Of course we have an alternative. But it'll take time. It has to take time until we get a safe one. And the first victim at research at this early stage in Brazil should alarm us, all the more the comments on this! Big pharma and money related. I don't know. I did 15 years synthetic drug design--Alzheimer, Epilepsy, Tranquillizer, Heart...no single death at our studies. Then later phytopharmaceutical drug resreach..also none. The gun to their heads....don't you know how high the pressure on this really is?! The psycho dynamic of fear is crying for it very loud!!!! I already mentioned that article 5 (pandemic) allows to skip the usual steps at drug developments. You know my 'spirit of research' at this before, where I did not know that mRNA based vaccines development has skipped lots of animal testing! And where I did not know how CD4+ and CD8+ (T) cells are killing corona viruses. Where I did not know that you need a very high antibody level to fight it. And I did not know the history of H1N1 vaccines, their adjuvant ('action enhancer') and narcoplepsy in Sweden (Pandemrix). You can read it here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/coronavirus-discussion.81224/page-56#post-1621014 posted as 'con'. I am open for counterarguments.(Side effect could be autoimmune disorder.) And I posted about antibody levels...and early declining and high viral load at infections like COVID-19. I am speaking about dealing with COVID-19 until we have one. And I want people think about that it has -as it seems- not the attributes of a saviour. Means a protection of 100% a long time and no complications / side effects at all. And as long as we don't have it we we naturally reach herd immunity. What is 'saving' us there from high fatalities is probably seroprevalence. But anytime I simply point to that you get allergic. I do not propagate we should stop research and go for natural herd immunity alone. And you frequently are pigeonholing when I post. Nobody else here is doing that. It is of no use. I make the efforts to read a lot of studies and do not copy a guru or Trump... Where exactly do I argue with the exactly same arguments as Trump and co. do? He is not able to argue like I do! He is a fool with no arguments at all and simply denies anything about COVID-19. Out of my sight out of my mind is his way to deal with it. What's tedious is to know that I frequently get pigeonholed by you. I actually expected from you @gorski that you are able to differentiate. Either way. You won't find me doing the same pigeonholing at you...
@Yen, you have pigeonholed yourself. I have nothing to do with that! You made a U-turn, I am but a messenger... And I am differentiating at the most serious level - you are unable to do any of that of late, sadly....
At least you have not lost your sense of humour. Although...there are still too less studies on that... I want to know if an asymptomatic infected one can spread the virus at all. If exhaled air can spread it or aerosols only (coughing / sneezing).... And if a L2 virus can be stopped by masks at all. It's by far smaller than the tissue thread's distances at common masks... but well... I am negative and I don't have antibodies.
You know, I don't blame Trump, it was known way before he even got into office that he was a first class moron! People knew what they were getting, the issue I see is with the supporters he has, they are even more moronic than him. Like the drink bleach issue, how brain dead do you have to be to drink bleach ! It is scary seeing how misinformed and generally stupid the average American is right now.! I saw the following video a while back and didn't really understand what Kaku was saying but now I do
Ars Technica: Huge COVID study finds remdesivir doesn’t work—FDA grants approval anyway. https://arstechnica.com/science/202...vid-19-but-global-study-finds-it-doesnt-work/
Good finding. Criminals within the law. Remdesivir not only does not work but who knows what side effects it could have, God only knows. Yet at the same time Big Pharma has an ongoing crusade vs chlorine dioxide which is proven to be a cure, yes with its four letters: a cure. Hypocrites, criminals, assassins, scum and 1,000 adjectives more.
Yes, I think WHO was the first to report it... However, that may be premature, as it may work in some people, depending on.... But we shall have to wait for more trials and possible combination with other drugs - which is what prof. Djikic and his team from Goethe Institute was hinting at....
Ain't much better here: https://www.theguardian.com/educati...tm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&CMP=GTUK_email Rowntree and OECD (world) reports of social (im)mobility are adamant that the USofA is the worst and the UK second in this regard... No wonder that such an attack has repercussions on people being able to critically evaluate what their interests are... And no wonder that in such a context we have so many idiots crawling around spreading this potential killer...
Too many "smart" smarty-pants here blaming poor idiots... for being idiots lol Something's not right.
Horowitz: Danish newspaper reveals largest study on masks has been rejected by 3 medical journals https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horo...Uu3qiKT4Mo_2IfAqMk9MFbtyyeBjQz_bokLFXAIJGbShQ
I will tell you what is "not right" or "bewildering": allegedly clever guys in bed with Trump, Bolsonazi, BoJo and such morons. That makes them NOT clever. So, idiots, in my mind, yes.... As in "idiotes", in original Ancient Greek meaning of the word - no idea whether they are coming or going....
This is interesting. But his conclusions are flawed. IMHO. It contains a truth, though. What I am saying all the time. The PCR test is NOT validated. When you take 37 base pairs out of 30000 you have to VALIDATE that they are still SARSCoV-2 specific. And you have to check them against similar corona viruses. The unicorn comparison is flawed. You don't need to reconstruct an entire unicorn to find traces of an other unicorn. You only need to be absolutely sure you have an unique and specific sequence. It's like a byte sequence of a code. Let's say you want to identify your own code you have programmed. You determine 37 bytes which are unique and not found at any other computer (human) elsewhere. You scan for those 37 bytes and get a hit. = You have found your code you have programmed. This is BTW the very same anti-virus programs are doing to detect malicious bytes.! Issues if not validated: You have taken those 37 bytes accidental from another code (means from a contamination). This can happen when similarities at SARSCoV-2 infection processes are not clearly differentiated from the virus DNA itself. You have taken those 37 bytes from your code BUT a similar program uses the same routine (you have found something similar and you made the wrong conclusion it is SARSCoV-2). Next flaw: Growing viruses in vitro is not easy. That's the reason why vaccine development based on parts of the virus (old, common approach) takes a lot of time since you need lots of viruses you later de-activate. Some are grown in chicken eggs.. The flaw here is to conclude from in vitro to in vivo. Yeah and besides of the political issues you have mentioned we anyway have got now COVID-19, created a flawed impression of it by senseless mass testing (most people still think those numbers reflect the amount of ill people) to have an focus we can be artificially horrified about. There is some hope. Yesterday a German politician said that he is leaving the numbers of 'infections' unconsidered, focusing on statistics of medical capacities where he is responsible of..recognizing that there is still good capacity.....BRAVO! You've got it! BTW: What about those 'idiots' spreading pneumonia, flu, malaria, multiresistant germs? Flu (at least here at 17/18) and pneumonia statistically by far more significant in fatalities rates.
So Bill Gates is a "social" person... https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/0...agenda-and-how-we-can-resist-his-war-on-life/ Lol