Be fast.. Windows 10 1703 Pro Arabic x64 Code: File Name: 15063.0.170317-1834.rs2_release_CLIENTPRO_RET_x64fre_ar-sa.esd Url: http : // (remove spaces at link) Expire At: 23/3/2017 12:37:51 م UTC SHA-1: 570732B90064B3429CD432D3FDFEBBE1B9402E56 SHA-256: 68E6CCF3752B482674C54BE850DE4D50E01F704644F1725538D43EF7B169B988
Many people post .isos or .esds with certain languages already incorporated. What's your language? If you can't figure it out you could post a request for and .iso or .esd with that language already incorporated.
There is a big bug on Mobile. The wake up screen when you hit the unlock button, sometimes it doesn't work. I hope they'll fix all this things sooon
So this is a curious bug I encountered: I have a system on 15048, which kept trying to update to 15061 all week, until tonight. Now, I had already gotten the appropriate ESD and processed it, then attempted to install off of it. The system would not upgrade via the installation media created from the ESD file. However, it appears to be downloading the UUP patches for 15063. I don't get it. Is it a fault in the ESD installer, or, perhaps, since I didn't choose to do updates prior to installation, a limitation that Microsoft has imposed on the ESD versions? I assume that final RTM ISOs will include the appropriate upgrade functionality for all previous builds - I just find it strange that the ESD's are missing that critical set of data for any system stuck on an older than 15061 build.
abbodi's script adds language packs and allows you to set as default the one of your choosing, it doesn't remove any. I don't use ADK toolkit. As mentioned in the post this was just a hurry up for ppl who didnt want to wait for "their language" ESD/official release/official ISO's whatever. On the created MultiLang ISO... Code: C:\WINDOWS\system32>Dism /Image:C:\Mount\ /Get-Intl Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.14393.0 Image Version: 10.0.15063.0 Reporting offline international settings. Default system UI language : en-GB The UI language fallback is : en-US System locale : en-GB Default time zone : GMT Standard Time User locale for default user : en-GB Location : United Kingdom (GEOID = 242) Active keyboard(s) : 0809:00000809 Keyboard layered driver : Not installed. Installed language(s): en-GB Type : Partially localized language, MUI type. Fallback Languages en-US Installed language(s): en-US Type : Fully localized language. The operation completed successfully.
15063.0.170317-1834.rs2_release_CLIENTPRO_RET_x86fre_es-es.esd The link expires ... Code: ****:// ****=http
I don't want to ruin your party but clearly that site collects our files and publishes homebrew iso's, you linking to that is against MDL forumrules
please methode to convert esd to iso [FONT=&]15063.0.170317-1834.rs2_release_CLIENTPRO_RET_x64fre_fr-fr.esd[/FONT]