Hi do I disable device and performance health in windows 1809? don't want to disable the whole windows security part, just the scans that windows does every 15 min. (E.T phone home....)
I didn't use any of the services tweaks and the only way to get IE working was to disable protected mode. Still haven't found was is causing this. Cheers. Edit: Played around with DOM storage, integrity settings, cache location and whatsnot. Can't get this working, but we need to address this because leaving it out of protected mode is a security risk.
How did that work for you? It is not usually advised because manually adding cab hotfix by DISM bypasses certain checks.
Will it be possible to upgrade from Win 7 Ultimate edition to this ? I read it has to be clean installed.. If so , which would be the best way to backup and move my software and documents to LTSC ? Till date i have only clean installed , but there are so many things and softwares now , i just want to move them to new OS.
Save these scripts as services.cmd and services2.cmd in Notepad, right-click, Run As Admin, reboot, IE will work again. Code: for %%G in (DevicesFlowUserSvc,WpnUserService,cbdhsvc) do reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\%%G /v Start 1>nul 2>nul && ( reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\%%G /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 3 /f ) cmd /k Code: for %%G in (DevicesFlowUserSvc,WpnUserService,cbdhsvc) do ( sc config %%G start= demand ) cmd /k
People can't pirate what they don't know exists. Right now only hardcore pirates use LTSC. Microsoft doesn't want a Napster situation were everyone uses it.
This 3 services are "required" otherwise it breaks Immersive Shell apps: cbdhsvc for 'Clipboard history', WpnUserService for 'Focus and Assist Settings', DevicesFlowUserSv for 'Devices Settings' but I think they can also be put in manual, if you prefer (/3 /f for 1st command and start=DEMAND for 2nd command)
Try this and reboot. Code: for %%G in (DevicesFlowUserSvc,WpnUserService,cbdhsvc) do reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\%%G /v Start 1>nul 2>nul && ( reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\%%G /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f ) cmd /k Code: for %%G in (DevicesFlowUserSvc,WpnUserService,cbdhsvc) do ( sc config %%G start= auto ) cmd /k
Will Microsoft release a new build with bugfixes or can we install the 1809 build and fix it via Windows Updates?
They have stated in a blog post that they will be re-releasing it once they've made sure the serious bugs have been fixed.