Hi Serg008, I flashed the bios with efiflash tool in DOS but when running SLIC Toolkit 3.2 the advanced tab shows Invalidated in the diagnosis section with X&RSDT displaying '!=' Will this affect activation? (Not installed new Windows yet) Thanks
Hi.. All the links in the post are deleted/no longer valid I have managed to get the asset name changed.. and it did the bios reset.. which now means.. It won't boot from the Raid (virtual disk 1) (there is 2 volumes - one is 2 disk raid mirror...and other is 6 disk raid 5) I don't know what setting i need to set, to let it boot/work again now.. (the raid volumes are still there in boot up sequence screens....but won't boot off it/not able to set as boot device) Any help on the links/adding to mega somewhere... or any help on making this boot back in windows.
I've got this working...and shows 2.4 slic.. and Windows Loader 2.2.2 did the trick. Is it possible to load 2.5 slic so that 2019 is validating.. and what tool would do the licence insertion.. ? I'm sure 2.2.2 won't work. Thanks in advance.
Modified bios can't be flashed. It's a secure capsule bios and when rebooted, the built-in flash utility checks the digital signature and does not flash the modified BIOS.
Thanks... I figured as much... but in that case.. if 2016 is where I'm at... then where is the xrm-ms cert or other file i need to stick in the installation.. so that it will activate?
That... will do it.. Thanks a lot. I'd found the key.. but hadn't found the oem xrm-ms file... Now.. i have them.. and it's sorted. Thanks.. On a sidenote.. Someone really should take the windows loader and update to chuck in all the new stuff. Surely someone has the code somewhere.. and could knock it up quick sharp? Or does that exist.. and i've just not seen it? Even Microsoft Toolkit seems to have stopped and gone.. and although there is multiple tools to do KMS etc... surely a AIO tool that does the lot...and gives options of.. "use SLP or KMS" as an option.