Bat.1 ... You have been stuck in your house for way too long, Getting kinda strange now? Go out and look for some toilet paper so you can get some fresh air
Bat wish him woulda invested some money in Tic Tok Before de Kung Flu broke out All de Facebook Dwelling SLYTs width a prepaid load for dare phone may make one Facebook post every few days All de SLYTs width a prepaid Home Plan upload video after video after video of demsellfs dancing and lip syncing to Tic Tik Can't go look fer TP with de Mandatory Isolation got a Checkpoint every coupla Kilos Guess Bat will just has to "handle" wiping the old fashion way
I'm no expert in this field, I'm still an environmental science student. My study program focusses little on this subject even though for us it is an interesting one. Now we've been sent home we got the offer to catch up some extra study points by doing the online course "Global Health at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface", you can find it here. But I think that the outbreak of this Sars-Cov-2 virus is something we could have foreseen coming such as some of the previous viruses outbreak. It's a zoonotic virus sourcing from probably a pangolin (source, sort of), and we are likely to see more zoonotic virus in the future due to the human population increasing and due to the way we are interacting with animals. A Dutch virologist, Ron Fouchier, said this as well on a Dutch documentary about the virus (link, sadly Dutch only). Due to this I really hope that once the virus has been dealt with that we as humans look back and prevent outbreaks like these and not just only prepare for the next one. We should be glad that this virus has a relatively low mortality rate to some other viruses from the past (checked from here quickly). I figured this to be also an interesting perspective. The virus may have saved more lives than that it has taken due to another ongoing health issue which we take for granted. You can't actually compare the two together for a lot of reasons, the virus is a bigger issue of course, but it's a nice eye-opener stating that we should take a look at every health issue and not just at viruses and such.
I get this strange idea that this virus which is really connected to the original Sars virus in the past. Could this possibly be a weaponized version of Sars? This Corona/Sars 2 virus can live without a host for more than 17 days. Unlike the first Sars virus, Corona/Sars 2) is highly contagious, more than the average flu. Lower mortality rate which means it takes more resources to treat injured than dead. I just get this creepy feeling that the Chinese could possibly be covering something up? I do not believe that this virus was purposely set onto anybody
I found this the other day, and it suggests that the death toll in China may be far in excess of what's being reported by the Chinese government. According to this article, there are now 21 million fewer cell phone accounts in China compared to before the Coronavirus outbreak: From the article: “At present, we don’t know the details of the data. If only 10 percent of the cell phone accounts were closed because the users died because of the CCP virus, the death toll would be two million,” Tang concluded.
wait until the virus gets really started in south America and Africa , with little or no clean water, sanitary conditions are bad to worse , with poor medical services and supplies ! people migrate without control and fear help from other countries to the point of shooting them or running them off. the virus will evolve in places like this and come back to us like a storm . no country in the world is prepared for a bad virus we evolve with each different virus to survive . He has 17,700 bottles of hand sanitizer and nowhere to sell them.
Don't understand nonsense like this
They belong to the beta coronaviruses and are not rare. SARS-CoV, SARS-Cov-2 and MERS-Cov. It highly probably originated from an animal in Wuhan. New studies say it does not really survive that long time. Those 17 days are fake news either way. This is real: US researchers found 48 hours, but also those 48 hours are lab conditions without considering the vaporisation rate and droplet size when sneezing. You have to consider what is a droplet and what means 'can live'.... After those 48 hours there were viruses alive but most of them have died already. Streeck et al. found no active virus at homes on common surfaces where COVID19 positive persons had to be in quarantine. COVID19 cannot survive a long time without water. (About 8 hours maximum depending on kind of surfaces). An indirect infection via surface is a minor way. But it's highly contagious by droplet infection. Also indirectly via hands...(wet)... Actually you don't belong to a high risk group then...there is no data that would suggest that. (Except you have a respiratory disorder but smoking alone is not)... Number one medical record is CVD followed by diabetes, respiratory disorder and HTN.
Smoking degrades your immune system. It's common sense Yen, Covid kills you mainly thru the pneumonia it causes.
you should wash off any plastic bags from stores containing food like meat fruit vegetables because so many hands touch them between packaging and sitting on shelves ! even toilet paper LOL
Yes, sure. Smoking generally is not positive for health. And it makes sense to stop smoking as an additional corona risk factor which can be eliminated by own will. Smoking stresses the body additionally. Edit: I just noticed the RKI classifies smokers as risk group generally. (By no data I meant statistics that would show up a significance on smokers).
Obese people are at risk too. In the Netherlands approx. 80% of the ICU patients, fighting corona, are also obese. Related to obesity are diabetes and high blood pressure. Smoking and being obese don't mean the risk of catching corona is higher, but when fighting corona it's a factor in the recovery from it.
Let me tell all of you a story related to just how bad smoking is for your health. About a year and a half ago, one of my neighbors had a stroke. Since then, he has pretty much recovered from it, with the exception of losing his vision in his left eye. He told me about a conversation he had with his doctor, and it went something like this: My neighbor: So what do you think was the cause of the stroke? Doctor: Did you ever smoke cigarettes? My neighbor: Yes, but I quit 25 years ago. Doctor: But before that, how long did you smoke? My neighbor: Almost 20 years. Doctor: And did you smoke more than 50 cigarettes? My neighbor: Do you mean 50 a day? A week? A month? Doctor: No, I meant 50 in total. My neighbor: Yes. Definitely yes. Doctor: Then your odds of having a stroke are 2-3 times greater than if you hadn't smoked. True story!
One of the reasons I thought about this is related to Italy and the ridiculous amount of deaths there. Why so many, it can't be just age, it's lifestyle as well. Generally aging comes with the usual malaise of diabetes, high blood pressure and those extra pounds. I don't think this is a good precedence for the US with the amount of infections already.