All the images are the same size 3.3gb ProPlus same as Project or Visio... WTF. So, i just edit the xml and i can install all????
C2R source stream contain all SKUs (Office 365/2016/2019) yes, ODT + configuration.xml can be used with any .img the only difference is the included setup32.exe/setup64.exe which are the same web stub installers, with harcoded product id and language
any solution for me abbodi1406?
-> -> follow especially section 3. and 5.
Thank you. I saw it. I didn't see 'retail' behind these new images. So it needs to be converted to volume before kms activation
Yes, all retail office (2010, 2013, 2016, 2019) first needs to be converted to Vl, only after that kms can activate it. office 2019 is only retail, there wont be any vl version for it. CORRECT - there will be vl but wont be any MSI installer.
So can we covert the Image file to Volume, add KMS Key and install Office, Visio & Project all together?
office 2010, 2013 setup can be converted to VL, For the later offices you have to first install it then convert it to vl.
So to install Office, Visio & Project and excluding onenote, Lync & Grove... <Configuration> <Add OfficeClientEdition="32" Channel="Monthly"> <Product ID="proplus2019retail"> <Language ID="en-us" /> <ExcludeApp ID="OneNote"/> <ExcludeApp ID="Lync"/> <ExcludeApp ID="Groove"/> </Product> <Product ID="VisioPro2019retail"> <Language ID="en-US"/> </Product> <Product ID="projectpro2019retail"> <Language ID="en-US"/> </Product> </Add> </Configuration>
Hi, @ratzlefatz I tried officeRtool to install retail office 2016 (mounted in f drive, i entered F:\ in tool) but tool can't seem to detect it.
Office 2019 is intended for Volume only (hence the description perpetual) the retail SKUs are complementary
Sorry i've corrected my post. btw I'm confused with this line "Office 2019 is intended for Volume only (hence the description perpetual)" Please elaborate. thanks.