Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    You're totally nuts!!!! What you just wrote would be laughable if it weren't miserably cr@ppy!!!!

    They are already understaffed and underpaid, they were not equipped from the start and when they started giving them something that looed like PPE - they gave them useless PPE, so plenty of them at the front line NEEDLESSLY got infected, a number of them died!!! I don't know if this is mystery for you but let me try: maybe you heard of "austerity"? I mean, I know you freshly landed from Mars but really....

    FFS, man, inform yourself before you make an utter fool of yourself!!!

    The whole point with this crisis is that everybody had to abandon neo-liberal BS "theory" and promptly go back to "socialist" medicine and co-operative vision of society, as neo-liberal one FAILED MISERABLY!!!!
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  2. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Cut the bleeding hearts s**t .

    >They are already understaffed and underpaid, they were not equipped from the start and when they started giving them something that looed like PPE - they gave them useless PP

    Exactly ........ and they colaberate and play the game ......... instead of moaning about symptoms do something about the problem ? If they went on strike after a few days the government would have to do something . The fact that they colaberate just makes the problem bigger and longer . Bite the sauer apple now instead of putting it off = makeing it worse .

    The advert was for fascho scum = unions = people exploiting a situation for personal profit ........ at the expense of the rest of us .

    Do you understand what happens to kids whos lives are shaped in their childhood because of problems ? We need that our kids go to school ........ and have exams ........ and get qualifications ........ and learn to get up in the morning ...... and learn to take part in society ........... or our society will colapse ....... and if they learn to do nothinfg they do nothing . They ' grow up ' acepting a situation as if its normal .

    Stupid example is kids that take drugs and kids that have sex early ...........they acept it as normal and have problems with it later .
  3. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    The current corona situation stretches many people to the limit.
    Please keep when arguing personal addressing out here.

    I want to have this thread open for the future.

    This is a general reminder, not personally addressed to somebody alone.
    I take myself as being included.
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  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I bet this is very personal for NHS staff....

    And for them to be suspect like this - by whom exactly?!? - is preposterous!!!! To say the least....
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  5. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #1425 case-sensitive, Nov 3, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
    @ Getting the goal posts and corner flags in place .

    My opinion ---- >

    Mr . X called me kemo sabe = The lone ranger = Not an attack a good humored comment .
    I answered with Tonto . Tonto was the lone rangers partner and best friend ......... but Tonto also means Fool in spanish = A good humored word game .

    Gorski has changed his tactic and is useing Bantering = Low level rhetoric = Using ' Gestellte emporung ' blowing things out of proportion and useing the ' Bleeding hearts ' tactic ......... same same as when the daughter of a kuwaiti ambasador went on TV after the iraqui invasion of kuwait crying saying ' And they threw the babys on the floor !!! ' . = Again nothing personal just good humored verbal fencing .

    My tactic is to try to get all of you to take a clear position and keep it ...... and make clear statements ......... so that theres a conversation that gets somewhere and doesnt just keep going in downward circles . Its imposible to argue / debate / have a conversation about something when people keep changing their positions . Part of that is provokation . Me provoking people to answer and provoking their views of life ........ their illusions ........ the things that they believe in . Trying to get them to look at their positions and think further ...... and change them .

    I understand that theres two things going on in this thread = People talking about a corona ....... and some people haveing fun with rhetoric .

    Personaly i see and have no problem in this thread :) ......... but i do see one in the win 10 section where a few people with bloated egos keep attacking people .
  6. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    A reasonable answer from somebody (with a bit of irony) who is practically affected.
    It behaves as it behaves most likely.

    I have no reason to think differently.
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  7. zen45

    zen45 MDL Addicted

    Feb 25, 2010
    on my property or in my car i dont wear a mask , i only leave when i have to! to get food and i go during senior hours or the hardware store, in those cases i wear a mask ive had my senior flu shot that i get every year and i wash my hands a lot, i have four dogs that bark a lot and growll that keeps strangers away LOL . as far as the experts are concerned i find most are pissing in the wind they contridict each other with their cures ! i dont beleave they will cure this virus i think we will end up with a yeary shot like the flu shot because they both evolve and like the flu shot it changes each year ! i will keep an eye on the cat to i heard her sneeze last night lol
  8. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1428 Yen, Nov 3, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
    Actually OT, but for those who like to collect fatalities.....this time H7N9 (flu A, sorry) :p

    And contrary to some other here from a reputable source "Nature" (belongs like "The Lancet" to top notch journals).

    "Long term outcomes in survivors of epidemic Influenza A (H7N9) virus infection"

    (H1N1= swine flu, fatality <1%, COVID-19 ATM 0.34% [0.15-0.6])......and what a bummer those two H7N9 and H5N1 37.1% / 53.2%)

    Always compare virus to virus and not SARSCoV-2 to flu generally.
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  9. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Thank you . I enjoyed reading that .

    Its not off topic its one of the things we need to talk about ...... and it at least starts to asses and talk about long term damage from other virus .

    Theres not enough people in it and theres to much variation in it to realy do something with it and / or make comparisons but its a start ........ and they talk about its weaknesses and limitations .
  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1430 gorski, Nov 3, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
    We are all at risk, period!

    Lok at this BBC article, for instance, which is a clear-cut case but there are tons of those with perhaps smaller risk but we do not know just how great, as we still have a lot to learn about the virus and how it affects different people, different groups and why etc.

    Covid lockdown: Cancer mum's 'risk to life' over school attendance

    By Amy Gladwell
    BBC News
    image captionGemma York said there were "grey areas" for parents who are vulnerable to Covid-19

    A mum of five with stage-four cancer has written to the prime minister asking for guidance on whether to send her children to school during lockdown.

    Gemma York, 37, from Cornwall, said if her children "brought Covid home" it would pose a risk to her life as she is clinically extremely vulnerable.

    People at increased risk have been advised to be "especially careful" and schools and colleges will remain open.

    Downing Street has not yet responded to Mrs York or the BBC.

    image captionGemma York said she and her husband Edd had already taken the children out of school when there had been confirmed Covid cases

    A four-week lockdown will come into force in England on Thursday as Covid-19 continues to spread.

    Mrs York, from Penryn, said she "was not anti Boris" but that there was a lack of "specific guidance" for vulnerable parents.

    "Sometimes I have to crawl upstairs to the toilet... A simple cold can give me an infection," she explained.

    "My husband wanted to take the children out [of school] because it's a risk to my life and I want to keep them in because of their education - but we just need more guidelines.

    "As an extremely high risk vulnerable person, can I pull my children out of school? ...Will I get fined if I do?" she asked.

    Confirmed cases of coronavirus have more than doubled in Cornwall since the start of September, from 985 to 2,430 on Monday.

    Mrs York said it had reached a point where the family needed more advice on what to do concerning the children.

    image captionMrs York, her husband, sister, parents and the local pub landlord all shaved their heads on Monday in aid of the Macmillan cancer charity

    Mrs York was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma in September and is expected to undergo cycles of chemotherapy for up to three years before "hopefully going into remission," she said.

    She said the schools and her consultant had not been able to give her official advice and she had also asked Boris Johnson to clarify "grey areas" on support bubbles for the clinically vulnerable.

    The Yorks, who also have several pets, said income was an additional worry for the imminent lockdown.

    Mrs York, who works in a care home, went on sick leave after her diagnosis and her husband Edd, a self-employed van driver, has not yet qualified for government help.

    But she vowed: "We will stay positive."

    My take on it, once again:

    If we could afford to bail out the bankers, financiers and corporations (the bastards who almost destroyed the society as such and yet they were given humongous amounts of our money, in some societies without any strings attached, so they even gave themselves bonuses for doing the nastiest and most stupid thing in a century!!!) with our own money - why can't we afford to save ourselves with our money, the very same way?!? It would come out of our pocket, so WTF?!?

    And before anyone starts again with "let's go the same way as before":

    "Sweden has limited to eight per table the number of people sitting together in cafes and restaurants, amid a sharp rise in coronavirus infections.

    "We have a very serious situation," Prime Minister Stefan Löfven warned, saying the virus was "going in the wrong direction".

    Sweden has reported 31 Covid deaths since Friday, taking the death toll to 5,969 - far higher than its neighbours.

    Unlike them, Sweden has never imposed a nationwide lockdown."

    Some countries have decided that old, vulnerable etc. people are "fair game" - so that the rest could go on as before...

    Results? They have about 8-9 times more dead people due to C-19 than their 3 neighbours combined!

    On a world stage that would be 4.5 million people dead, as opposed to about 1 million, if Swedish model was generalised...

    So, what are we talking about, come again?!?

    Because it does look awfully close to eugenics to me....

    Herd immunity we do not have, as only about 10% of Humanity was exposed to it, as best we can tell.

    Herd immunity is present in terms of diseases for which we inoculated Humanity.

    Not otherwise. So, who wants to play God? Who says who lives and who dies?
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  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    The number of people dying in the UK is more than 10% above normal levels - with almost all of the excess linked to Covid, official figures show.

    There were 12,292 deaths in the week ending 23 October - 1,100 where Covid was mentioned on the death certificate, national statisticians reported.

    It brings the total number of deaths that have been registered this year and linked to Covid to over 60,000.

    That is out of nearly 430,000 deaths across society in 2020.

    The figure is higher than the government data which shows nearly 47,000 people have died with Covid.

    But the government figure only counts those who have died within 28 days of a positive test, whereas the national statisticians' records are drawn from death certificates filled in by doctors.

    These national statistics, drawn from Office for National Statistics and its counterparts in Northern Ireland and Scotland, show the number of deaths linked to Covid are doubling every fortnight.

    This is in line with the government figures.

    Because of the length of time it takes for infected individuals to fall seriously ill, any impact from the lockdown in England, which starts on Thursday, will not be seen in the death figures until the end of November.
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  12. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    >If we could afford to bail out the bankers, financiers and corporations (the bastards who almost destroyed the society as such and yet they were given humongous amounts of our money, in some societies without any strings attached, so they even gave themselves bonuses for doing the nastiest and most stupid thing in a century!!!) with our own money - why can't we afford to save ourselves with our money, the very same way?!? It would come out of our pocket, so WTF?!?

    Thanks . That was worth reading :)
  13. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    The situation here is different.

    I post this here as notice for Germany in case of further arguing on R value and if the lockdown here has an influence on it...
    "According to the report of the RKI on current situation the infection rate (reproduction number) of the corona virus in Germany is 1.04 (7 days R value, 02/11/2020, day of lockdown getting operative.)"

    Schools, University, DCC (daycare centre) are still open.

    The source is the site from the govt. itself.
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  14. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1435 gorski, Nov 5, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
    Ouch, not another one...

    The head of the WHO’s emergencies programme, Mike Ryan, called on Friday for full-scale scientific investigations of the complex issue of humans - outside China - infecting mink which in turn transmitted the virus back to humans.

    “We have been informed by Denmark of a number of persons infected with coronavirus from mink, with some genetic changes in the virus,” WHO said in a statement emailed to Reuters in Geneva. “The Danish authorities are investigating the epidemiological and virological significance of these findings.”

    Authorities in Denmark said five cases of the new virus strain had been recorded on mink farms and 12 cases in humans, and that there were between 15 million and 17 million mink in the country.

    Outbreaks at mink farms have persisted in the Nordic country, the world’s largest producer of mink furs, despite repeated efforts to cull infected animals since June.
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  16. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1436 Yen, Nov 5, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
    Do you know such people personally and can you prove that those have acted as spreader and therefore can be held accountable for it?

    I think you are following a stereotype without reason and do parrot to have a scapegoat..

    I am sorry, things are much more complicated than you think!

    What you say are very occasional cases only and do not reason current wave.
    The 'youth' behaves exemplary well here...:)
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  17. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #1437 case-sensitive, Nov 5, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
    > The 'youth' behaves exemplary well here...:)

    You live on another planet . Young people are having to be watched and controöled and prevented from gathering with no masks on . The police are on the streets doing it . ........ because the safety measures were largely being ignored . ....... and ......because of that whole areas are on lockdown and all the bars and shops that sell alk have been closed at night . For example in berlin . The newer outbreaks come to a large part from them and people returning from holidays .
  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Police in the UK had to go around the country and break up raves from 500 - 1000 people, when they were explicitly forbidden, for obvious reasons, with £££ fines and all, Yen.

    You do live on another planet.... Nothing you say lately bears any semblance of reality....
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  19. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007

    I am aware of what I notice and read!
    "Young adults are following the corona rules"
    "Study: Great majority of young people does follow the corona measures."

    "Not always party on: The youth makes an effort at corona rules, better than thought"

    @gorski I said here!
    @case-sensitive I thought you live here, too. Not free of those stereotypes?!?

    BTW: Need more sources? :rolleyes:
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  20. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Sorry for the Google translation, I'm too lazy lol