BS mask save lifes and slows down the spread of infection....this thread should get closed permanently i can smell CACA for here!!!!
@ Maskenfaschism Our rulers order us to wear idiotic crap blue OP masks . The job center says we'll get 20 euros to cover the cost of masks for january and february = 10 euros a month . My insurance company says i'll get coupons for january and february ....... but ...... not untill at the earlyest the middle of february . At the local chemists the good ones pp2 ? cost ..... 4.95 !!! ...... and the crap blue ones cost 60 cents . That means i can buy 4 masks for two months !!! I'm not allowed to use my scarf wich covers my mouth , nose and face ...... with no holes ....... but ...... the compulsary blue op masks are open on both sides above the nose ....... and on the cheeks ....... and are open at the bottom = TOTALY inadequat ........ but ordered by the government !!! Look around you ...... look at the number of people who dont cover their noses properly ....... and look at people who wear glasses ...... and see that when they breath their glasses steam up = The masks are absolutely idiotic . That is PURE actionism and control....... the new rules were introduced because there is a rise in corona cases........ wich came because its winter when we always get respiratory disease problems ....... and s**tmas where very many people gathered together = f**k all to do with some masks not being ' good ' enough( strangely enough = the ones we dont have to pay for and throw away every day ) It also makes NO sense unless we check peoples masks ? ...... 24 / 7 public mask test controls ....... whats the point in wearing a mask thats been used for more than at the most one day ? ........ ' Have you changed your mask this month ' ? .......
Your statements are repeatedly pronunced by many experts on many fields. Mouthmasks are pure psychological control.
Merck Scraps COVID Vaccines; Says It’s More Effective To Get The Virus And Recover
Overall, we rate Summit News Questionable based on Extreme Right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, misleading and unproven stories, and a complete lack of transparency. Launched in March 2019, Summit News is a far-right conspiracy website. Like most questionable sources this website does not have an about page nor disclosure of ownership. The primary writer appears to be Paul Joseph Watson, who is a former editor for the conspiracy website Infowars. Although not disclosed, Paul Joseph Watson appears to be the owner and editor of this website. Further, Summit News has been banned on Facebook.
Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing
Leading Canadian Health Expert Outraged at Government Response to COVID • Children's Health Defense Dr. Roger Hodkinson,Masks kill people. Honestly, I'm tired of idiots telling me to put on a mask? Are you infecting us? The good news is that they abolished these fines for masks and now you can safely tell them to go f**k themselves.
Helsinki C'ttee probes Israel-Pfizer vaccine data deal
Go tell that to professional scientists with higher knowledge than medicine doctors repeatedly informing the opposite.
The Robert Koch Institute has advised the german government not to give the astrazeneca vacine to people over 65 ---- > Tomorrow, the third corona vaccine is expected to be approved in the EU - that of the preparation from the British-Swedish manufacturer Astrazeneca. But in Germany it should only be given to people between 18 and 64 years of age. This is recommended by the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) of the Robert Koch Institute. "There is currently insufficient data available to assess the effectiveness of vaccinations from 65 years of age," says a draft by Stiko. "Apart from this limitation, this vaccine is also considered to be equally suitable." The Astrazeneca vaccine is to be given in two doses nine to twelve weeks apart.
The AstraZeneca vaccine has major disadvantages one should take into consideration. -The study has been halted due to 2 cases of transverse myelitis.(One case is reported at Phase III) -There has been 2 separate studies with questionable way of calculation overall efficacy although there were 2 different doses plans. -The growth of the genetic engineered adeno vector virus is realized by using a human foetal cell line from a deliberate abort. -Adeno viruses are DNA based and interact with human cell's nucleus. DNA insertions have occurred although to a very low percentage. What that means is still unknown. All those concerns can be scientifically referenced: -(HEK) 293 cells: "Recent studies have shown that replication-incompetent adenoviral vectors randomly integrate into host chromosomes at frequencies of 0.001-1% of infected cells." My thoughts: Transverse myelitis. Is a severe adverse effect. Since causality cannot be excluded this has to be taken seriously. 2 Studies at 2 different cohorts (UK and Brazil) with 2 different doses plan: Efficacy cannot be combined, it is unprofessional to do so. (Around 90% here and around 60% there). Using (HEK) 293 cells: Although I have no religious, ethical or moral objections, there is really no need to use such anymore. You can transfer cells into native cells to use them to grow the vector virus. For that researchers got the noble price. DNA insertions: What is actually falsely used as an argument against mRNA vaccines applies here, though. What's the long term consequences (triggering cancer related genes) is not known.
the professionals from your BS fake conspiracy sites were u get your info.....walk into any hospital in world now and see how many of our health care people are walking around stop talking s**t and spreading flat out lies.