that is not new, chrome has been sending those for ages, it is for page prediction, security screening(smart screen), web services, etc., I'm not browsing the dark net with edge...
Please do not clutter up the thread with version xxx has been released messages. I am sure people who are interested in Edge do watch the changelog / release dates at the original source. Please post useful contents only here with reference to the actual version. Thanks.
Does the ups tracking website work for anyone on edge, or is this just a me problem? ups website is working in Version
Are you illiterate?
Upgraded to 229 a short time ago and now my Downloads page is entirely blank, attempted a few restarts and still nothing there. I mean the page is blank basically like about:blank appears. Anyone else? Using "View page source" I get very basic HTML code and it's obviously missing some content as noted in the image.
Don't be a pessimist! Your downloads are now simply classified. Secret downloads is the newest added feature.