Any way to Disable windows update like (KBxxxxx), but enable Device Driver update via windows update services? Thank's
I use this tools, it stop windows update service, I just want to stop updates like kbxxx, which always cause computer problems
Your wish is strange, to say the least. Why would one person want to block security patches and OS bug fixes and only want to download drivers from Microsoft servers but not from a direct source, in other words, from the manufacturer's server. In addition, Microsoft only provides generic drivers, regardless of your system and its specifics. In addition, drivers usually very rarely need to be updated only when you change the device or install another OS. The driver is just a little an additional program that connects/adapts with your device's operating system. Why should it be changed like underwear?
Yes that's correct. I need generic windows driver from microsoft after clean install. I have more than 10 computers with different specifications, that's why I need windows updates only for Drivers. Generic Driver from microsoft runs fine on all my computers. KBxxx update from microsoft since september 2021, causing problems on some of my computers, that's why i don't want windows update (KBxxx) after installation.
My tool don't stop update service, you can simply use my tool and use WuMgr to choose updates manually along with drivers
runs fine doesn't mean runs optimally! That's not how things are done! You wanna download the drivers from their official sources, not through some snappy driver installer or other driver apps or Windows updates! But hey, it's your computer, do what you please