Ahhh.... Reality in many places is actually quite bleak but some of them say "We are ready! We have the PPE, we have the coffins! We are ready!" And they happily say "Yes!" in private and fill their pockets.... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...eprived-and-covid-infected-suburbs-in-england
>People affected by the human papilloma vaccine (HPV) prepare a class action lawsuit Why do you post crap like that ? Their subjective claims have less than no chance of getting anywhere .......... because they have no proof , their claims are subjective ........ and the damage they claim is to diverse . >Life in one of the most deprived and Covid-infected suburbs in England Hmmmmm ........ all that populistic article says is that ...... little british poor people are thick / dumb and thick people are more effected by corona than the rich !?!
This is a joke! First BioNTech has announced 90% 'efficacy' https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/nov/09/covid-19-vaccine-candidate-effective-pfizer-biontech Then the competitor Moderna came up with 94, nearly 95% https://www.bbc.com/news/health-54902908 And now BioNTech also with 94% https://www.bbc.com/news/health-54986208 WTF=?! A capitalistic race without any affinity to truth. Numbers, numbers, numbers..... Wake up!!! I know from our own research that more than half usually FAILS at Phase III!!!! Lots of sources confirming my practical experiences... I.E.: https://www.parexel.com/application/files_previous/5014/7274/5573/ACT_Article.pdf Also:...... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6092479/ This study even speaks of 54-57%! And now all them COVID-19 vaccines are great??! Even Sputnik V. Moderna, Oxford, BioNTech, CureVac...ALL great! (Because any of those are sponsored by Gates foundation?!?) https://www.healthline.com/health-n...trials-show-promise-most-still-fail-heres-why There seems to be one advantage for Moderna, though. Storage temp is about 'only' normal freezer (maybe only fridge) while BioNTech's vaccine needs -80 degrees Celsius (dry ice)... As being said. I cannot recognize a plan that would be apart from 'common' human drive such as greed and capital...and when it comes to politics inability joins... Those vaccine developers are competitors. Each one has their lobby at politics. The need of a vaccine is never questioned at all. Politics cares that the fear remains and by that a reason to get vaccinated. By that they create a profit situation for both...but I cannot notice of an intelligence and plan...
Just heard on an international news channel that in germany they're setting up free mass tests ........... where people just have to gargle with a salt solution and that gets tested = Hey !!! Wow !!! ............ but ...... people have to take it every 36 hours ........... = LOL !!!
No plan huh? No intelligence huh? So no conspiracy right? Conspiracy No. 1 = Undermine right to free speech AANNNDD, do whatever necessary to achieve so
Go ask @gorski if he has a written evaluation about you being declare mentally incompetent as he well insinuated the other day... and I do agree. We don't need such proof to see ... roflmao.
Amazon launches online pharmacy service https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-54973539 Amazon, the monopolizing monster, will now offer drugs at home ... to finish closing the vicious circle of the new subnormality. "Consume and drug only at home, lull the tedium of the insignificant life of the modern slave." Unbelievable. Criminals within the law.
As if that were not enough, sinister Klaus Schwab is also an ideological mentor of "Young Leaders of the Future", among them Alexander Soros, son of George Soros, David Rothschild, the youngest of the Rothschild dynasty, Mark Zuckerberg, the Freemason Emanuel Macron, Jens Spahn, German health minister, among others. As you can see, the elite technocratic huddle that subdues humanity is closely related.
Those people who got trouble didn't get it because of the demonstration itself. They got it because of riots and physical violence against the police. What do you mean? This: https://www.telesurenglish.net/news...ioxide-as-covid-treatment--20200806-0017.html
Well yeah. Looking the figures going downwards... What else could be destroying this chimeric diabolical virus.
Question: These are the nature results of the BioNTech vaccine Phase I/II. I have posted those already. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2639-4 45 persons.12/08/2020. I have chosen the values for 30µg dose after 2nd shot. Observer-blinded dose-escalation study (means all them got verum with different doses, no placebo). Figure b from the Nature link (30-μg dose) : Fever: mild, moderate 75% Fatigue: mild, moderate 85% Headache: mild, moderate 100% Chills: mild, moderate and severe 65% Vomiting Zero Diarrhoea mild 10% Muscle pain mild, moderate 60% Joint Pain mild, moderate 25% And here the recent news 18/11/20. Source: Pfizer itself about current Phase III https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-r...ntech-conclude-phase-3-study-covid-19-vaccine They have chosen the 30 µg dose for this phase, also one booster shot. The difference to Phase I/II is the gap between first and second shot and BNT162b1 to BNT162b2 Now at more than 43000 people / double blind crossover study this time. (Verum / placebo) Get This: Now the question: Can you explain why all them 45 got headache (mild and moderate) before and now only 2.0% of 43000? And fatigue 85% before and now only 3.8%? All the other side effects below 2% now? Chills 65% now <2?. Fever 75% now <2%. muscle pain 60% now <2% and so on. Even not worth to mention them separately... OK if you say now b2 is the difference. Then it is a huge difference. At an ongoing process of approval you must not change the vaccine itself. If you do a systemic change you have another vaccine and it needs an own process of approval from scratch (Phase 0/I)!!! Why? Simply because the content from Phase I/II data would become invalid as a relation to Phase III. b2 would be a completely new vaccine! With different attributes here and there. Anything what has been figured before wouldn't apply to b2 anymore. AFAIK the change is the target sequence of the spike protein that will be produced in body. Seemingly not a systemic change. Hence still the same name BNT162. You don't need to be a checking authority to notice that there is a big irrationality that should create natural mistrust.
Fabricating a Pandemic – Who Could Organize It and Why Gregory Sinaisky https://off-guardian.org/2020/09/06/fabricating-a-pandemic-who-could-organize-it-and-why
well i saw this video a few time ago all the pandemic seem sketchy, on the first videos i saw that appeared of wutang you saw in those videos people laid down dead on the street, i never saw that happening
@Yen, you are not going to start bitching about numbers, are ya? I mean, your guru's whole game is about numbers, FCOL....
I was so concerned about cackrona and the ' future ' of inhumanity that i was on my knees praying to Elvis for help and understanding .........and i had a vision and saw the light ---- > Imagine if the new vacines come ........ and all the esential workers ........... politicians , police , judges , staatsanwalte and the criminaly rich get the first shots .......... and after 6 months they all DIE !!!!!!!! .......... OMG !!! What a kacktastrophy !!!! .........
@case-sensitive dude, are you feeling ok today? Any corona around your home cracking your brain today?
Here is something from some serious people.... https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/ep...mdhW_jpxG-eVn08AYF0cPHNu2B3ggF0OtT_-79E-6fJ3c Sylvia Walbyhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-9696-6947 Abstract Social theory is developing in response to the coronavirus (COVID) crisis. Fundamental questions about social justice in the relationship of individuals to society are raised by Delanty in his review of political philosophy, including Agamben, Foucault and Žižek. However, the focus on the libertarian critique of authoritarianism is not enough. The social democratic critique of neoliberalism lies at the centre of the contesting responses to the COVID crisis. A social democratic perspective on public health, democracy and state action is contrasted with the anti-statists of left and right. This is addressed in debates on the relationship between science and governance, the place of crisis in theories of change and the conceptualisation of alternative forms of social formation. The crisis initiated by the pandemic, cascading through society, from health to economy, to polity and into violence, includes a contestation between social democratic and neoliberal visions of alternative forms of society.
I am 'bitching' when conclusions are made before datasets / official primary data of studies are available. And I compare scientific sources to 'private results' with capitalistic interests. Here we go again: Official WHO Bulletin about fatality rate COVID-19. I was right. And it's no killer. https://www.who.int/bulletin/online_first/BLT.20.265892.pdf
C'MON, MAN!!! YOU JUMPED TO CONCLUSIONS BEFORE YOU COULD HAVE SEEN ANY SUCH DATA, BY THE INNER LOGIC OF THE THING ITSELF!!! In short: if you don't know about potential long term consequences of C-19 how can you POSSIBLY say that what we are doing is "bad"?!? By which magic?!?