You can reboot to Advanced Startup faster by shortcut. Code: C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe /r /o /t 0
Advanced startup is a mock winre environment, i always use @murphy78 his script: Code: @echo off color 1f pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" (NET FILE||(powershell -command Start-Process '%0' -Verb runAs -ArgumentList '%* '&EXIT /B))>NUL 2>NUL :-------------------------------------- ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. Windows Recovery Environment Scheduler ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO This script can schedule your system to reboot to WinRE recovery mode. ECHO When you use this script, it will use the Windows ReagentC setting for ECHO your winre.wim image and schedule the next reboot to run the Recovery ECHO environment. ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHOICE /c YN /n /M "Run this script? (Y/N): " set errortemp=%ERRORLEVEL% IF %ERRORTEMP% EQU 2 EXIT IF %ERRORTEMP% EQU 0 EXIT %WINDIR%\system32\reagentc.exe /boottore ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. Finished ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHOICE /c YN /n /M "Reboot your system now? (Y/N): " set errortemp=%ERRORLEVEL% IF %ERRORTEMP% EQU 2 EXIT IF %ERRORTEMP% EQU 0 EXIT shutdown /r /t 0
No, no integrated updates (or installed ones afterwards). I've deleted the VM (created by Hyper-V). Ok, but it should work the other way.
Not in my case but I'll do another test just to be sure. So, I did a clean Windows 10 1903 18362.1 Build Enterprise x64 pt-pt install (with KB4507453 integrated so it makes it the 18362.239 build) on the host and on a VM using Hyper-V after creating an image and I'm having some problems. 1º - After signing in for the first time on a VM the right blue network panel is empty after editing its session settings (if I don't do the latter it isn't empty). This problem doesn't happen if I do a clean install using an untouched image on a VM after doing a clean install with that image on the host. 2° - After disabling the search box the taskbar looks weird. This problem doesn't happen if I do a clean install using an untouched image both on the host and on a VM; 3º - The Advanced Startup feature doesn't appear below the Reset this PC one on a VM but oddly it appears on the host. This problem doesn't happen if I do a clean install using an untouched image both on the host and on a VM. Another thing, I can't remove modern apps' shortcuts from the Start Menu (I'd like to be able to do it especially after removing the apps). EDIT: So, this time I set "Dark mode for apps" and "Dark mode for Windows" to Default and I no longer have the taskbar's color problem. I don't know why after disabling them I have this problem, though. Also, this time I didn't have the VM blue network panel problem.
I need to know whether MS re-release the FOD ISO multiple time as 'refreshed ISO' for any single brunch i.e.1809 or 1903 like the way they re-release the main OS ISO quite a few time or not?
There is a false/wrong info mentioned there in the OP Official 18362.1 ESD (ClientConsumer & Business) Files By @abbodi1406 Should be 18362.30 instead 18362.1
sorry if this is not the right place to ask I need reg key from HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wscsvc thanks