Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yeah, this would partially explain some symptoms, sure... ;)
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  3. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Scientific evidence about wearing masks

    Los cubrebocas no previenen el contagio y sí provocan daño.

    Un metaestudio de mayo de 2020 sobre la influenza pandémica publicado por los CDC de EE. UU. encontró que las mascarillas no tenían ningún efecto, ni como equipo de protección personal ni como control de fuente.

    Una revisión de julio de 2020 del Centro de Oxford para la Medicina Basada en Evidencia encontró que no hay evidencia de la efectividad de las máscaras de tela contra la infección o transmisión de virus.

    Un estudio de COVID-19 entre países realizado por la Universidad de East Anglia encontró que el requisito de una máscara no era beneficioso e incluso podría aumentar el riesgo de infección.
    (Fuente pdf) me lo pueden pedir

    Una revisión de abril de 2020 realizada por dos profesores estadounidenses en enfermedades respiratorias e infecciosas de la Universidad de Illinois concluyó que las mascarillas no tienen ningún efecto en la vida cotidiana, ni como autoprotección ni para proteger a terceros (el llamado control de fuente).

    Un artículo en el New England Journal of Medicine de mayo de 2020 llegó a la conclusión de que las mascarillas faciales de tela ofrecen poca o ninguna protección en la vida cotidiana.

    Una revisión de abril de 2020 de la Escuela de Medicina de Norwich (preimpresión) encontró que «la evidencia no es lo suficientemente sólida para respaldar el uso generalizado de mascarillas»; pero respalda el uso de mascarillas por parte de «individuos particularmente vulnerables cuando se encuentran en situaciones transitorias de mayor riesgo».

    Un estudio de julio de 2020 realizado por investigadores japoneses descubrió que las máscaras de tela «ofrecen cero protección contra el coronavirus» debido a su gran tamaño de poro y, en general, su mal ajuste.

    Un estudio de 2015 en el British Medical Journal BMJ Open encontró que las máscaras de tela fueron atravesadas por el 97% de las partículas y pueden aumentar el riesgo de infección al retener la humedad o el uso repetido.

    La OMS admitió a la BBC que su actualización de la política de máscaras de junio de 2020 no se debió a nuevas pruebas sino a un «presiones políticas»: «Varias fuentes nos habían dicho que el comité de la OMS que revisaba las pruebas no había respaldado las máscaras, pero las recomendaron debido al cabildeo político». «Este punto se le planteó a la OMS, quien no lo negó”. (Dr. Cohen, BBC Medical Correspondent)
  4. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Pointless assumption. Out of the blue.
    You simply ignore the arguments I have pointed out. I have reasoned them carefully.

    You have an opinion about somebody, declare him as a 'guru' and create an imaginary dogma he seemingly feeds. You do not consider that he's a professor and a reputable adviser at former subjects on epidemiology. He is not just somebody and he is not the only one with that POV.

    You use values to assume that things are getting worse. But you do not consider valid objections which are able to explain those values otherwise (error rate of tests proportionality to test rate).

    And by doing all that you speak of unscientific behaviour...your dogma is obviously draconian measures result to draconian successes. Without delivering statistics that would justify 'it'.
    IMHO you should ask yourself if you would be objectively able to spot an useless measure at all.

    And concerning the Swedish way.
    Yes they had a huge problem at the beginning. They lost many elderly people in retirement homes. But there is a reason for it. The personal there is mostly foreign. It was an administrative problem due to language at first place. If you know people there you'd know that reason as well.

    The major difference in strategy is that the Swedish way does not moderate the pandemia that much as the others are doing. BTW 85% of the Swedish supports that way.

    By that they get ahead concerning natural immunisation. They also get ahead in statistics and death rate.
    That means if you want to have a look at the future have a look at Sweden.

    As long as we have self-recovery only to get immunity, there is no difference as long as every emergency patient can get anything that's needed. Asymptomatic progresses will occur there where they will.

    But there will be a difference IF another immunisation gets available. (Vaccination).

    I posted that drugs development in average takes 10-12 years. A short way would be 5 years to obtain enough safety /data and that one can be responsible for a public release.

    Concerning the new tech mRNA based vaccination it would be the first of that kind at all! Even though the research on it is very exciting and I observe the development with great interest I never would agree with a release of such next year.

    Austria has pre-ordered 6 Million doses and Germany already 52 million doses of the Oxford vaccine!!!

    Besides of that (as I mentioned) there are more and more data that the virus is weaken due to mutation.

    If things are going this way we soon will have to make a decision vaccination or not.

    And it will be highly likely that many people will be affected by side effects...hopefully they get not kept secret due to false pride and greed.

    And I hope that very young people (kids) and very old people with pre-illnesses have enough family members who do preserve them from that risk and do say NO!

    A vaccine that would be released next year cannot be that safe that it would justify a vaccination against SARSCoV-2 all the more because the virus is weaken naturally already.
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  5. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #985 Mr.X, Sep 14, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
    And do you think this is right?
    (I know you don't. Lol)

    Don't you see a conspiracy vs people for big pharma doing big business in complicity with politicians?
    (I know you don't. Again lol)

    Vaccine will cost billions to people while putting them in danger with such Oxfords venom.
  6. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #986 Yen, Sep 15, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
    No. It's rather worrying.

    It costs tons of Euros (tax money) and actually you cannot know what you'll get for it or if it is still needed. Maybe they end the same way as the H1N1 doses did....they got burned due to expiration.

    What's alaming is that a vaccination is sold as the end of the pandemia, 'the saviour' AND you can clearly notice that others are jumping on the same bandwagon:

    There are more and more ads about other vaccinations! They use the created fear from corona to make people 'thinking' about vaccination. This affects pertussis vaccination and FLU.
    This worries me more than the entire corona pandemia. The people are held in an artificial cycle of fear by presenting an useless value (number of positive tests per day).....nations just as Israel are unable to deal with the pandemia, just applying a second lockdown without to know that it is probably again useless. They do not really make the efforts to figure which measures are helpful / have had an positive effect on the pandemia.

    It's unbelievable what's going on!....Inability where you go...

    If you would get a good and effective vaccination right now you would even have the very same amount of positives! A vaccination does not prevent that the virus gets into body. It only preserves you from sickness / symptoms.

    A positive is NOT suitable to say something about the sickness COVID-19!!!
    You need to count those who are getting SICK by it. And it are naturally 20% only!
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    @Yen, one word: Sweden. Your argument is DONE!!!!

    Here is another one from Bernie's Team:

    "In what could be considered negligent homicide, new revelations prove that Trump knew the whole time that COVID-19 was deadly and purposefully lied to the American people that the virus wasn’t that serious.

    Over 190,000 Americans are dead because of Trump’s failure to prepare or properly warn us about COVID-19. How many more have to die?"
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  8. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Sweden and USA is different ..(Sweden consists of 70% of forest area, the US has big cities such as New York with weak medical capacities, Trump should have known that)

    Trump himself has admitted that he's downplayed the corona pandemia. AFAIK he compared himself to Churchill and Roosevelt saying he wanted -with intent- to lie on the citizens to avoid panic.
    That is fatal, I agree. Besides of that he absolutely was not able to categorize COVID-19 that time, nobody could.

    I also had the opinion that the Swedish way is dared -that time- since nobody could categorize how it really turned out.
    I do not deny that the Swedish did make some fatal errors. I made the efforts to find the reasons for it.

    It happened mostly in retirement homes. Infected visitors and personal were responsible for that, not applying measures in time due to administrative and language issues. And those people belong to high risk groups which require special attention.

    I do not say by that that we haven't to protect special groups of people, but I'd say 'specific' measures -in time- are more effective than general ones such as lockdown.

    The same applies to Israel. They missed to apply effective measures in time and now they have to go for a second lockdown because it's too late.

    I wish them all the best and the lockdown helps, but what's for sure is that the 'side effects' will take place either way.

    The American victims are also because of the bad medical capacities and the politics on that. To 'warn' people would have had not much effects considering the bad conditions. The same applies to forest fires there where Trump is still a fool not recognizing that global warming is a major reason for it.
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  9. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Alibi lama = guru

    "In what could be considered negligent homicide, new revelations prove that Trump knew the whole time that COVID-19 was deadly and purposefully lied to the American people that the virus wasn’t that serious. Over 190,000 Americans are dead because of Trump’s failure to prepare or properly warn us about COVID-19. How many more have to die?"

    What evil bulls**t ....... stupid people digging up irelevant s**t and twisting it for personal gain ...... WTF would have happened if trump had said .......... its B-A-D !!!! ........ mass panic ? Social colapse ? Riots ? People ' defending ' themsleves ? Every man for himself !!! ...... He did his job = Keep the population calm . And he gets critised for it !!! How low will people sink blaming all the problems in the world on him .
  10. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    At cheep and nasty s**t ---- > International ALERT MESSAGE Of Health Professionals To Governments & Citizens Of The WORLD

    Who are they ? What are their qualifications ? Where is the evidence ? Why 25 pages !!! ?

    This is what its abouit ------ > = 25 pages of nothing .

    @ petitions = LOL
  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    What would have happened if Trump had any real brain and decency/conscience? Proper, well prepared procedures, that Fauci instituted last time.... Many lives would have been saved, the public would have been properly educated and prepared, money could have been put to these objectives, not enriching the already ridiculously rich!!!

    The difference being Sweden v. NEIGHBOURS, virtually the same societies, no big difference. Except one: many more Covid related deaths in Sweden. Excess deaths. And we now now that long term problems could be terrible, too!

    This morning I was listening to a Uni prof. from a Tropical Medicine faculty who got infected. Six months on he is seriously messed up, can't walk a bit without having to rest, can't breath, can't think...

    He says many young people are affected too but not enough info in the public arena about these issues is aired and hence young people are harming their life chances....

    Just one of the possible examples, of a "mild", "inconsequential" illness:

    "Fears Covid may leave thousands in UK with severe kidney disease
    Experts warn the long-term effects of virus are causing an ‘epidemic in primary care’

    Tens of thousands of people may require kidney dialysis or transplants because of coronavirus, according to experts who warn the long-term effects of Covid are causing an “epidemic in primary care”.

    Up to 90% of coronavirus patients admitted to hospital may still experience symptoms two to three months later – from breathlessness to joint pain, fatigue and chest pain – scientists told the Lords science and technology committee on Tuesday.

    Donal O’Donoghue, a consultant renal physician at Salford Royal NHS trust, said damage to the kidneys was of major concern. It is believed the virus may attack the organ directly, he said, while the kidneys could also be injured by body-wide inflammation caused by the virus.

    “Normally we see maybe 20% of people that go on to intensive care unit need to have a form of dialysis. During Covid it was up to 40% – and 85% of people had some degree of kidney injury,” he said. “No doubt that is happening out in the community as well, probably to a lesser extent.”"

    So, if you were to be"God" or "Guru" and make laws and formulate public health policies - who would you sacrifice on the altar of profit?
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  12. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    People, do you believe in those "scientific" articles?

    Science? Rather malscience in my opinion.

    Turns out the Sars-cov-2 can damage kidneys. Pff! Who really knows that the medications/therapy used are inflicting the damage (iatrogenic illness)?

    Next thing we will read is Sars-cov-2 has the power of subverting our cns and convert us into walking dead!

  13. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Now I have a question, a huge one.

    Is it really possible a deadly, super evil, lethal virus could one day evolve and hit us with all its force?

    I searched but couldn't find anything after 5 min. maybe I need more research, lol.

    Any references?
  14. Dresan

    Dresan MDL Junior Member

    Oct 21, 2009
  15. zen45

    zen45 MDL Addicted

    Feb 25, 2010
    You mean something with a 95% death rate ? or better ?
  16. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #996 Mr.X, Sep 16, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2020
    Here he comes... applause!
    Mr. Sarcasm is here!

    Wow! Really helpful you are.

    You smarty ass****

    I don't expect an alien type like in a sci-fi film where a microorganism utilizes impossible chemistry to interact with living terrestrial organisms. The alien microorganism reproduces and subverts terrestrial DNA and reproduces so rapidly and the resulting abomination is beyond comprehension.

    I don't expect that. Of course, damn it
  17. Dresan

    Dresan MDL Junior Member

    Oct 21, 2009
    There are thousands of known viruses, many are harmful, others are not, many are useful to kill bacteria, and all of them have a place in natures plan. From the human point of view what is happening with the CV19 is a calamity with many deaths, but from the planets perspective, and natures plan, this pandemic is beneficial and positive. Viruses promote the transfer of genes between species, and make life stronger and more sustainable by promoting more adapted and resistant species. On the human side, after this pandemic, healthcare systems will be more prepared, better funded, more advanced, and readier for any other similar situation. This pandemic would not have been so bad, if the health care systems had been prepared, specially the public ones, hence the political use that some countries made of it.
  18. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    May I ask for references please?
  19. Dresan

    Dresan MDL Junior Member

    Oct 21, 2009
    Google it.
    Think of viruses as nanobots left behind by creation to help with the progress of life.
  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    The C-19 knowledge and experience accumulated means we have fewer deaths at least on that count - we know we must test, trace, hospitalise, put on respirators, give anti-bloodclotting agents, Sumamed/Azithromycin in some cases and so on. So, we got better at that.

    However, we now know that in a LARGE chunk of the population the virus wreaks havoc and that it may last many months... Some may never recover, such can be the extensive damage to their lungs, heart, kidneys etc. Not just the elderly and people with other preexisting conditions. Every day I am listening to first hand experiences of people who are recovering for a long time and can't get back to normal. And if "only" 20% of us are susceptible, then playing with their lives or at least quality of lives is clearly UNACCEPTABLE!!!

    All else points to sociopathy...
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