes there is plenty around here juice, flavored drinks , pop , coffee and some shops are open just for older people for a few hours a couple days a week, and I have seen toilet paper on the shelves but don't need any until the odd socks run out LOL
They announced yesterday that there were two cases confirmed Tuesday night in Batland so time to start taking precautions. Problem with that is a 18 year old son "In Rut" and an Asian present-wife that thinks partying with her friends is more important than her family But at least
I installed a Bio Bidet Toilet seat 2 months ago. It was a bit of a PINA to install as I didn't have any grounded electricity near the toilet but I got-it-done drilling thru the wall NTL. My TP use has decreased considerably now.
About 98 % ? of the worlds population doesnt use toiletpaper . I stoped watching TV because its all just sensationalism ....... things being reported to death ...... the john hopkins university web site shows the relevant information ...... and the press is ignoring it . We had brexit , now corona . In a few months its eurovision crap contest and then the olympic games ....... then when they run out of ' news ' to distort we'll get flooded again with the whales , apes , dolphins and cat news films . I like the one where the gnus get eaten by the crockodiles while crossing the river ......
Well here the states Governor just announced statewide stay at home order.... firstly source:Rachel.Maddow show
Bat was going online to do sum Kung Flu panic buying but check him Bank account and saw all him can do is panic . Unless Bat can sell sum assets .
Hey @lobo11 @Joe C figure out why you been falling in de holes lobo was posed to put haf-a-out house over de sh1tholes