Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Surely, the principle must be this: "Being locked down as a single person is bloody awful. What makes it worse is tedious libertarians trying to shame people like me who stick to the rules because we understand our obligations to one another."

    On the other hand, we certainly must think strategically on the issues:

    As I mentioned earlier, the Goethe Institute in Frankfurt led by prof. Đikić, in collaboration with some local specialists, made a very quick discovery of how the virus proliferates and they passed the knowledge on IMMEDIATELY, in the spirit of Open Source, publishing it straight away!!!!

    Capitalism has failed us and it keeps failing us on oh so many levels, when it comes to any of this stuff, especially the neo-liberal variant!!!

    "The horrible history of Big Pharma
    December 2020

    Why we can’t leave pharmaceutical corporations in the driving seat of the Covid-19 response

    Any long-term solution to the deadly Covid-19 pandemic involves the discovery and equitable distribution of an effective vaccine and treatment options. Yet, across the world, governments are handing responsibility for Covid-19 solutions over to big pharmaceutical firms, who have a long track record of prioritising corporate profit over people’s health.

    The pharmaceutical industry is one of the biggest and most profitable in the world. Many of the individual corporations that constitute ‘Big Pharma’ enjoy annual revenues well in excess of the majority of countries on the planet. Judged by revenue, Johnson & Johnson is wealthier than even rich countries like New Zealand and Hungary. Pfizer’s revenues are bigger than oil-rich Kuwait or Malaysia.

    Leaving Moderna aside, which currently has no products on the market, the six other giant corporations covered in this report made combined revenues of $266 billion last year, with profits of $46 billion. Consider these figures in comparison with the US’s unprecedented programme of public spending on vaccine development, which could reach $18 billion,1 but is currently at around £11 billion, most of which has been handed over to the same rich corporations detailed in this report.

    Many commentators look at the work of some of these corporations in 2020 – developing vaccines at breakneck speed – and conclude that, whatever the problems with ‘Big Pharma’, they have nearly delivered the goods.

    But this is to miss many important elements of the story which, when taken together, show that the current pharmaceutical model is actually deeply flawed, with its drive to make sky-high returns to shareholders, not a healthier population. The pursuit for very high returns incentivises the most appalling behaviour.

    Everyone wants to end this pandemic as quickly as possible. Most of us are excited by the positive vaccine trial results and amazed by the ingenuity of the scientists who have got us to this stage so quickly. And yet, we could do better and help end the pandemic in a fair and equitable way.

    Imagine if the drive of the pharmaceutical corporations for ever greater profit was removed from the equation. Imagine if we could replace cutthroat competition and secrecy with collaboration and openness. Imagine if our research was driven solely by the desire to rid the world of disease and suffering, starting with the most serious and deadly conditions. When combined with our technological knowhow, the dedication of our brilliant researchers and the trust which such a model could inspire in the population at large, imagine what we could achieve.

    Coronavirus gives us the opportunity to reset the way we produce medicines. If we seize the opportunity, the health of people across the world could look very different. If we achieve that, this awful pandemic could give way to a better, fairer world."
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  3. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    Capitalism turned out to be the biggest modern utopia. Its reality is poverty, hard work, oppression and exploitation of people.
    "Karl Marx"

    I can only say that this will never happen!
    Pharmaceutical companies, and influential people, will not do this -
    This is contrary to the nature of the oppressor of the people.

    Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) proposes new rules.
    Do they want to have control everywhere?
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  4. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    >Imagine if the drive of the pharmaceutical corporations for ever greater profit was removed from the equation. Imagine if we could replace cutthroat competition and secrecy with collaboration and openness. Imagine if our research was driven solely by the desire to rid the world of disease and suffering, starting with the most serious and deadly conditions. When combined with our technological knowhow, the dedication of our brilliant researchers and the trust which such a model could inspire in the population at large, imagine what we could achieve.

    Hippy .
  5. parafer

    parafer MDL Member

    Dec 20, 2016
    You defend his actions. You don't denounce them. In fact, your reply beams with approval. To quote you:

    "I am a man of my principles and justice so that everything is within the framework of morality and ethics!" <-- morality and ethics is to defend the vile, and accuse the abused of being NSA agents and provocateurs. But you don't see Mr. X's incessant, rigorless posts as provocative, even if they stand against reason itself. You have shown yourself by saying this.

    Then you say "you are lucky to be writing this" <-- which is you saying I could (or should?) have been dead but that I'm lucky to be alive to be writing this. Morality and ethics, again. Implicit threats toward ending lives to make your baseless, prejudiced points against someone.

    I know people are different, that is why I discuss with them. Not threaten and curse them. You frame this as though I'm surprised and that I don't know what life is like. His words are not unrealistic or surprising to you, but you find my response to them surprising. You can't get any more morally twisted than that.

    People are indeed different. But what he said is not bad to you, because: morality and ethics. This is how you want people to be treated because it is the "moral" and "ethical" thing to do.
  6. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  7. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  8. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #1808 Mr.X, Dec 27, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2020
    An American scientist warned pharmaceutical companies of an ingredient in COVID-19 vaccines that could cause a "pandemic of new autoimmune diseases"


  9. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    Now you just do not understand what I wanted to say with my post!
    I will not answer veiled
    (People don't take what is said close, what is written?
    What is written is not a document and does not bear legal force!
    It is also written on the fence)
    If I paid attention to all the statements addressed to me, I shot everyone for a long time:(

    Well written text is tolerant :D:D:D
    He didn't come to your house with a gun and didn't stand near the door?:eek:
    Then everything is fine ……… .this is life
    You are like children
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  10. parafer

    parafer MDL Member

    Dec 20, 2016
    ^^ This is what happens when you have no intellectual and emotional accountability -- not even to yourself ^^

    You don't have to be a person of integrity. But then you shouldn't have agreed to the forum rules.
  11. Pl dont fight brothers . result is nothing in return :)
    pl be happy n stay blessed always .

    Happy New Year 2021 in Advance
  12. parafer

    parafer MDL Member

    Dec 20, 2016
    It's about forum rules. These rules ensure you may not be cursed at, insulted, demeaned, threatened, abused. Nor one's mother, father, children.You agreed to it when you became a member. Mr. X broke all those rules (and I hear this isn't the only time). And some defend him for having done it. That is not fighting. That is standing up for what is right. You can join the good people and stand with them. Don't conflate me with people hurling curses at people. My "brother" never told me my mother was a bitch or prostitute. Or that I should die of covid. Or that my father and children die of covid. Don't defend it. Stand up against it. Then you will have a blessed 2021, knowing you have done what is right. Do you understand now? You know what he did is trash. So act accordingly.
  13. Pl calm down brother . Have a glass full of chilled water or cold drink . stay blessed & happy always.
  14. parafer

    parafer MDL Member

    Dec 20, 2016
    I am calm. But for your benefit, conflating the good and the bad does not calm people. It frustrates them. Bless the people in 2021 by not engaging in false equivalency ;)
  15. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013


    They defend the controversial drug Hydroxychloroquine.
  16. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1816 Yen, Dec 27, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2020
    I completely agree with that. When I posted pro 'Swedish way' I associated it to Germany as being right there as well. At other nations it is different.

    Thanks. Most Swedes are happy btw. with their politics...and I can fairly comprehend that they are fed up with another vaccination approach.

    And would it be the British way it are even lots of more victims, I mean what's the point of this far fetched comparison?
    It cannot be related to other nations with given reasons, such comparisons are automatically disqualified.

    Never heard of Buddhist ideology propagating 'suffering is good''s rather "One cause of suffering is delusion"....delusion of mind and fear seen at current politics about GB strain.

    Well, I actually did not want to argue. It's just my personal opinion about.:)

    Let's rather come to something I almost predicted and I am very happy about this news:

    "Covid PCR test reliability doubtful – Portugal judges"

    Red and underlined IS exactly what I concurred with.

    If you read the entire article, there are still 'scientists' who are upset about the verdict, though.
    At least people are starting to wake up and do recognize that the PCR testing as it still is is a scientific (diagnostic) mess.:)
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Oh, that's sweet - every nation responds differently to C-19? Wow! So, we can not possibly see fabulous results Vietnam has, as relevant because they are.... "Oriental", is that it? Crickey! Can you get any more Eurocentric or Capitalist, then?

    You really do not know what you are saying. I actually lived there for 3 1/2 years and this superficial nonsense is totally missing the target and the issues at hand!

    First of all you are standing up to "most of scientists and doctors, nurses etc. - who are all wrong" BUT WHEN IT SUITS YOU you are drawing strength from "argumentum ad consensus gentium"? Jeez, talk about a "puzzled, allegedly scientific brain... Could you be jumping into your own stomach any stronger?!? :rolleyes: :D :p :D

    Much more importantly: how about asking the families of those who died needlessly, so everyone else can go on as before, rather than being "inconvenienced"...? Ahhh but their perspective is irrelevant. Suffering is OK, as it is but an illusion...

    Heh, very funny! There is no British way! It's a muddle, as per usual... You should actually understand what you are judging, FCOL...

    You are definitively deluded when it comes to C-19, so you just as well convince yourself this is all irrelevant, since it's all but a delusion... But the numbers don't lie. If you care to see them... Obviously, you do not but that's all irrelevant anyhow - it's all but a delusion... Which brings me to the next logical question: if it is a delusion, why do you bother and argue against those who actually care?!? Remnants of that pesky European "EGO", still raising its ugly head - it must be pacified with the "suffering is delusional" story...

    And you keep arguing it! Pig-headed as you are, a very stubborn way of completely ignoring that which doesn't fit, willing to ignore the suffering of so many... Since it is but a delusion... But it takes quite a special mindset which can ignore so many people dead and suffering, Yen. So many and yet... somehow, inexplicably to me, I must say, you still claim empathy, I presume...???

    We all knew that, for a while, that it isn't perfect. And? What is the alternative?

    No one ever claimed it is without a flaw! And what is the alternative? More suffering, Vicar? Ummm, it's yum! You should try it yourself...
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  18. parafer

    parafer MDL Member

    Dec 20, 2016
    Yen uses "Swedish Way" as example function, then says other countries are different, can't compare or apply. Count me as speechless :D That is exactly what I told him. Then he gaslights further by bringing up my own point against him and puts it back on us, saying: "It cannot be related to other nations with given reasons, such comparisons are automatically disqualified." He even calls it "far-fetched comparisons." I will not engage further with this futile exercise, Yen, maybe just look into the forum issue I notified you about, since you're admin?
  19. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    #1819 vladnil, Dec 28, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2020
    I always cite Belarus as an example, where people live and work without masks and terror.
    Lukashenka said back in May that Corona is an ordinary flu.
    I myself think that the Corona is a fake inspired by the media.
    The crown is a method of making rams out of people and herding them into the stall!
    You all have one problem - you don't communicate with people.
    Therefore, you come up with all sorts of theories.

    I think you shouldn't dwell on the Corona problem - and wind yourself up.
    Because of this, people become angry, worried.
    It's like you walk down the street and some person hit you, just like that, maybe he didn't like you?
    You came home and begin to screw yourself up and unwind what happened.
    And here's the task, a person has been gone for a long time, but he still lives in your head, and for some he lives for years.
    So people get nervous breakdowns just out of the blue!
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    Its Us to Decide Who We Are :)