I am looking forward to getting this working too. For me, it is really the only reason to get WMC working on my PC.
I'm watching a recording now that is currently in progress. I still get the jitters when it plays in a Window, but I'm noticing that when I'm in full screen, it plays regular, then it seems to speed up one speed (i.e. when you press the fast-forward button once), and I keep hearing a popping noise. Has anyone experienced this, and how could I fix this? Again, still on V2.
Do we know where the "system file check" originates? Is it possible to see if the executable is comparing to a stored CRC?
check your video settings for your GPU. Video settings are for full screen, while windowed settings run through desktop (WDM)....
Thanks, I actually realized that I could not update my NVIDIA settings, something about a network problem to NVIDIA which I thought was weird, so I manually downloaded my GPU driver, did a Custom/Clean install of my GPU driver and a reboot and I'm thinking that fixed the problem. Just checked it both in Window AND Full Screen mode, I think I'm back to normal. If not, I'll post back regarding the issue.
Ok... Now I am really confused LOL I am currently using Google's public DNS Server ( If I ping cdn.epg.tvdownload.microsoft.com I get a different IP than you... I get ( My hosts file is not currently being used... Even if I do a NSLookup, it points to the 184 address.. So why would yours be different? Server: google-public-dns-a.google.com Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: a1683.d.akamai.net Addresses: Aliases: cdn.epg.tvdownload.microsoft.com cdn.epg.tvdownload.windowsmedia.com.akadns.net cdn.epg.tvdownload.microsoft.com.edgesuite.net
Pinging a1683.d.akamai.net [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=56ms TTL=58 C:\Users\phrunt>nslookup cdn.epg.tvdownload.microsoft.com Server: vodafone.station Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: a1683.d.akamai.net Addresses: Aliases: cdn.epg.tvdownload.microsoft.com cdn.epg.tvdownload.windowsmedia.com.akadns.net cdn.epg.tvdownload.microsoft.com.edgesuite.net
You don't have to uninstall and reinstall the hdhomerun software. Just open hdhomerun setup and just change the BDA compatibility mode to something else, apply the changes and change it back to mediacenter
Someone at nsane forums have posted the package difference b/w the recently leaked Windows 10 TH2 Build 10.0.10537.0 and Windows 10 RTM. Interesting thing is that there is Professional WMC Edition SKU/Edition present in the new build. Is MS trying to bring back WMC to Windows 10.
Did it again and just got this: Server: google-public-dns-a.google.com Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: a1683.d.akamai.net Addresses: Aliases: cdn.epg.tvdownload.microsoft.com cdn.epg.tvdownload.windowsmedia.com.akadns.net cdn.epg.tvdownload.microsoft.com.edgesuite.net Which makes me think that MS is using some sort of load balancing in order to distribute/manage traffic. Regardless, I'm still not convinced that host file modifications are the panacea that some make it out to be.
I don't think they will get it back i believe they used some sort of old edition upgrade/stage path for testing the underlaying image Name is actually: Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview even RTM 10.10240.16384 have MediaCenter package (noticed in LPs), but they choose not to stage/include it in the released editions
Gotcha. That makes since.. Well, I did a fresh install of windows... Tried V6 again, and same result ... It just doesn't work for EPG... SO, I am guessing I am just stuck... I am not sure why some people would be able to get it to work and others not... So strange... Either way, I guess I will wait for V7 to exist... To see if that fixes it... And if V7 never comes out, then I am stuck LOL Thanks all!
Run SiliconDust HdHomeRun setup again and rescan your channels. You don't need to uninstall HdHomeRun, just rescan. Also check that BDA compatibility mode is 'Windows Media Center'.
I was watching each build on by one via the Windows\winsxs folder and checking for ehome files. 10135 was the LAST one that had the complete files. After that they just had a few files but, no complete installer files. Just wondering, has anyone tried to use the "build a custom WMC method" /Setting the iso to ProfessionalWMC on 10240 to see if WMC installs ? Just for the heck of it ? No question the guide was not working in any of the WIndows 10 versions at least in the US using this method, I went back to 10074 and it still failed even with the host file edits and normal WMC guide troubleshooting issues. Can I ask a question on packages ? Is it possable to add Directshow and WMP (plus any extras from it) from a Windows 8.1 WMC to a WIM for testing ? This might not be installed with the WMC package because the codec (msmpeg2vdec.dll) might already be installed in Windows 8.1 so WMC installer does not install it. Doing my homework on the subsystem of WMC from old docs that I have, it's Directshow, Directx and WMP that WMC depends on and if one of these versions are off a little, it could be causing the problem that we are having on protected content.
You need to open the hosts file as follows: If you have Guide data download problems (specially US residents): 1.Open notepad (right click> run as administrator) 2.Open host file ( File>open> c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) 3.Add this to the end of the file- cdn.epg.tvdownload.microsoft.com and place one of the below ip addresses depending on your location in the US west coast or east coast data.tvdownload.microsoft.com central or southern us data.tvdownload.microsoft.com ex. If you lived on the east coast you would add this to the bottom of the file: data.tvdownload.microsoft.com cdn.epg.tvdownload.microsoft.com 4.Save the file (file>save) 5.Open CMD command prompt (file>search for cmd>right click>run as administrator) 6.Type: ipconfig /flushdns If you type it correctly it should say: "successfully flushed the dns resolver cache." 7.Close Windows Media Center if it is open 8.Start>type "c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\ehome" 9.Delete file "mcepg2-0" and folder "mcepg2-0" this will force you to set up live tv from scratch in WMC (or delete anything named m***.db and the corresponding folder) 9a. 9.Delete file "mcepg3-0" and folder "mcepg3-0" this will force you to set up live tv from scratch in WMC (or delete anything named m***.db and the corresponding folder) 10.Open windows media center and go through the Live TV setup and you should now be able to download guide data
Finally! Got the guide working!!! Like many others, every "fix" I tried to get the guide data working failed (editing hosts file, flushing DNS, re-installing, etc...). However, I found a solution that instructs you to copy the working mcepg files/database from a working PC to your W10 PC. I am fortunate to have a working W7 machine that I could copy the files from. Since I cannot post links, just combine the below address into one line and add www to the front: answers. microsoft. com /en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-pictures/windows-media-center-has-stopped-updating-the/ed496643-f3c1-4fb2-94cd-98ec6f1f2891?page=3 Below is a cut & paste from Trmalee's post (4th post down) on the referenced page describing what to do: "...This will only work if you can find someone close by with an MCE setup that made it past the transition and has a working MCE PC. Or if you are lucky, like I was, you have another PC in the house that made it past the transition and it is working. So here is what I did. The media guide content is in a file named “mcepgX-X.db” and a directory “mcepgX-X”, all in the c:\program data\microsoft\eHome directory. The “X-X” means it may be different for your PC. For instance it may be “mcepg2-0” or it may be “mcepg1-0” depending how many times you have rerun the WMC setup again in the past. I actually had two instances. In that case use the highest number with the newest date. The file and directory will always be the same. I.e. X-X- for the directory name and file name. Delete both the mcepgx-x file and directory on the problem PC, and copy these same files and directory's from a PC where the switchover to Rovi worked successfully. Make sure you rename the files so the x-x- matches the original file names on the problem PC, as these x-x values might be different on the PC from which you copied the files. Reboot the PC and start WMC again. Upon startup, WMC responds immediately with a message that there is a problem with the database file, and that it will therefore reload program data again to fix the issue (make sure you are connected to the internet at this stage)..." Hope this can help someone. P.S. I did not have to re-run the tv setup - the guide updated automatically in a few minutes. This process also added the Update Guide Listings Option under Settings>TV>Guide. It had been missing previously.
10240 simply don't have WMC edition, no way/need to try anything to build it add them to what wim exactly? 10? those already found in 10, and i guess it pretty similar as in 8.1
This is what I am wondering, due to the "Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder" not working correctly when we install the 8.1 version of WMC. Why we are getting the display error when trying to watch live tv. Why I am asking is as a TEST to see if getting these driectly from the same ISO that WMC is coming from would have the expected versions and might just fix this. Directshow and WMP (with any extra parts), is what I would love to check out to see if it fixes this. Still trying to get to the BOTTOM of why we are getting the display error on live TV when we install any of these versions. Installing LAV or the 10 DVD player does not allow the secure path that is needed. By installing on WINdows 8.1, it should all work but, we are missing something, the last piece of this puzzle...