Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019

    Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Pyotr Gariaev, talks about what a new type of epidemic is and what needs to be done to be able to fight them.
    Indicates that Corona is a mental illness caused by media hysteria.
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  2. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Aaaaaaaand let's not forget scientific dogma adherents who funnily were brainwashed to believe all what happens in this universe through the glass of solid evidence. Evidence created by imperfect human reasoning of course.

    Science has its own limits to understand this universe.
  3. rupsdb

    rupsdb MDL Novice

    Nov 19, 2011
    What are you talking about????
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  4. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Just saw a spot on tv where the boss of the firm biontech said that corona will be around for at least the next TEN years .

    BBC news said that for tests to be of any use people would have to be tested every day .
  5. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  6. parafer

    parafer MDL Member

    Dec 20, 2016
    #1726 parafer, Dec 22, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2020
    So Yen, what is your short, bullet-style summary of the things you actually believe? And what do you recommend governments should have done?

    In the US where I live, there is a COVID death toll of 300,000 in 3/4 of a year. Three-hundred-thousand people died. The flu yearly death rate is around 50,000. We've had days were 3,000 people died, other days 2,000, day after day. People here didn't want to do isolation during Thanksgiving, and predictably another wave hit. The argument one can make is to not insist on lockdowns, masks, get-togethers, etc., because one believes that death toll is acceptable.

    To get a good picture of what unmitigated COVID approach does one can look at New York City earl 2020. They were topping a 1,000 people dead a day in the beginning of the pandemic. There is no indication "herd immunity" would have done anything to mitigate that number if the same unguardedness would be applied today, but what has changed is masks, lockdowns, etc. You can lock yourself down, I'm not only talking about top-down lockdowns but those included, of course. You only have to extrapolate what would have happened in NYC if nothing was done. It isn't herd immunity what the death toll has gone down there. What has, then? Not a vaccine because it's only getting rolled out now and we've seen many months of death toll reduction after the initial surge.

    What I see a lot in discussion is people basically taking the position an opposition party has in politics. It is easy to pick apart any approach and highlight its defects, but it is another matter entirely to rule (be the ruling party) and therefore carry the responsibility for people's lives. So, should NYC or the country not have have done targeted lockdowns? Should they not have sought to inform the public regarding get-togethers, masks, etc? Should they not have told people if they went ahead with their usual holiday plans, another wave would hit (and it has)? Perhaps I'm missing something but it sounds like a lot of people are saying, "We want to carry on as usual, therefore the death toll is acceptable to me."

    People go so deeply into this (probably a side-effect of social isolation, in part), but they hardly ever seem to be as bothered by many other (and some even more pressing) issues. For example, we have the technology and the agri know-how to have absolutely no need for meat consumption, since every ounce of meat takes an incredible amount of energy, land, water to produce and all its nutrients can be consumed in other ways now. That sector is probably responsible for 1/5th or 1/4th of planetary climate problems and pollution -- it is, in fact, on par with the entire transportation sector with regard to climate change and our planetary survival. And through science and technology we now know that is only being furthered by cultural habit and something as trivial as "recipes". Seriously, the majority of people never even question this. And it is the only choice they have regarding the survival of the planet that falls entirely within their power to effect -- everything else requires political intervention outside of yourself, except your diet. Something this devastating based on something obsolete, however, carries on regardless. But people dissect every possible approach to a pandemic and see it in seeds of the dominion of the elite over the freedoms of the populace. In short, people only change when they are confronted with an undeniable reality. Regarding many others things than the pandemic, we already know what's coming. But it's not quite here yet, so we continue on our same path, knowing it will lead to destruction and a very bleak future for this planet. Where it comes to climate change, when we start to get told to stay home and we have lockdowns because of it (or something equivalent), then we will see millions of internet warriors suddenly starting to analyze big meat and dairy, transportation sector, etc. But it's happening right now and it's clear where it's going. It is clear. And yet...
  7. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    #1727 vladnil, Dec 22, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2020
    what are the dead? it's all nonsense!
    Every year the same thing, see the statistics by year.
    There is no Covid.
    You are all TV zombies

    Thought I wrote rudely to you.
    No, I wrote everything correctly!
    You are people confused by life who want to find the truth, but you do not see the truth itself!
    I hope you find the way you are going.
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  8. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    You don't notice because you don't want to see. Simple.

    Luckily she sees, and I fully agree with her view and knowledge:
  9. parafer

    parafer MDL Member

    Dec 20, 2016
    "There is no covid" <-- I guess there's no holocaust, either.

    Close to where I live, they are loading bodies in cooling trucks because the morgues are overflowing, and had to get the military to do so. Cooled trucks, row after row, with dead people. But no, Mr Internet guy is going to tell me nothing is going on in my community. I have family who works in healthcare (one of them also got corona). Six people of my family currently have it and one of them ended up in the hospital. Another one is crippled now and in a wheel chair. But I'm glad we have Mr Vladnil, who has the fix for them all :D Then you have the audacity to tell someone else they need to smoke less -- the irony! This is 100% luxury internet talk. Let's hope life's hard edge does not come knocking on your door.
  10. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    #1730 vladnil, Dec 23, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
    Don't juggle the words!
    It’s because of such provocateurs as you and the chaos in the country!
    I will give you a million examples.
    See mortality statistics for each year for 30 years.
    And you will see that nothing has changed.
    Mortality speculation that you do on the basis of mortality is misleading people - that is, fraud.
    Conclusion you are a scammer and a low personality.

    Almost 500 people pass through me in a month for work in one month, on average I communicate from 4 to 7 thousand people a year. And the opinion that I wrote is the general opinion of the people with whom I spoke.
    And you do not communicate with people, moreover, nowhere, in the streets with passers-by in the subway, etc., because you are savages.
    Swine flu, bird flu, no one even remembers that it was a conspiracy of pharmaceutical companies. So you will forget the Crown in 5 years and will say - Well, everyone thought so, I was misled!
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  11. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1731 Yen, Dec 23, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
    Wow an entire pandemic..'short'....
    OK. ......But not to convince or to start to argue. :) This is right for me personally.

    I think there is no detailed solution which works for any nation the same way.
    Therefore you need to have conditions from which such a national solution can emerge.
    Generally my opinion has not changed. The Swedish way is the best European way.

    And especially I can point out what 'they' should do / should have done.

    Firstly science should work the way it is supposed to. It should be applied that it can represent the state of the pandemic with best knowledge and latest results. To that belongs a standardized, validated and unified way to measure. Sad but true but one meter in Germany is not one meter in France so to say.

    Only to count the COVID-19 cases, not the PCR positives.
    To 'gauge' the peaks, we should relate to free medical capacities, not to virus segment positives aka PCR numbers.
    To invest more in the public health system! To pay the people properly and to make those jobs attractive.
    To change the public health system for instance to stop monetisation related to kind of technical service. For instance: One kidney surgery is 10,000 bucks. I have to do 10 every month (to get the devices as being redeemed) or it isn't profitable. I mean WTF?!?

    More debates / exchange of experiences / results between scientists and politicians.
    More scientific projects of research (epidemiological).
    More research on alternatives of vaccines. Also traditional medicine!
    To protect there where most of victims are expected. (Active virus control, vulnerable groups)
    To be brave enough to accept the results especially if studies turn out that something is not that dangerous / that something is not working.
    Commands instead of prohibitions.

    To recognize that COVID-19 does not justify lockdowns. The fatality of COVID-19 does not justify the collateral damage caused by lockdowns. A pandemic such as Ebola would, though.
    SARS-CoV-2 can be considered as contagious but the outbreak of COVID-19 is rather seldom.
    And the severe progresses of COVID-19 are even more seldom. Excess mortality is insignificant. (Pure statistical results).

    To become aware that this will be not the last pandemic, to become aware that personal life is not eternal, to become aware that it is impossible to save every life. To become aware when the collateral damages are exceeding those damages I actually want to avoid.

    And probably to become aware that COVID-19 won't go away and we'll be forced to integrate it into our society.

    But what we have now is the psychopathology of a kid that suffers from denial.
    Like most of the govts saying...No, we refuse to accept that there are pandemics which claim for victims and we do anything against it. Whether we ruin anything around us we don't care. We subjugate everyone and everyone has to have the same fears and duties. If one should object we muzzle him / her or we declare him as a denier. Or generally as an enemy.

    Solidarity and empathy does not mean to share the same unreasonable and pathological fears.
    Fear is paralyzing rational mind!
    Fear leads to classification, hostilities and division of society.
    And no. We do not need to have emotional fears in order to be pushed to do the right things!
    I do not stay away from a big wood fire because I have fears cause I could burn myself. NO!

    I stay away and be careful because I know its attributes gained by a clear and rational mind and experiences or even by trial and error.

    But insight and acting jointly for the benefit of all does not emerge from fears!
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  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    You are still struggling to see the wood for the trees, Yen....
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  13. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Maybe you are right.
    I just posted that on request and I'll return to post info about the ongoing vaccinations / development. :)

    An indicator that govts and people are suffering from fear and delusions should be very obvious anyway....
    A mutation from GB (one of more than 400) is declared to be 70% more virulent and hence we are afraid and close down airports and borders.

    A vaccine that has a few months of development with telescoping clinical Phases and immense failures at preclinical research (all the more the missing Toxicology studies) has been approved and declared as being safe.
    Is this coming from a clear and sane mind?
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  14. parafer

    parafer MDL Member

    Dec 20, 2016
    As I thought, the house of cards implodes upon the slightest touch. The low personality, scammer, and savage is signing off from ever interacting with you again. Good job!
  15. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    German news just said that it will take untill 2025 to vacinate all germans ........ and untill 2030 untill everyone on the planet is vacinated ,.( thats obviously best case scenario :) )

    Thank you thank you thank you universe ......... i pray every day to witness the end of inhumanity ....... thank you that i saw the begining of the end of babylon on 11 / 9 ....... and now thank you for corona ..... thank you for breaks**t ...... my daily prayers are being answered ........

    My crapmas message for inhumanity ---- > DIE motherf**kers :) ......... die in pain and panic ......... as long and as slowly as posible ....... watch your hopes and dreams crumble in front of your eyes ......... watch your children die ....... and your ' civilisation ' colapse ' on your heads ....... the universe will celebrate and you wont be missed ........ the universe finaly gets rid of a species thats worse than a piece of s**t stuck on their shoes .

    Die mother f**kers die :)
  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Alien? :rolleyes:
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    @Yen: there is not enough fear about what the virus can do and what it is doing, that much is obvious....

    The fact that the rich and powerful profit from it is a separate issue. A serious issue we need to deal with politically but that does not negate the above statement!
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  18. parafer

    parafer MDL Member

    Dec 20, 2016
    #1738 parafer, Dec 23, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
    I agree with a lot you're saying. I would like to add that a person can just do as they please, regardless of lockdowns or government policies. As you said, life is not eternal, nor is government policy or law always just, so suffering from death goes right along with suffering from the enforcement of law upon oneself :) So the response to the response is therefore also up to every person. So as we bewail lockdowns, so perhaps we should bewail our response to lockdowns if you get my meaning. And if the "arc of justice bends upward" as some believe, than you will only be considered a martyr later (or at least a very sensible person) if you end up in jail now, because surely history would then vindicate you if you're right. I'm serious, if we bring up the relativity of life itself, we can definitely bring up the relativity of imprisonment as merely a minor bump in life. If indeed government policy is unjust, and it is sufficiently oppressive, we have to remember that we don't have to cooperate with it. Some would then say, "but we get made out to be covid deniers or even murderers when we do that!" -- okay, so again, if you want to be a martyr for your truth, be that, don't blame that others blame you for your opinions. It is really as simple as that, if you believe what you believe. If death is relative, than anything else is -- and is therefore not a holy house one cannot touch or discuss.

    >>"The Swedish way is the best European way."<< I'm actually not quite sure what the Swedish way actually is (and it's not because I haven't read about it :) ), but even if the approach is the best one, then many geographies and population densities and socio-cultural interaction habits and other factors are not the same in each country. Some countries have a population density more akin only to Swedish cities than their countryside, for example (or have many more urban centers, etc). So since all those factors differ, I don't see how one could make a blanket statement over other countries by imposing the Swedish approach on them as a general solution. One factor relates to the other, so as factors differ, so would the approach. If you say you've taken all that into account and still in blanket-fashion recommend the Swedish way, I am not sure I can see how this would work.

    Being from Europe originally, I can attest that in my country of origin there is/was a huge mask resistance from the beginning. I've talked to many people there about it because it baffled me how persistent it was. The numbers had to get so bad before they finally started wearing masks, stating that their government had told them masks weren't effective in the beginning of the pandemic, and that this is why they weren't wearing masks when they went out. But then the government in question came around and had to admit that they initially made that statement about masks efficiency because they were afraid people would do a run on masks resulting in health care workers not being able to get them. But even then after the government admitted their lie, people were hesitant to wear them. So I asked my family members to be honest, and admit they don't want to wear masks in public because of social pressure. Finally, they admitted it. They feel shame to wear masks. Only now they do, after it got pounded into them by events to wear them. I am telling you, the no. 1 reason in that country that the populace wasn't wearing masks was social pressure and shame. It is petty but true. Only when others started wearing them, did they allow themselves to wear them. I understand, I've been wearing masks since April 2020 or maybe before (in the US). At first, it felt uncomfortable in stores, etc., because we were often the only ones wearing them. Twice I had store employees make a remark about it, and all I thought was "just wait" -- and sure enough, they had to wear masks within a few months from then. People felt immense social pressure not to wear masks at first. In some countries, this persisted all the way into Fall. So I'm all for reasoned nonconformity but a lot of the time it is not reasoned at all and people are prone to social convention rather than reason. And I think that further played into the hands of governments having to apply measures.

    I am in complete agreement regarding treatment availability. It is so bad in the US. We had a situation here where people were forced by insurance companies to physically visit their PCP/doctor first in order to get a COVID test, or the insurance wouldn't pay for it. But people without insurance could just go in and get tested, and not having insurance automatically means the government paid for it. So you have insurance but get forced to possibly infect your own doctor as the price, but not having insurance you can go directly to get tested. If you do go directly despite of having insurance, the insurance company retroactively charged you $300 for the test. It's just crazy. I just found out in this town, the insurance company and package provided for the teachers in this town (high schools and the only college) is no longer accepted by the only hospital. So the hospital made the decision to no longer accept the only insurance teachers here can get. If you have an emergency or surgery or anything else, you will now have to go to another hospital that is at least an hour away, or else two hours. The system here is so disgustingly inhumane and corrupt, it is truly astounding. Just a few years back, someone we know with that insurance had to get a critical procedure done (brain) and it cost them $3000 with insurance. This would have cost them $60,000 today, with (not accepted) insurance. If you're a teacher, you can't get other insurance. It is way too expensive, you have to take your employer's insurance. And it is one of the main insurance companies in the state that the hospital rejected. Because their profit margin wasn't quite big enough. Then the board member finalize the meeting and throw the educators of a town under the bus, and drive home in their Mercedes-Benz to relax in the pool from their stressful day.

    Anyway, some good points, thanks for the reply

    EDIT: One more thing about the "Swedish response" I forgot to mention: If indeed any general case could be made in favor of the Swedish approach, it should also be noted that in many ways their approach was a lack of approach, not a deliberate approach. Because if it were a deliberate approach, they decided to let that many people die in nursing homes. In fact, they did decide that, because they can't claim innocence or ignorance there as the reason. They should have applied spot-responses of a different order where it came to the extra vulnerable, and instead they let them die off in a way that is incredibly cynical regarding the value of human life (and their elders, no less!). So how people can extol the Swedish approach given those facts is beyond me.
  19. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    This happens in all countries - the media lie to everyone that we are vaccinating everyone.
    Asking people, you will be vaccinated say, of course not!

    Masks have never helped this has already been found out by a dozen experts from different countries of the world.
    I think you want to wear masks?
    Wear whatever.
    But without breaking the constitution and laws.
    But we see that the decisions of governments grossly violate the constitution, law, human rights.
    Why didn’t you all shout to put on masks in Sina's flu or bird flu?
    What you have been instilled in you are executing, and you think that this is your opinion, but in fact everything has been imposed on you.
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  20. parafer

    parafer MDL Member

    Dec 20, 2016
    Masks help significantly, especially when people cough, speak closely to one another, etc. So now the whole medical protocols regarding N95 and up masks is entirely unjustified, too... Nurses, surgeons, no longer have to wear masks... we know so much now because we have the honor of being in vladnil's presence! No more medical protocols, no more sanitation, no more social distancing! In Kansas the governor issued a mask mandate with opt-out option; the 81 counties following the mandate (in public places, offices, businesses, etc.) showed marked decrease in case numbers; the 24 counties opting out saw marked increase in cases. There is a lot of anecdotal proof like this, next to mask efficacy studies (and studies of studies such as the Dutch study analizing 6 mask studies). After reading the literature you cannot claim in blanket fashion "masks don't work." It is an untenable stance and one that medical practice around the world -- as evidenced in every hospital on Earth -- rejects entirely. People in Asia where a lot of these viruses originate do wear masks and en masse. So your point is moot. And so did people during Spanish flu 100 years ago. And they were entirely right to do so! It's people like you who still don't get it.