Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    And things certainly are complex, in our complex society...

    During the rare moments you’ve ventured outside these days, you’ve probably noticed clearer skies and the benefits of reductions in air pollution.
    Long-term exposure to air pollution increases the danger associated with four of the biggest Covid-19 mortality risks: diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease and asthma. It also can make the immune system overreact, exaggerating the inflammatory response to common pathogens.

    But there are other common contaminants in our homes that are also likely to be hacking our immune systems, which have had less attention.

    You’ve probably heard about synthetic chemicals in non-stick pans, cosmetics and aluminum cans disrupting our hormones. The notion of endocrine-disrupting chemicals was only widely accepted about a decade ago, when scientific societies raised the alarm. The science of immune disruption is even newer, with a large review in a major scientific journal just out last year.

    You may have heard of “forever chemicals”, or perfluoroalkylsubstances (PFAS) from the movie Dark Waters, with Mark Ruffalo. These chemicals, used to keep food from sticking to surfaces and our clothing free of oily stains, are widely found in the US water supply. We’re talking about chemicals that 110 million Americans drink each day that increase the death rate of mice exposed to influenza type A. Children exposed during pregnancy have worse immune responses to vaccines, with weaker antibody responses. Studies in Norway, Sweden and Japan have found greater difficulties in children with various infections, ranging from colds to stomach bugs to ear infections.

    Bisphenol A, or BPA, which is found in thermal paper receipts and aluminum can linings, has been found in the laboratory to increase the body’s release of a molecule called interleukin-6, or IL-6, that may be involved in the raging wildfire inside the lung that has already killed so many from coronaviruses. One of the more promising treatments for coronavirus patients is tocilizumab, an antibody to IL-6. Phthalates, used in cosmetics, personal care products and food packaging, alter levels of cytokines, which are key players in the immune response to coronavirus.

    Is the evidence perfect? Hardly. And we have to rely on observational studies – you can’t run a randomized controlled trial of potentially toxic mixtures of virus and chemical exposures. There are ethical and logistical challenges to running these kinds of studies. But absence of evidence doesn’t mean absence of harm.
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  2. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Our immune system has 2 major 'instances' to fight the viral infection.
    The virus has spike proteins at its surface. Those spikes act as a kind of door-opener to enter a human cell. After it has entered it it makes the cell to produce more of the viruses. After the cell has been captured it produces besides of the virus some additional waste.

    -Antibodies: The immune system checks the spike proteins and creates specific antibodies for it. Those antibodies have the ability to bind to the spikes (surface of the virus). As result the spikes are inactivated and the function as a door-opener is lost. The virus cannot capture cells anymore to produce new viruses.

    -T-cells: They recognize already those infected human cells which have been already captured to make new viruses. They recognize them by their waste. They simply kill the entire infected cell, means the virus factory.

    The t-cells have a long term memory and have learned from other viral infections of former corona viruses. (cross-immunity).
    The antibodies are specific, short-term and once they have bound they are 'done'.
    T-cells can kill many infected human cells (virus factories), though.

    Vaccine approach:

    You actually 'mimic' an infection in order to provoke an immune response. You have to remain specific SARSCoV2 without getting COVID-19, the illness.

    Briefly there are 3 approaches:

    -Inactivated SARSCoV2 viruses (classic approach). The Chinese Sinovac and Sinopharm are developing such vaccines.

    -Vector virus. You use another virus (for instance adenoviruses), but with the genetic code of SARSCoV2 spike proteins (Oxford vaccine). Once it enters a human cell it produces the spike protein of SARSCoV2 but without to create an illness.

    -mRNA. You are channelling in the blueprint of the spike protein of SARSCov2. The cell then produces the spike protein of SARSCoV2.

    The first is most 'original'. Means it is closest to COVID-19. Therefore it could create symptoms of COVID-19.

    The vector virus. Originally another virus, but produces the same spike proteins of SARSCoV2. Which cells will be affected depends also on the adenovirus base.

    mRNA: Which cells are used for 'channelling in' the blueprint is unknown.

    The big question at the second and third approach is: What will the t-cells do with such cells once they start to produce the spike protein????
    Since they are more unspecific they probably kill them because they have become 'factories'. And since both approaches are not original they probably choose other cells than the original SARSCoV2 virus.

    Do the T-cells also learn by it? If yes there can be a longer term protection.

    But the uncertainty which cells will be used to make the spike protein still remains.
    Also when alarming those t-cells by self-created factories there can be an overpowering of those cells.(Overreaction of immune response).

    Those are the reasons why I am worried about the mRMA and vector virus approach.
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  3. Palladin

    Palladin MDL Senior Member

    Feb 1, 2014
    I don't know if any of you guys were around in the 50's when the Polio epidemic struck, but I was and remember it well.
    A good article on the Salk vaccine:

    And the quote that caught my eye was this:
    The American public was deeply invested in fighting polio, with 300,000 volunteers from all walks of life helping to complete the Salk vaccine trial in 1954, a massive and unprecedented undertaking. At over 200 test sites nationwide, volunteers inoculated nearly 2 million children, some with the real vaccine and others with a placebo as part of the first double-blind vaccine trial in American history.
    And Salk was so confident in the vaccine, that he gave it to his wife and children. Do you imagine the president of Pfizer or any other drug company giving their company's vaccine to their children on nationwide TV?

    And then this happpened, known as the Cutter incident:

  4. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    #1644 vladnil, Dec 7, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2020

    Who has seen the covid virus itself in the eyes?
    Through a microscope?
    No one in the world has seen it, and all that is shown on TV is a deception of the population.
    you're being paid for
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  5. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I know that.
    It belongs to the classic vaccines. It's an inactivated original virus. The Cutter incident is based on a fatal production fault / quality management. The virus has been inactivated by formaldehyde, but they did not properly check if all the viruses have been inactivated. So they sold a vaccine which still had active viruses in it. As result many people got poliomyelitis.

    Some people assume they have not taken enough time to inactivate the viruses (more profit).

    Poliomyelitis is a real dangerous illness with significant fatality rates. COVID-19 is a joke compared to it.
    The poliomyelitis vaccines are safe today. And they are very effective. It belongs to the useful vaccines with a real evidence on efficacy.

    COVID-19 has a fatality rate of 0.23% only. (WHO bulletin).
    It's really hard to get evidence on efficacy having such a low fatality rate.

    From this POV it's generally questionable at COVID-19 if it makes sense to go for a vaccine at all. It only makes sense for the high risk groups having a higher fatality rate.
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  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1646 gorski, Dec 7, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2020
    It's way worse than that, Yen.

    Lancet etc. have articles about SV40 and so on - it was considered "good science" back then, says Hilleman, while stabbing in the dark himself...

    So, these things should be properly discussed, not shoved under the carpet, the public properly educated and any new vaccine and pharmacological product carefully tested, screened and monitored, indeed...

    If we do not do precisely that - then we are creating a fertile ground on which antivaxers and anti-science nutters grow... (Plenty of them on show in this very thread!) 'Tis to be expected, when they are kept in the dark and they either know it or they can feel it... So, I blame the "scientism" for their offensive BS nowadays, as they think that somehow science must not be subject to proper debate and in fact it should replace religion... Either science is truly open to scrutiny - and never exempt from potential consequences of its products/council - or we have a really large problem on our hands, which will only grow and the backlash can be devastating, in a much wider context, politically as well!
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  7. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1647 Yen, Dec 7, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2020
    Yes, that's right. I only referred to the Cutter incident (1955). Not saying this was the only issue.

    The potential issues at classic approach:
    You can get the illness (as mentioned already).
    You can have impurities from growing the virus.

    This applies to vector virus based vaccines as well.
    BTW: The vector virus based Oxford vaccine uses cell lines from an electively aborted foetus, AFAIK a foetus from 1973!

    There are 'scientists' saying that the mRMA based vaccines are safer than a classic vaccine. Because they do exclude impurities from growing (you do not have to grow virus at all) and there's less probability to get sick.

    BUT! It's "scientism" as well.
    The mainstream media is full of such people saying that! It's irresponsible and I absolutely cannot understand why the media do no proper journalism AKA to question things.

    You cannot compare to something that does not exist = safety data for mRNA vaccines.

    Honestly....the COVID-19 vaccination story has the potential to turn out as a new vaccination scandal with a scope that has never existed before.
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  8. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #1648 case-sensitive, Dec 7, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2020
    Noone asked me what i think ........ and ignorant people keep putting words and ideas into my mouth that are not there . So ---- >

    ----- > ' Today, polio vaccines are screened for known viruses. '

    Both the storys / links about vacine problems are irelevant . It was in the past and we've learnt from it . The only relevance is that in the past mistakes were made . Science is built on that = Experiments , testing , trial and error ....... and learning from mistakes . Nothing is , was or will be perfect .

    IMO ...... Gorski your the living proof that the corona virus isnt a real threat ........... because if it was you would have been arrested and shot for causing trouble , spreading ignorance and pouring oil on the fire .


    I wont have any injection at least untill its been mass tested .

    I wont have any injection that causes changes to my cells . If it was a dead or harmless virus used to create antibodys and imunity that would be a different story for me .

    Question @ Yen . From the proposed and the existing vacines are any of them causing changes to cells / receptors . Sorry , in that direction my terminology isnt good . I mean germony there is a very large movement of people who reject anything thats been gene manipulated . Are any of the vacines going in that direction ?

    @ Masks and ' hygene ' .

    Yen ......... Very easy test for you . A demonstration for your students ......... but dont tell them whats going on :) .......... First thing in the morning you get them in the lab and turn the lights off . Then turn a UV light on . Then afterwards give them some experiments to do ........ from handling to distilation to purification ....... with something containing a flourescent substance ......... and then at the end of the day turn the lights off again and turn the UV light on :)

    I've worked in a lab for the last 35 years ......... doing sterile work ......... sometimes with a distiller / retort thats big enough to get an average hunman being in . 100 % sterility doesnt exist . It doesnt matter at what preasure the samples were sterilised at there were sometimes contamination .

    Usualy i work in just boxer shorts :) ......... when i dont have a mask on contamination is regular and hard to get rid of . When i put a mask on its rare . Most cases of contamination in a lab come from peoples breath / mouths , Second cause is things falling off the body ....... mainly from the head . The third cause is not wearing gloves . BUT ........ the only realy relevant one is wearing a mask .

    Its clear to see that the countrys with the biggest problems are the countrys where they dont have a functioning health system and / or the population is bolshy / egoistic and ignorant . For example little britain and the usa .

    Its clear to see that corona is not as dangerous as its made out to be by governments and the press . The problem is being politisised and blown out of proportion by the press . All we have to do is to compare the death rates and numbers of infected people in countrys with not functioning health systems ( third world ) , with countrys where the population largely follows hygene rules and the countrys where they dont ..

    Its clear to see that governments are not doing what they should be doing .......... for one because when theres a serious outbreak of a serious disease theres a standard procedure ......... wich china followed ........ and thats why they are one of the countrys that have the least problems . We see masses of idiotic ' studys ' wich are statisticly irelevant and / or just irelevant and / or are not and never will be peer revued . The ONLY study i've seen so far that might have any relevance was the chinese one with nearly a million participants . Its noticable that that didnt happen up untill now in other countrys . Austria has announced mass testing ......... other countrys are now also going in that direction ......... but ........ that should have happened right at the start

    Mass testing of a statisticaly relevant number of participants ......... maybe ten thousand randomly picked people get checked ......... and do it once a week / month ........ is the way to go . That would gather enough statistics to compare and show whats actualy going on . How many people have had it / have antibodys , how many are spreaders , how many have complications ......... and how many die ...... and how many recover .

    Its clear to see that governments are trying to hide behind vacines . Two scenarios = Either they got it right or wrong ? ......... and if a vacine comes we'ill never know that ......... because after a vacination campaign they
    ll say ......... ' Look , we helped you , we did the right thing ......... wich is proved because vacination has stoped the pandemic ' . Will it ? Did it ? Or was corona just blown out of all proportion and isnt as dangerous as we've been told .

    I said right from the start ......... wheres the pile of bodys ? The big death rate came from underfunded , overworked care homes , hospitals and places where vunerable people gather ......... ventilators that killed people ......... and stupid people who didnt ware masks ......... a lot of who are religeous groups with their services and .......... ' God will save us ' !!! :)
  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    That's why no one asked you....:D:p:D
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  10. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    You don't understand because you don't want to face the truth which you already know and understand roflmao
  11. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Says the clown full of arrogance, arrogance ad infinitum, who thinks his rationale is absolutely correct and thinks science is the answer for anything including killing a divine power aka God or whatever you like to name.
  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Well, if you paid attention at all, with some IQ and good will, you would have seen me taking apart ANY claim, including scientific ones, criticising "scientism", i.e. replacing religion with "science" (although that is not science, strictly speaking)....

    So, in short, you're full of yourself, which comes across as arrogance, right and proper - but since it is all utterly unfounded, there is no weight of any kind to your scribbling, sorry.... A proper clown in all this - is you...
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  13. Palladin

    Palladin MDL Senior Member

    Feb 1, 2014
    While the Cycle Threshold has been ignored by the MSM, I got a feeling you are going to hear more about it. For the first time that I can remember a state Governor has required that all PCR tests now include it. I expect many more Governors to follow suit. And who knows, maybe the MSM might even pick up on it.

    I can think of several scenarios that might unfold but here's one to consider. Now that the Governor of Florida has mandated the reporting of the CT it won't be long before other Governors do the same. Not to be outdone by the guy on Florida. The testing agencies that are using 40 as a CT might be saying "Uh Oh" maybe we should reduce our threshold. BTW. I don't know who the companies are that do the testing, nor do I know what the most common CT is at present.

    But let's just assume for the moment there are tests that use a CT of maybe 35-40 for their PCR test. If this sort of mandate by the Florida Governor catches hold the testing companies might want to roll back they higher test cycles to a lower one to stay off the MSM radar. If this happens the positive cases will go down.

    And coincidently we now have various drug companies rolling out their vaccines. None of which will be able to improve on the Fatality rate of doing nothing, which is 0.025% where I live. No vaccine in the history has ever reached a 99.92 rate, yet that's what it will have to do to beat doing nothing. But if the CT rate at the testing labs is dropped from whatever it is now to a more reasonable rate like 25-30 then the infection rate will drop. And that's all the MSM reports anyway.

    So the testing labs quietly lower their CT rate gradually over time, and more and more of the big drug companies like Pfizer, Moderna and others roll out their vaccines the infection rate will fall as well. As it does, the politicians will declare "cautious optimism" of victory over the Covid-19 Pandemic at time goes on. Maybe, just maybe someone will point out the fact that 50% of the deaths from Covid-19 come from nursing home facilities and they might not want to include them in the final reported count, since people in Nursing Homes are there because they are expected to die soon anyway.

    Then if this scenario plays out, maybe next year, around the March-April time frame the Covid-19 virus might be declared "contained" and masks and social distancing and lock downs might be relaxed, or even eliminated.
    Interesting to see how this all plays out.

    Video has Faucci at 4:00 talking about CT's of 35 or more,

    Florida's new law.

  14. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1655 Yen, Dec 7, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2020
    The issue is that the CT's are STILL not standardized and not validated.

    Since it's a RT-PCR you get results for each amount of cycles in real time.
    It depends on the labs which amount they choose, in other words:
    (I have criticized that many times before):

    While one test can turn out being positive another lab can declare it as negative using another threshold.
    Furthermore a positive PCR test says nothing about virulence, not to mention if you are suffering from COVID-19, the illness.
    A PCR-test at proper diagnostic is only used to confirm an illness determined by anamnesis, the specific symptoms and additional diagnostics, but never alone.

    You could 'create' a far more harmless 'impression' of COVID-19 infections toady without any vaccination already by lowering the CTs.

    Since it only detects chosen sequences of the virus it also detects viruses which have been already inactivated by antibodies.

    I assume if you have a high CT you even won't be able to determine if a vaccine has taken action or not. You still will be declared as being PCR positive.
    A quick antibody test (IgG and IgM) would also fail (indicating being positive) since a vaccination itself is producing antibodies.

    To prove efficacy at low fatality rates (areas with low fatality rates) is statistically hard either way.

    And a vaccination for medical personal can even turn out being fatal.
    In that way that the personal don't get any symptoms but is still able to spread the virus to vulnerable patients anyway. (Which are more prone to a lower viral load due to co-morbidities).

    Thank you for your contribution.
    Finally another one who thinks about the matter I already had several postings here.

    If you want we can discuss a bit more about. I am always open for other people's POV on the matter.
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  15. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014

    Its clear to see that corona is not as dangerous as its made out to be by governments and the press.....WHAT dude one person dies every 30 seconds now in the US....please put down the crack pipe and check yourself into a rehab!!!!
  16. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  17. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #1658 case-sensitive, Dec 8, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2020
    >Its clear to see that corona is not as dangerous as its made out to be by governments and the press.....WHAT dude one person dies every 30 seconds now in the US....please put down the crack pipe and check yourself into a rehab!!!!

    Please stop ( baseless ) personal attacks and insults . Why are you attacking me ? For saying that the press and governments are not dealing with the situation properly and are blowing it out of proportion ?

    Why are you attacking me and acusing me of saying things that i havent said ?

    @ Thread ...... Today the BBC said that corona wont be beaten untill everyone has been vacinated .

    Questions @ Yen ---- >

    From the proposed and the existing vacines are any of them causing changes to cells / receptors . Sorry , in that direction my terminology isnt good . I mean germony there's a very large movement of people who reject anything thats been gene manipulated . Are any of the vacines going in that direction ?

    If it works on an RNA level and not DNA that means that the vacine will have to be administered regularly = At the latest every 7 years ?

    If people have already had covid 19 they dont need to be vacinated ?

    If people have already had another member of the covid family they have /might have some imunity ?
  18. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    im not attacking u is a intervention smoking crack is bad for u.....look at all the crazy conspiracies your pushing and their thats what crack does to u.

    Heres the number please seek help get better soon....thank u

    SAMHSA National Helpline
  19. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Stop attacking me ansd stop the personal insuts .

    I dont use crack and i havent pushed any conspiracys