Dell bios, how to decompose / mod.

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by wolf69, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. Somebody777

    Somebody777 MDL Novice

    Feb 27, 2012
    Realy no one can help me?

    i've disassembled 1b module and maybe i've found place where i need to change something but i don't know what?

    seg000:4521B add [si], ah
    seg000:4521D xor al, 34h
    seg000:4521F cmp [si], bh
    seg000:45221 pushad
    seg000:45223 push es
    seg000:45224 mov ax, 0
    seg000:45227 mov es, ax
    seg000:45229 mov edi, 0FED1C000h
    seg000:4522F test dword ptr es:[edi+3418h], 10000h
    seg000:4523C jnz short near ptr loc_5245+2
    seg000:4523E mov esi, 0E00E0000h
    seg000:45244 call near ptr loc_52AD+1
    seg000:45247 test dword ptr es:[edi+3418h], 20000h
    seg000:45254 jnz short near ptr loc_525E+1
    seg000:45256 mov esi, 0E00E1000h
    seg000:4525C call near ptr loc_52AD+1
    seg000:4525F test dword ptr es:[edi+3418h], 40000h
    seg000:4526C jnz short loc_5277
    seg000:4526E mov esi, 0E00E2000h
    seg000:45274 call near ptr loc_52AD+1
    seg000:45277 test dword ptr es:[edi+3418h], 80000h
    seg000:45284 jnz short near ptr loc_528E+1
    seg000:45286 mov esi, 0E00E3000h
    seg000:4528C call near ptr loc_52AD+1
    seg000:4528F mov dx, 828h
    seg000:45292 in ax, dx
    seg000:45293 or ax, 202h
    seg000:45296 out dx, ax
    seg000:45297 mov dx, 0F8h ; '°'
    seg000:4529A mov ah, 0A0h ; 'á'
    seg000:4529C call far ptr 0F000h:2EE6h
    seg000:452A1 or bx, 400h
    seg000:452A5 call far ptr 0F000h:2F01h
    seg000:452AA pop es
    seg000:452AB popad
    seg000:452AD retf

    when i've use bar-edit i've change fed1f418 offset 000 bit 2 to 0 sata is enabled. I need to do this in bios
  2. laferrierejc

    laferrierejc MDL Novice

    Feb 18, 2012
    #722 laferrierejc, Dec 19, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2012
    I'm looking to integrate a new raid option rom into my precision m6400 a12 bios in hopes it will alleviate my ssd cache issues on my esata port. Modding the bios led me here.

    here's the 11.5 raid option rom (vs the standard 8 that comes with the m6400)
  3. geep6

    geep6 MDL Novice

    Aug 28, 2007
    wondering if it would be possible to update the microcode of a Dell precision 690

    would it be possible to update the microcode of a precision 690 to the microcode of a precision t7400 just curios
  4. chestertech

    chestertech MDL Novice

    Aug 5, 2013
    can somebody help me?
    I need modified D620 bios - with modified DMI entry: model from "Latitude D620" to "C4TT13" .
    Thanks in advance.
  5. P.J

    P.J MDL ☂

    Jul 30, 2009
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  6. en4rab

    en4rab MDL Novice

    Oct 27, 2009
    Right click on the exe and select run as administrator
  7. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    or flash from DOS bootable USB
  8. madbios

    madbios MDL Novice

    Jun 16, 2017
    Hi! I am new around here and a newbie in these BIOS modding matters. I just started to play with my BIOS and I am taking lots of notes these days doing my basics (and I already have the crisis recovery and all necesary tools). I wanted to know if you could give some advice on update microcodes of my DELL studio Phoenix BIOS (I am doing it out of curiosity for learning proposes, but yeah I wanna update my processor this month too and i wanna see if my BIOS support its CPUID microcode (looking in to the BIOS hex code) because I know DELL do a lot of CPU locking with this laptops models.

    As far as I saw, It's a very easy task in Phoenix. I got my Dell .exe rom modules unpacked by using the Andy's slic tool (I am not using Phoenix Editor, i read it sometimes corrupts BIOS) and I'm using winHEX as editor.

    I know about cbrom195 tool but I want to do it myself. I'am a software engineer so I am very confortable with these kind of tasks. I think it holds the microcodes in the HDR file, no?. So I'll keep digging but could you give some directions to some thread or resource/tutorial about editing microcodes in a dell phoenix BIOS or how thoses BIOS are structured?.

    Thanks a lot before hand!:)

    BTW, really cool forum... a lot of interesting topics :D

    PS. I used the forum search before posting but i didn't found nothing really concrete about it (I learnt quite a lot about precautions, tips and insights on BIOS modding though).