[DISCUSSION] Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ricktendo64, May 8, 2015.

  1. jeff2012

    jeff2012 MDL Member

    Mar 31, 2010
    Is MSDN (or TechNet) the way to go if I have several Computers I want to put differing versions of Windows 10 or Office onto?

    How many windows keys are you entitled to?

    Is it affordable for the layman?
    Is a subscription effective immediately?
    Would it include Enterprise editions?

    With everyone saying Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB is the way to go if you still want to use WMC I am tempted to go this route.


    Lastly, if you end the MSDN agreement are the keys still valid?
  2. SpencerC

    SpencerC MDL Novice

    Sep 10, 2015
    Check with a reseller like CDW to get your questions answered. I've never considered purchasing MSDN for personal use. This subscription is for development purposes only and cannot be used for production environments. When the license agreement refers to environments like development and production, this makes me think that this isn't for personal use and for corporate use. But check with a reseller.
  3. scrambler3

    scrambler3 MDL Junior Member

    May 22, 2016
    The easiest way to use WMC right now is to stay on windows 7 :)

    Messing with W10 versions like LTSB is only if you have some absolute necessity for W10.
  4. phoebeuk

    phoebeuk MDL Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    Earlier in this thread I posted that I had modified my own copy of one of T-S's installers to include a temporary workaround, and T-S graciously offered me permission to upload it and post a link here. But I quite rightly declined the offer, because (1) the workaround wasn't my own work and (2) because T-S was going to release a newer version soon with a better solution, so why confuse things with yet another branch?

    There are some things you just don't do.
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  5. Terz

    Terz MDL Novice

    Jul 26, 2016
    Hi Shark007,
    i'd like to thank you for your efforts throughout all the years.
    Your codec-pack is simply the best and the easiest to use out there.
    Helping me to get EVERYTHING outta this lousy WMC.
    Keep up your good work!
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  6. lachape_one

    lachape_one MDL Novice

    May 17, 2016
    I replied to you in thegreenbuttons.tv's forum but not here, so i confirm that i uninstalled k-lite without trial and installed your standards codecs and everything works well with my MKV files on Windows Media Center, so thank you again

    (Just one thing though: when I tried to install, i was blocked by Windows Smartscreen message)
  7. tdulcet

    tdulcet MDL Novice

    Aug 9, 2015
    Don't you think I would have better things to do with my time.

    You told the moderator INCORRECTLY that I was creating a mirror of your installer and the moderator removed my posts without further looking the madder.

    No since in repeating myself:
    No since in repeating myself:
    I get NO credit, my username or real name is not anywhere in the .zip Installers. All my contributions to this project have been completely anonymous.
  8. phrunt

    phrunt MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2007
    He doesn't want a mirror, it's pretty simple really... move along, nothing to see here.
  9. tdulcet

    tdulcet MDL Novice

    Aug 9, 2015
    I understand he doesn't want a mirror and I don't want to provide a mirror. All I want to do is continue to provide an alternate .zip installer/package.

    I really don't understand why we are still talking about this. I think we all have more important problems to deal with.
  10. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    You had edited/restored your post which I had moderated... You've reposted the removed links what I take as disobeying a moderator's decision.
    T-S asked for removal, but the decision is finally a mod decision based on rule 3.7 you have to respect!
    Keep in mind, please, we won't delete it another time without to apply further measures...;)
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  11. jeff2012

    jeff2012 MDL Member

    Mar 31, 2010
  12. rockymount1

    rockymount1 MDL Novice

    Oct 14, 2015
    I should have mentioned the issue I had is still not understood (it works but I don't know why). I am running 10586.589 on my Intel laptop with WMC and DRM channels working just fine. But on my desktop (AMD machine) that was updated to the Anniversary addition then reverted back, it did not work even after reverting back to 10586, until I forced the activation. Then if I let the machine update to .589 it doesn't kill the unprotected channels, just the DRM channels and WMC gives me an error that I had never seen before. Paraphrasing it said "Important files that Windows Media Center needs to run properly have been changed. Use System Restore before the last update to recover" (again this is not the exact wording but it is close).
  13. mwpeterson

    mwpeterson MDL Member

    Sep 7, 2015
    Are you running one of the v8 versions of WMC? With the original v8 or one of T-S's versions it will work initially with DRM channels, but eventually I will end up with the system files modified error and lose DRM channels until a re-install of WMC.
  14. techaholic

    techaholic MDL Novice

    Jan 20, 2016
    #7118 techaholic, Sep 20, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
    I'm I going nuts, no matter what I do clicking that link doesn't show a checkbox to stop the download manager, any help would be appreciated? Well no help from you guys, but finding a clean download is like pulling teeth or finding the grail , found a drop box location so I'm happy now.
  15. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012

    TBH I find a bit suspect a message coming from an user with one message casually happening just after the Yen reply above.

    But assuming is not, you clearly don't need to find a clean download, you need to learn how to use the web, you need to learn what is a decent browser, what is an ad blocker, what is a download manager.
  16. scrambler3

    scrambler3 MDL Junior Member

    May 22, 2016
    Indeed, indeed :)