Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    It's all nothing, really, just overblown hot air, you can ignore all this, these are not facts, just fantasises, right.... a conspiracy, no less....

    Coronavirus: US hits record Covid cases and hospitalisations

    Record-high Covid infections and hospitalisations have been reported in the US, with fears they will not slow in the run-up to Christmas.

    The number of people in hospital passed 100,000 for the first time, a figure that has doubled since early November.

    New cases rose by a record 195,695 on Wednesday, and the daily death toll of 2,733 was close to a new high.

    The city of Los Angeles has reacted to an unprecedented surge there by ordering residents to stay at home.

    Nationwide, infections are now closing in on 14 million, with more than 264,000 deaths, according to data from the Covid Tracking Project.

    Figures have continued to soar in recent weeks, with around a million new infections reported every week in November. - equivalent to 99 every minute.

    In response to surging numbers, US authorities have warned that the country's healthcare system faces an unprecedented strain this winter.

    "The reality is that December, January and February are going to be the most difficult time in the public health history of this nation," said Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Btw, the vaccine approval procedures were followed, apparently, in terms of numbers of tests/volunteers - they claim only the time-scale has changed, as in they sped-up the whole thing. So, they claim safety is "unquestionable" (Pfizer and testers/scrutinisers)... Let's hope it's true....

    Technically, it will be impossible to get it to many people in care-homes, elderly at greatest risk, given the need for freezers etc.

    Children are not envisaged as recipients of the vaccine, although longer-term they may lower the age, if....
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  3. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1623 Yen, Dec 3, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2020
    Nobody can know what'll really turn out.
    I know that very well from own developments. (Classic time-scale, though).
    You have to be always open for surprises.

    2 factors which are individual at COVID-19 vaccines are making me thinking it's actually irresponsible to go for the public at this stage.

    - It's a new kind of human vaccine either way.
    - It'll 'meet' a great amount of people. Ergo you capture the very rare effects as well.
    - We are completely blind concerning actions after a period of 6 months of vaccination for given logic.

    And I do not to speak here about proving efficacy.....which is another missing thing.

    Our developments and 'one of my/our kids' a drug against Alzheimer. I cared for it 12 years finally 'died' because of substantiating 'efficacy'. The safety was after that time no problem, though.

    You surely can comprehend it's hard to determine 'efficacy' for a drug that can delay the progress of Alzheimer. It's a progress of mental degeneration and a very individual progress which is hard to measure in 'units' at all...

    I am afraid to read about bad headlines about the vaccinations in the near future...
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  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Agreed! Potential for counter-productive backlash is there!

    We all hope they are right! They better be right, for all our sake's!!!
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  5. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013

    Watch this video with care and don't tell me it's all conspiracy theories.

  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Or one can see this and ponder... carefully....

    Covid-19: UK surpasses 60,000 deaths

    More than 60,000 people in the UK have now died within 28 days of a positive Covid-19 test, official figures show.

    A further 414 were recorded on Thursday, taking the total to 60,113.

    Two other ways of measuring deaths - where Covid is mentioned on the death certificate, and the number of "excess deaths" for this time of year - give higher total figures.

    Only the US, Brazil, India and Mexico have recorded more deaths than the UK, according to Johns Hopkins University.

    However, the UK has had more deaths per 100,000 people than any of those nations.

    In terms of deaths per 100,000 people, the UK is the seventh-highest country globally, behind Belgium, San Marino, Peru, Andorra, Spain and Italy.
    Prime Minister Boris Johnson said every death was "one too many".

    "While it's fantastic news that a vaccine is on its way, we must not lose sight of the fact that the fight against coronavirus is not yet won," he added.

    Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, meanwhile, described the milestone as "heartbreaking".

    "My thoughts are with all those families who will spend Christmas remembering those loved ones who are no longer with us," he said.

    The latest daily figures for the UK also showed a further 14,879 people have tested positive for Covid-19, taking the UK's total cases to 1,674,134.

    The government's death figures only include people who died within 28 days of testing positive for coronavirus - but two other ways of measuring deaths give higher overall figures.

    The first includes all deaths where coronavirus was mentioned on the death certificate, even if the person had not been tested for the virus. The most recent figures suggest there have been more than 69,000 deaths by this measure.

    The second is a measure of "excess deaths" - the number of deaths over and above the usual number at this time of year.

    Deaths normally do rise at this time of the year, but the latest data from the Office for National Statistics and its counterparts in Scotland and Northern Ireland - which measure excess deaths - suggest the second wave of the virus has pushed the death rate above the average seen over the past five years.


    'These are sobering statistics'
    Covid news comes in contrasting shades.

    In early November, Pfizer and Biontech announced the success of their vaccine trial, which increased hopes of a return to normality. Two days later, the UK's daily reported death toll hit 50,000.

    This week's news of regulatory approval for the vaccine is closely followed by that total passing 60,000. This covers those who have died within 28 days of a positive test.

    There is a broader definition that includes those who might have died after a longer period from the time of a test, or who weren't tested but whose death certificates involved Covid-19 - this shows around 70,000 have died with the virus.

    These are sobering statistics and underline even more the importance of the vaccine for charting a way towards saving lives.

    How do the first and second waves compare?
    So far, the second wave has been lower and slower than the first wave.

    About 80% of deaths involving coronavirus happened before August, and most of those happened in just one month.

    Almost 10,000 coronavirus deaths a week were registered in consecutive weeks in April.

    In this second wave, it looks like the peak figures - assuming infections keep falling before widespread vaccination takes place - might be closer to 3,000 than 4,000.

    And, as in the first wave, those over 75 account for about 75% of the deaths, suggesting that vaccinating over-75s could stem the vast majority of future deaths.

    This time around, the spread of deaths around the country has looked quite different.

    In the spring and summer, London and the north-west of England each accounted for about 15% of coronavirus deaths in the UK.

    But in this wave, London's share is down, closer to 5%, whereas the North West is just under 25%.

    Meanwhile, bed occupancy rates have fallen in almost three-fifths of English hospitals since the week ending 8 November - the first week these figures were published.

    In the week to 29 November, 87% of beds in English hospitals were occupied, compared with 88% the previous week.

    The NHS is meant to keep at least 10% of its beds free so that it can be flexible, allowing it to admit patients and cope with surges in demand.

    The number of hospitals reporting more than 90% occupancy has fallen slightly since the first week of November - down from 52 to 45 of the 127 trusts reporting data.

    However, Robert Cuffe, the BBC's head of statistics, said pressures on hospitals are not "evenly spread".

    Some hospitals like North Middlesex, Southport and Ormskirk, Surrey and Sussex, and Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh have more than 95% of beds taken.

    He said: "More hospitals have seen capacity free up this month than have seen it tighten.

    "But as we move into the months that, in any year, put the most stress on capacity within the NHS, all eyes will be on these figures."
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  7. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
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  8. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    >We all hope they are right! They better be right, for all our sake's!!!

    Nope . Being an altruist i hope and prey that they're wrong . We should be looking at the bigger picture , bite the sour apple and stop being pussys . All this ego crap with poor little me i might die !!! ........ ' What about the old ' ? ...... WTF !!!! When did old people ever matter ? When did the poor ever matter ?
  9. WindowsGeek

    WindowsGeek MDL Expert

    Jun 30, 2015
    Here in the US one person dies every 30 seconds that's two people each minutes:eek:
  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    CS, is this "look at me" - 'cause that's ego trippin' crap... Stop trolling!!!
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  11. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    No personal attacks please.
  12. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    so many covid experts here but no one came up with the vaccine ;)
  13. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    Being an expert (gathering covid19 knowledge from various sources) and discovering a vaccine are two different things. The later needs diligent research, tests and what not where the former needs news and views around the world. :D
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  14. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1634 gorski, Dec 5, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2020
    Says a person aggrandising himself, C-S... "Oh, look at me, I am larger than life, I couldn't even be bothered with life as such - so long as it's other people's life... So, I am bigger than you, tiny brains, who bog yourselves down with caring about others.... I am so much bigger than that - I just don't care, so big am I..."

    Now, for someone who attacks others for "ego crap" - you really are jumping into your stomach with both feet.... In other words, if you are "beyond ego crap", what do you care if somebody dares to criticise you, eh, eh, eh?!?!?!? :rolleyes: :p Talk about utterly clueless....
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  15. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    No personal attacks please .
  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    No personal nonsense re. common interest, please... Especially if it is close to eugenics... Thanx a bunch!

    Sweden moves school classes online as death toll grows
    By EUobserver
    4. Dec, 07:13
    Swedish prime minister Stefan Lofven has announced that high schools will switch to distance learning from next week, after the country's death toll surpassed 7,000 on Thursday, Reuters reported, "This is being done so as to have a slowing effect on the spread of the disease," Lofven said, warning students that "this is not an extended break for Christmas". The new rule will be in place until early January.

    They don't know what they are doing, either, eh?
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  17. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Please stick to what i've said when replying and stop the personal insults and attacks .
  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I did and I do! You have no leg to stand on! You don't want to do anything about C-19, you do not care if we die in large numbers and so on. Get real!

    If you can not see it - oh, well...
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  19. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1639 Yen, Dec 5, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2020

    Recently I focus my spare time on the vaccine development.

    From what I know until today I cannot share the euphoria which is found in all mainstream media.
    Besides of the fact that NO mRNA vaccine before has passed beyond phase I in history and the safety concerns (We have here a completely new kind of human vaccine.) I do not think that a vaccine approach generally is suitable to break infection chains for SARS-CoV2.

    The major reason why I think so is that if you suffer from COVID-19, the illness, or get only mild symptoms or even remain asymptomatic depends besides of your own immunity / cross-immunity / comorbidities on the viral load.

    The antibody level obtained from a vaccination will get a particular peak amount. This peak level soon is declining. The severity of an infection is dependent on the antibody level on the one side, on the other side on the viral load. (Existing cross-immunity from T-cell response excluded in this consideration.)

    You should know: Antibodies bind to the surface (spikes) of the virus in order to prevent them entering and capturing a cell to produce new viruses there. Once they are bound they are 'done'. If the viruses are overwhelming you get more or less the symptoms of COVID-19.

    We have to get away from black / white thinking. Means a clear statement on efficacy. AKA Does it protect or doesn't it.
    It can at best, but only to a certain amount. It'll always depend on your current antibody level.

    How high was your individual peak obtained from vaccination and when was it.
    How far is the progress of declining already AND the viral load you are exposed to at a particular life situation.

    In other words. You get a shift to less probability to suffer from severe COVID-19 to mild or asymptomatic progresses.
    But I don't think you get sterilizing antibodies. Means that you are completely protected AND you cannot spread the virus to others.

    The question if it can break infection chains at all remains. I am not optimistic in this regard.


    "Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us."
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  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1640 gorski, Dec 5, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2020
    Damn, that's depressing... if true...

    EDIT: But we have other vaccines... about half a dozen... some more "traditional" than others...

    This one by Pfizer/Ntech is apparently strictly synthetic, so at least they know exactly what's in there and they say that in that respect they do know what it does... Well, let's hope so....
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