Dell bios, how to decompose / mod.

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by wolf69, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. gabiz_ro

    gabiz_ro MDL Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    Probably nothing,just SMSC and Flash chip share spi bus.
    Ready to program?
    wish you luck!
  2. atapuerca

    atapuerca MDL Novice

    Feb 2, 2010
    Yep. It appears pretty standard compression scheme (LZSS?), so quite probably this is some available code to reuse. But I am even more newbie than you about compression algorithm!

    No. I used my own (Python) code I wrote based on your earlier description (which I was debugging). Obviously it choked on this BIOS, so I amended the code to catch this... and the code simplifies itself a lot ;)
    You are right I should go after the ASM snippet, which should not be very long :D, to check if my guess was correct.
  3. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    Please do. It "duplicated" about 2-3 times in different modules and slightly different, but do the same job. Shouldn't be a problem to find them. ;)

    Right. You still need to pull decompression code from BIOS to make sure your compression works properly... Unless you have alternative method to recover BIOS. :rolleyes:

    Shouldn't be a problem to modify my code. Will wait until you complete above though. :rolleyes:
  4. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Apokrif, I would like to say you did great work with Dell bioses, my respect. And I'm sorry that I had not much time to answer your PM's or to support you. I was very busy with skinning the forums at to get familiar with the new style variables of vbulletin......I almost did no mod last 2 months......I'll leave the forums, check my signature....when I'm back I'll try to get the details...keep up our great work, nice to have you here at MDL, another expert! :biggrin:

    CU, Yen....
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  5. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    Thanks for good words ;)

    Wow, that's one lo-o-ong vacation you got! :)
  6. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008
  7. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    (de)compression tool need to be modified to support old compression method.
    I wrote early - I will do it if he pull ASM decompression code from BIOS.
    Not sure about 8200 A09 though.
  8. Obelix

    Obelix MDL Junior Member

    Oct 2, 2008
    I want to give feedback, that the phoenixtool120 was able to add a slic in my Dell C810-A12 BIOS successfully!!!!!!

    Win7 is now acrivated. Thanks!!

    Greets Obelix
  9. lollett

    lollett MDL Novice

    Feb 3, 2010
    Great thread! Started with the pre-made bios for an old Dell Optiplex GX280 and Dell Optiplex 745. Finally moved on and used the Phoenixtool to make a Dell Latitude D510 A04 which reports SLIC 2.1.

    Many Thanks!!!!
  10. atapuerca

    atapuerca MDL Novice

    Feb 2, 2010
    #353 atapuerca, Feb 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Sorry for the delay, I had to prioritize...
    Of course it was not a big deal to find the code, as you said...
    Offsets are from GX110A09.hdr
    ; ds:si -> start of chain type pre-A (Z?)
    ; es:di -> where to store uncompressed module
    ; bl = module index to find and uncompress
    0005B074: FC                           cld
    0005B075:                              ; (3)
    0005B075: 8BC6                         mov       ax,si
    0005B077: C1E804                       shr       ax,004
    0005B07A: 8CDA                         mov       dx,ds
    0005B07C: 03D0                         add       dx,ax
    0005B07E: 8EDA                         mov       ds,dx
    0005B080: 83E60F                       and       si,00F
    0005B083: AD                           lodsw
    0005B084: 8BD0                         mov       dx,ax
    0005B086: FECB                         dec       bl
    0005B088: 7404                         je        00005B08E   -------- (2)
    0005B08A: 03F2                         add       si,dx
    0005B08C: EBE7                         jmps      00005B075   -------- (3)
    0005B08E:                              ; (2)
    0005B08E: 03D6                         add       dx,si
    0005B090: 2AED                         sub       ch,ch
    0005B092:                              ; (6)
    0005B092: 3BF2                         cmp       si,dx
    0005B094: 732B                         jae       00005B0C1   -------- (4)
    0005B096: AC                           lodsb
    0005B097: A80F                         test      al,00F
    0005B099: 750B                         jne       00005B0A6   -------- (5)
    0005B09B: C0E804                       shr       al,004
    0005B09E: 8AC8                         mov       cl,al
    0005B0A0: FEC1                         inc       cl
    0005B0A2: F3A4                         repe      movsb
    0005B0A4: EBEC                         jmps      00005B092   -------- (6)
    0005B0A6:                              ; (5)
    0005B0A6: 8AC8                         mov       cl,al
    0005B0A8: 80E10F                       and       cl,00F
    0005B0AB: FEC1                         inc       cl
    0005B0AD: 2AE4                         sub       ah,ah
    0005B0AF: C1E004                       shl       ax,004
    0005B0B2: AC                           lodsb
    0005B0B3: 8BDE                         mov       bx,si
    0005B0B5: 8BF7                         mov       si,di
    0005B0B7: 2BF0                         sub       si,ax
    0005B0B9: 4E                           dec       si
    0005B0BA: F3                           repe
    0005B0BB: 26                           es:
    0005B0BC: A4                           movsb
    0005B0BD: 8BF3                         mov       si,bx
    0005B0BF: EBD1                         jmps      00005B092   -------- (6)
    0005B0C1:                              ; (4)
    0005B0C1: C3                           retn
    Exactly the same code appears a second time at 00068F94
    Due to the 000054h offset introduced by HDR format, the corresponding in-memory offsets are paragraph aligned (end with 0) When I compare the code with the similar one from Dimension 4600, clearly they are from the same breed (so your tools will serve while upgraded), I found a small improvement in the newer (inc cx vs. inc cl, 1 byte less) but I did not find the +1 offset when copying I found by hand-decoding :confused:

    Clearly it is THE problem with those old machines: no belt, and no suspender either :(
  11. atapuerca

    atapuerca MDL Novice

    Feb 2, 2010
    Indeed. Well, we are in to some more complexity... In fact, unlike my earlier thoughts, the HDR format does not fully match with the compression algorithm :mad:

    Sorry for the confusion, so I will try to put it more clearly.

    The Optiplex GX260 and the machines from that generation (around 2002, like Dimension 4500) use the very same A format for HDR as described in the beginning, just packaged in a different way inside the EXE, which is pure DOS, not PE/hybrid; the MZ header indicates a small size (around 40KB); the HDR is packed using gzip and appended at the end. I believe those machines are powerful enough to run Vista/Seven once memory sticks are in enough number!
    To disambiguate: assuming the $RBUT01 header, at 0054h we found the first module length stored with 16 bits, then 01 (this is typical of A format), then F0 00 which translates to 'lit 0F", followed by 15 (decimal) bytes "Copyright 1985-" (the year may vary, I've seen 1986), then 02 04 which translates to "cpy 3@-4", copying 3 bytes from offset -4 ("198").​

    Those earlier machines I am describing in depth lately are from the previous generation (around 2000, Optiplex GX110, GX150, Dimension 8100); they are using a simpler compression scheme for the modules; and the .EXE is a single piece (the MZ header indicates a big size, around 300KB) just compressed; once uncompressed the romfile can be accessed directly, you do not even need to recompress the result! However I doubt those machines are powerful enough to run Seven in satisfactory conditions.
    Once extracted into .HDR format, the inner format for the chain is different: there is no "module type" at all, only the length directly followed by the compressed bytecodes.
    To disambiguate: assuming the $RBUT01 header, at 0054h we found the first module length stored with 16 bits, then E0 which translates to 'lit 0F", followed by 15 (decimal) bytes "Copyright 1985-", then 02 04 which translates to "cpy 3@-4", copying 3 bytes from offset -4 ("198").
    Note that there is no "dup" operator in this scheme, and since "dup" is an impossible operator to begin with, clearly E0 can only be interpreted this way (and thus can be used as a good hint about the format.)​

    As you found out, Dimension 8200, also Dimension 4300 or Optiplex GX240 (around 2001) are somewhat an hybrid: the EXE is a composite as above (small DOS program with .gz appended, like the first one above), and the HDR chain is like the A kind, with the module type byte. However, the compression used is the simple one... I believe those machines are powerful enough to run Seven (indeed there is one mod request pending), so we definitively need to do something with the simple scheme!
    To disambiguate: assuming the $RBUT01 header, at 0054h we found the first module length stored with 16 bits, then 01 typical of A format for the chain, then E0 which translates to 'lit 0F", followed by 15 (decimal) bytes "Copyright 1985-", then 02 04 which translates to "cpy 3@-4", copying 3 bytes from offset -4 ("198").
    Again the E0 opcode is good to figure what is happening; also note that 01 is not a possible opcode either since there is nothing to copy from.​
  12. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    Nice read atapuerca, but I would not consider GX240 machines for use with Seven, thay are barely good to run XP (especially that they have only 2 memory slots, and piddly 1.7 P4 processor & 16Mb graphics with AGP 2x)

    I really think that the lowest Dell model that is OK for Seven is Gx270 (which works fine even with onboard Intel graphics, and even better with nVidia 6200 low profile AGP)

  13. AsAverk

    AsAverk MDL Novice

    Feb 17, 2010
  14. HSChronic

    HSChronic MDL Expert

    Aug 25, 2007
    There is already a D630 mod out anyway so if you need a reference use that one. Also the new 1.20 version of Andy's tool will insert a SLIC into most Dell BIOSes.
  15. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008

    Thanks for this.

    Apokrif - may I be so bold as to ask if you will be updating the compression tool for this simpler format.


  16. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008