Some weeks ago i switched form a 1903 enterprise to ltsc 2019, but i don't remember how i operated. I used s1ave77's licence switcher.
s1ave77 is at another forum now. (There is no relationship from/to MDL anymore). If you want to use his tools, Google or other search engines are your friend.
Just found out how to check the version of your windows ISO. Mount the ISO. Then run this commmand in CMD as admin: dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:E:\sources\install.wim /index:1 Depends on the deltabuild nr, if it's 17763.1 it's the baseline first release.
@Enthousiast I thought it is an ltsc-exclusive feature, that's why I posted here. Can someone confirm that? Else I will ask at the 1809 thread.
License switcher tricks registry for that I used this tweak successfully from Pro to LTSB, and LTSC to Server...never tried backward though, not sure how you dit it Here's old post on that subject