Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Ha! First bad human then bad scientist lol
  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I think all those who are denying that this disease is highly contagious are very, very bad... whatever their profession...

    Everyone who doesn't understand what those numbers mean in hospitals and medical centres is a nutter!!!

    The numbers are undeniable! Period! They may not be perfect but let's not allow ourselves not to see the wood for the trees!!!

    Quibble with ratios all you want but it is a pandemic and plenty of people are getting infected, some are seriously ill, some long term, some die when they wouldn't otherwise!

    Did you know that....?

    Pfizer vaccine - there are some indications - does not stop you from getting infected, So, you just don't get ill but - even if you are asymptomatic ==> you can be contagious and spread the disease! This is rather dangerous, as well, unless everybody gets vaccinated!

    Oxford vaccine - there are some indications now - will stop you from getting infected in the first place!

    Guess which one I'd like to be "really working"...
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  3. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    @ people that take themselves to seriously ---- >

    >Yen said: He's plain career-obsessed and actually a bad scientist.

    >Ha! First bad human then bad scientist lol

    For me looking at the world is like looking at a village meeting in a fellini style asterix and obelix film ........ the village bard morrissey gagged and tied to a tree .......... the soldiers / sontarans in a group and it doesnt matter what happens their answer to everything is ....... ' Napalm , magnet mines and ground to air missiles ' ......... the ju ju priests in their carnival costumes with their god in a dark corner with their backs to the wall ......... and right at the back a group of very small people in white coats desperatly trying to get attention jumping up and down all their lives so that they can see over everyone elses shoulders ......... trying to stand in the middle .......... finaly being taken seriously .......... shouting aids / ebola / bubonic plauge ............. trying to sell bats blood ....... and sterilise the whole universe ........ telling us we have to wear hazmat suits for the rest of time ........ or we wont go to heaven , santa wont come and we wont get the 37 virgins ........ :)
  4. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
  5. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1685 Yen, Dec 11, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2020
    Drosten is human and scientist, lol.

    And when stating something like :"

    Drosten warnt vor Pandemie-Potenzial: Dieses Virus ist ansteckender als Coronavirus
    Der Virologe Christian Drosten ist sich sicher: Neben dem aktuellen Coronavirus hat ein anderer Virenstamm hohes Pandemie-Potenzial. Außerdem sei eine Ansteckung womöglich tödlicher als eine Erkrankung an Covid-19."

    "Drosten is warning about pandemic potential: This virus is more virulent than the corona virus.
    The virologist Christian Drosten (clearly addressed here as a scientist) is sure: Besides of the actual corona virus there is another viral strain with high pandemic potential. Furthermore is an infection probably deadlier as an affection with COVID-19"

    ..then he takes rhetorical responsibility as being a scientist and human.

    I mean people are involved in the COVID-19 pandemic and have enough fears and trouble. What's the point at this time to post about MERS being another danger for humanity to accumulate even more fears?
    A 'good' scientist does not offer such an opinion to spread more fear only to be in the headlines again! MERS is old and known and doesn't play any real role ATM.

    (I BTW did it mention as well as being far more dangerous, BUT to relate the draconian measures we have already at COVID-19 to ask what will we do if there is a real hard pandemic!)

    You do not differentiate. You are right at deaths, severe progresses, long COVID, medical capacities.
    But the PCR numbers are based on scientific undeniable flaws, period! Mr.X posted also a valid source confirming my criticism.

    And I offered criticism for a very good reason which should be also in your interest.

    When you have PCR positives based on flaws (irrational hight CT amount) which are scientifically unreasonable then you burden the resources which should be kept free for the real cases!
    Tracking and isolating of real infection chains, relief of bureaucracy, re-tests, quarantine measures.

    No you cannot be asymptomatic and contagious at the same time. The Chinese study resulted the contrary. Nobody of those 300 asymptomatic people did, zero!

    But what you have to do is to protect the vulnerable groups either way. Quick tests before visits and the like, active virus control.

    "Oxford vaccine - there are some indications now - will stop you from getting infected in the first place!"
    If you don't mind link to the source, please.
    I recently try to get anything to be informed about current results of any ongoing studies.
    This is unknown to me.

    At the Pfizer study the participants are not controlled by PCR tests all the time.
    They clearly speak of cases of COVID-19, NOT of SARS-CoV2 positives.

    I suppose the Oxfords vaccine study does the same, no?
    AFAIK nobody knows yet if you even could spread the virus after being vaccinated at any study.

    The Oxford vaccine is another type of vaccine. It's a vector virus based vaccine, the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine is a mRNA vaccine, the same as the Moderna's vaccine.

    There can be differences, yes...
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  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    A scientist said it on a radio programme, re. "some indications" for those 2 vaccines, not me, not my interpretation.... I doubt he would just pluck it out of thin air. Not saying there is absolute certainty about this - but if it is doubtful re. one's infectivity... OUCH! That's what one would call "DOUBLE TROUBLE"!!!

    Differentiate this, Yen: what would you do, based on your interpretation of the numbers, whatever they may be - what are you proposing as Public Health Policy, based on such an easy way to get infected and overwhelming numbers in hospitals? Give us your alternative...
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  7. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007

    The question is: Why have we such overwhelming numbers and could they have been less if we would have invested more time for research?

    One general reason for it is that our immune defence is not that good at winter time.

    COVID-19 is almost one year now. I think we have not used the time to get more info about the pandemic, especially details about its spreading AND if there was / is new knowledge we did not 'adjust' the public health policy to it or not in time.

    There should be forums with scientists and politicians who are in session every month. Discussing and exchanging news and working out new projects of research. We could have got far more effective ways to fight spreading.

    If you ask the politicians here why we have now such a high number and are there specific events of spreading they have quickly an answer. But if you ask another one the answer is different!

    They only 'guess' yes even have assumptions, prejudices without scientific evidence.

    We put 20 Mio every month to gastronomy only to prevent their insolvency. Airlines and other big companies got billions, so we had enough for more research.

    We should have sent more teams to there where infections are taking place. Investigating how particular infection chains have occurred. Collecting data. Talking to the people reconstructing...

    Where did it happen? Did all feel well? What did they do? How long did they meet...etc..What has to happen that it can jump?

    One of the most important question is: How can I recognize that I have become a potential danger to infect others? Can I without any symptoms?
    When having symptoms: Does coughing / sneezing make me to a super spreader?

    Is my current method to determine virulence really suitable?

    Which measures on-site do prevent?
    How can I realize /meet events safely?

    What if most of spreading happens in private areas, in one's house?

    And assuming asymptomatic people cannot be virulent.(Applying result of study).
    It would mean we have a week point.
    In private areas one feels comfortable and does not care much about rules. And oh well a little bit cough never mind. I go out anyway.

    IS the reason for such a high number something we never really have considered yet?
    What if most of them happened because one person with symptoms has met friends / has gone out anyway and this would be the very major reason?
    Masks are useless. distancing is useless...coughing means spreading either way?!?

    And the simple solution would be: Do you have symptoms stay at home!

    Actually I should not have to ask all that after one year, right? We should know the real evidence based answers already.
    Yeaa politicians know always 'THE' answer. But based on what?
    Those questions are just examples and can be completed / exchanged.

    And again....a flaw that has big impact and why I am so disappointed about those 'scientists'

    When I have a way to determine people who are declared to be virulent and they get counted and tracked and isolated I occupy resources.

    When I have a flaw at this very basic system I also count people who are no danger at all and lose the ability to track and isolate in time because of exhausted capacities....I AM then responsible that more people get infected because of lost tracks.

    You simply can say: When I exhaust tracking capacities due to people who need no tracking it costs lives! It is the same as some who would be false negative.
    This is plausible.

    Ergo this very basic system has to be questioned again and again. Evaluated, validated, adjusted and improved to current and best scientific knowledge!
    I must be able to spot as many potential virulent people as I can! And all those who aren't are out of interest.

    When we recognize a lockdown is the last way we have failed!
    It works because you prevent interaction of humans, but this is the crudest way with most of collateral damages!
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  8. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    A true gem...

  9. frogs2b

    frogs2b MDL Junior Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    I am in a small town in the Philippines. I will not tell anyone what is right or wrong. What works or does not work.
    I will only tell what our town has done. The mayor did not lock down the town. Stores and shops are open.
    99.9% of all the people are wearing masks without complaining. Travel into town is restricted. IF you do NOT
    have a medical certificate showing you are clear then you cannot enter. IF you want to enter you will be placed
    into a 14 day Quarantine period. The elementary school is the quarantine center. Our post office is closed until
    further notice. To go out of town you need travel passes.
    Our town has had 2 confirmed cases. This was over 2 months ago. Both were sent to the big city hospital for
    treatment. Our hospital does not have the equipment needed for treatment. EVERY town around us have active cases.
    What our town has done works for us and about 99.9% of the people do not complain because we are covid-19 free.
  10. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1692 gorski, Dec 16, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
    More evasion of a simple, clear, direct Q... Tells a story.... Well, research this!!!!

    The higher numbers of deaths seen in the UK recent weeks may be starting to fall, figures suggest.

    In the week ending 4 December there were 13,956 deaths - 15% above the five-year average.

    But that is down on the previous week when deaths were 20% higher.

    Just over 3,100 of the deaths involved Covid - down by 200 on the week before. It brings the total excess deaths seen since the pandemic started close to 80,000.

    These are a measure of all deaths above what would normally be expected.

    It is a different way of measuring the death toll from the pandemic from the daily figures, which look at the numbers of people dying 28 days after a positive Covid test.

    People dying from Covid in this period are likely to have caught the infection in the first half of November after cases peaked.

    Since then cases continued to drop, before starting to climb again over the last week or so, particularly in the south east, which prompted the government to move London and some surrounding areas into tier three.

    That suggests the next few weeks could see Covid deaths going down and then up again in the coming weeks.


    Apart from the undeniable nasty numbers you (and a few others here) are trying to ignore in a rather obvious and ludicrous manner - there is a great big hope in this article but it doesn't say anything about
    -a new strain,
    -that it is even more infectious and that
    -there are idiotic Xmass rules coming our way here, in the UK, that
    -scientists are publicly begging people not to take the Gov on their offer of mixing 3 households for 5 days
    -pleading with people to stay put, dig in, not to expose themselves and others to yet more risk because we will all suffer as a result of it, that
    -the Gov is trying to keep the schools open, when we know that the focal point of infection at the moment are 10 - 19 year olds, spreading it from schools, as I warned some 2 months ago,
    -that teachers are dying, too - because of it - but they have not been put on priority lists of getting the vaccine, despite the fact they are being forced by law and court decisions to stay open and continue working
    - and a lot more assumptions that may all come down to nothing or worse...

    Go figure.... It must be a conspiracy..... Well, if it is, it has to do with Capital and its masks... Who's gonna follow the money?
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  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1694 gorski, Dec 17, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
    Just to illustrate my main points/strategy, by using THE points by an insider:

    Bernie Sanders
    Mitch McConnell's "new" COVID relief bill gives CEOs a 100% tax deduction for a 3-martini lunch, but ZERO to the 26 million who don't have enough food to eat. Yes. The Republicans l-o-v-e corporate socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the rest. Ain't gonna happen.

    Bernie Sanders
    If Congress can afford to give giant subsidies to the fossil fuel industry and a $1 trillion tax break to the top 1%, then we can afford $1200 direct payments to every working class adult in America. #PeoplesBailout

    Bernie Sanders
    Endless money for wars? No problem. Endless money for tax breaks for the rich? No problem. Endless money for corporate welfare? No problem. But when it comes to providing a $1,200 direct payment to the working class during a pandemic, somehow we can't afford it. Not acceptable.

    And we aren't even beginning to think what we could do with that military budget...

    Bernie Sanders
    I will be voting against the Defense Appropriations bill. We need to get our priorities right. At a time when we have enormous unmet needs in our country we should not be spending $740 billion on the military – more than the next 10 nations combined.

    Mr X, even you should be able to understand it and agree with it, I hope...

    Yen, we do have decent alternatives, as you can see...

    Bernie Sanders
    Wages subsidized by the government during pandemic:
    Canada – $2,000 a month
    Japan – Up to 100%
    Norway – Up to 90%
    Germany – Up to 87%
    France – Up to 84%
    United Kingdom – Up to 80%
    Italy – Up to 80%
    United States – 0.0%

    That is an international embarrassment. The working class needs our help NOW!
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  14. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
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  15. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    What exactly you want me to understand. Short phrase please, not a dissertation.
  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    In that case keep writing nonsense... (Is that short enough for your incredible attention span?)
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  17. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    I was asking with a real honest question. Even you can understand it, regardless of yourself. I really hope so...
  18. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Thing here is you believe in other ideas different to mine. Sometimes I concur with yours especially those about well being for everyone.

    You believe in mainstream media I don't.
  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yeah, never deal with issues, just practice political gunslinging... Swell...

    An electrician's wisdom:

    "Better be in isolation than be grounded!"
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