Alternatives SiliconDust people are working on some software which will be able to record "Copy Protected" content. Progress reports indicate that they have "Copy Protected" recordings working. See attached link...
For people like me who own HD Homerun Prime networked multi-TV tuners Silicon Dust is quickly developing an OS agnostic DVR program that mimics WMC in the way it processes protected content. The SD Kickstarter campaign was fully funded. SD is charging $30 annually for providing guide data that they externally source. Right now my HTPC is on Windows 7 so I'm receiving WMC guide data from Microsoft at no cost but it's nice to know that I've got future options.
Concerning media center alternative.... I never used WMC... XBMC (kodi) with my PVR (Enigma2 server) as source (kodi PVR addon) for live TV. Way better. For those who have a PVR or stand alone receiver ..check if kodi has an addon that it can be used as source. Maybe this is useful try kodi...else sorry for OT Now I just use VLC for TV on PC all the rest does the media server with Enigma2 OS.
Sounds good to me. Could you share with us how to record copy protected content from a cablecard with Kodi and PVR? Thanks!
just read the other thread dedicated to wmc oon win10 (few pages back) there are the detailed instructions, that are still valid on 10130.
That looks promising, but has anyone who has installed WMC on 1013x been able to get WMC to pass Digital Cable / PlayReady certification? I am dreading having to go "back to 2006" and run separate computers for Windows desktop and Windows Media Center! :/