see here ->
Ive tried using YOACTRII Perpet. Office 2019. Ive also tried to burn at an iso file. But the ini settings need to know the location. As an location. So If I put the settings file on the iso file, It doesnt start to installing, because the location parameter in the ini file is been changed. How to fix this? How to managed to get this working as an .iso? Without giving an location? Settings; [configuration] SourcePath="C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\Office\YAOCTRU_v2.0\C2R_PerpetualVL2019Targeted" Type=Local Version=16.0.10351.20054 Architecture=x64 O32W64=0 Language=nl-NL LCID=1043 Channel=PerpetualVL2019Targeted CDN=2e148de9-61c8-4051-b103-4af54baffbb4 SKUs=Access2019Volume,Excel2019Volume,Outlook2019Volume,PowerPoint2019Volume,Publisher2019Volume,Word2019Volume,OneNoteVolume ExcludedApps=OneDrive UpdatesEnabled=True AcceptEULA=True PinIconsToTaskbar=False ForceAppShutdown=True DisplayLevel=True AutoActivate=False DisableTelemetry=True AutoInstallation=True
Okay, first of all, in case if it's not clear, you can install volume products with office click to run installing method (YAOCTRI uses it) with any channel of office files, you don't nessasarily need Perpetual2019 VL channel files. Now about the issue, you have mentioned, answers are from the YAOCTRI read me. Code: Configurator.cmd will auto detect the path for the drive letter of Office .img file (virtual mounted / dvd / usb) if Configurator.cmd is placed inside "Office" folder, the path will be auto detected if Configurator.cmd is placed next to "Office" folder, the path will be auto detected Code: * When using Installer.cmd, if Office SourcePath does not exist, the script will try to auto detect alternative path, similar to Configurator.cmd Code: * C2R_Config ini files are system-specific (architecture and Windows version level): - you cannot create config file on x86 system and use it on x64 system, or vice versa - you cannot create config file on Windows 10 and use it on Windows 7/8.1, or vice versa Just tested, if .ini file and installer.cmd are placed inside or next to "Office" folder or if the Office ISO file is mounted, the installation will auto-detect the path regardless of what source is mentioned in the .ini file. Probably it may help with what you are trying to do,
I'm not sure what you mean by that, if you mean unattended installation script then you already have it as shown in the gif. Not totally sure what you mean but, Read me says, "- you cannot create config file on x86 system and use it on x64 system, or vice versa" Although you can test and play with these values in .ini, Code: Architecture=x64 O32W64=0
Code: O32W64=1 Is needed for Office x86 on Windows x64, for windows x86 it doesn't matter what it's set to (before @abbodi1406 explained it to me, i set it this way. This is my windows x86 ini for office pro plus 2019 + viso pro + project pro on my windows 10 setupcomplete projects: Code: [configuration] SourcePath="%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\" Type=Local Version=16.0.12026.20264 Architecture=x86 O32W64=0 Language=nl-NL LCID=1043 Channel=Monthly CDN=492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60 Suite=ProPlus2019Volume ::List of apps that can be excluded: Access,Excel,OneNote,Outlook,PowerPoint,Publisher,Word ::Add the app name, from the line above, to the exclusion line below ::Groove,Lync,Onedrive and Teams are excluded by default ExcludedApps=Groove,Lync,OneDrive,Teams ::To exclude Project Pro and Visio Pro, you can delete ProjectPro2019Volume or VisioPro2019Volume or when you don't want any of the two installed you can delete the entire SKUs line or put :: in front SKUs=ProjectPro2019Volume,VisioPro2019Volume UpdatesEnabled=True AcceptEULA=True PinIconsToTaskbar=False ForceAppShutdown=True DisplayLevel=False AutoActivate=True DisableTelemetry=True AutoInstallation=True Windows x64: Code: [configuration] SourcePath="%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\" Type=Local Version=16.0.12026.20264 Architecture=x86 O32W64=1 Language=nl-NL LCID=1043 Channel=Monthly CDN=492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60 Suite=ProPlus2019Volume ::List of apps that can be excluded: Access,Excel,OneNote,Outlook,PowerPoint,Publisher,Word ::Add the app name, from the line above, to the exclusion line below ::Groove,Lync,Onedrive and Teams are excluded by default ExcludedApps=Groove,Lync,OneDrive,Teams ::To exclude Project Pro and Visio Pro, you can delete ProjectPro2019Volume or VisioPro2019Volume or when you don't want any of the two installed you can delete the entire SKUs line or put :: in front SKUs=ProjectPro2019Volume,VisioPro2019Volume UpdatesEnabled=True AcceptEULA=True PinIconsToTaskbar=False ForceAppShutdown=True DisplayLevel=False AutoActivate=True DisableTelemetry=True AutoInstallation=True I only install x86 office.
hey guys i am new here, was redirected from a reddit thread. can you guys help me out with installing ms office 2019 . i used to used kmspico , which is apparently dead now. i am a noob at this, so hopefully i can get step by step instructions. thanks in advance
Sure, do you want the offline version with installing from iso or the online version downloading files?
the online version would be great.i can download the files . what is retail and volume btw? do i have to be concerned about that?
You need volume edition/license to be able to KMS activate. "WOTOK AutoIT" online install (by @Krakatoa) -> Excellent tool and easy to use if you never done it before You can dl retail verision and convert after installation with Office 2019 Retail to Volume conversion tool 'C2R-R2V' by @abbodi1406 -> or you can dl volume version and jump directly to KMS activation. KMS_VL_ALL_SppExtComObjPatcher (by @abbodi1406) There is more tools and goodies -> #1 if you like to experiment on your own.
do you know anywhere i can download the link volume edition directly? if thats possible itll be real helpful. thansk for all this sajjo edit: apparently for the " office 2019 , i need a windows volume edition" . because i got that error after downloding from the official site.
thanks a lot sajjo i got everything i needed but , the kms activator you provided is password protected when i try to extract it . dont know what to do about it. edit:i found it in the paste bin. thanks a lot sajjo, as a student i struggled with libreoffice. youve helped a lot.
@aygul12345 Code: - you cannot create config file on Windows 10 and use it on Windows 7/8.1, or vice versa
What is the cause of this that is not possible? Is there any tool that makes this possible? that it is compatible on Windows 10 and Windows 7 on the same bit 64x?