[DISCUSSION] Windows 10 Enterprise (N) LTSC 2019

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Tito, Feb 1, 2018.

  1. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    New build, like in start from scratch with blank SSD, NOT like in new release iso.
  2. elzna

    elzna MDL Senior Member

    Aug 28, 2013
    there's defiantly some bugs with setpoint and the volume overlays. or with softwares that use their own overlays,

    other bugs can be solved by applying reg edits.
  3. GodHand

    GodHand MDL Addicted

    Jul 15, 2016
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  4. WinFree

    WinFree MDL Senior Member

    Aug 6, 2016
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  5. brennt

    brennt MDL Novice

    Oct 4, 2018
    Thank you very much :worthy:
  6. wmjordan

    wmjordan MDL Novice

    Jan 17, 2017
    Could you tell me where and how to get that CAB file?
  7. whitestar_999

    whitestar_999 MDL Addicted

    Dec 9, 2011
    The download link is clearly mentioned in the post,how did you miss it.
  8. wmjordan

    wmjordan MDL Novice

    Jan 17, 2017
    Yes, I know the download link.
    I'd like to have another language version other than English.
  9. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    You can use this to get from installed Windows or mounted WIM (needs to be 17763 apparently).

    Check: WinSxs extractor (on/offline) by KNARZ.
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  10. Supern00b

    Supern00b MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2010
    Yep, s1ave77 assisted me before and I can confirm that the KNARZ method works (with some modifications to obtain the correct language pack, in my case Spanish).
    I believe there is another way to get the files, abbodi explained it somewhere (UUP?) and they have also been uploaded on the web.

    Thanks for updating the Optimize script. I've used it already and the run was flawless.
    Good to see you modified the "settingspagevisibility" policy to leave the keyboard languages in.
    I still had to modify the *LTSC strings into *LTSC*, if I leave it at it's default, the script errors out.
    I believe the image string returned by the script is "LTSC 2019".
    It may be related to the Spanish ISO I'm using.

    Likewise, I had to adjust the Edge integration section to reflect the correct language pack (es-ES).
    It seems your edge .cab is different, I obtained the cab with the SXS extractor but the hashes don't match.
    Perhaps it's related to the file compression.

    Your script is so well written that even a n00b like me can find his way around.
    I removed some context menu entries and translated others to Spanish.
    Adjusted the HKCU DisallowCPL entries to be a bit more permissive.

    I'm a big fan of this method. I'm new to powershell but it's absolutely workable and allows to "finetune" a lot of things.
    Hope you can find the time to make an x86 version, it would be superb.

  11. wmjordan

    wmjordan MDL Novice

    Jan 17, 2017
    Thank you for the info!
  12. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    Well remembered.
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  13. redxii

    redxii MDL Junior Member

    Aug 7, 2016
    #1673 redxii, Oct 29, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2018
    I guess I'm a bit curious why people install LTSC and go through the trouble of installing Edge, or even Store, chasing error after error. Especially with LTSC 2019. Sounds like you just want the consumer Windows 10 Pro, with all the extraneous apps removed except Edge & Store, in that case use MSMG toolkit (when it's updated) or NTLite to remove all but Store & Edge. Not even that, a lot of those can be removed on an online install through powershell leaving you with just Edge and Store.

    I went with MSMG Toolkit for 1803 to remove that crap, and even bought a NTLite license to remove them in 1809 instead of having to deal with removing them after installation.

    I went with LTSC 2019 unmodified for my HTPC/file server though, it's a real pain to redo permissions every 6 months. Perfect as-is.
  14. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    This is the answer :cool2:.
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  15. GodHand

    GodHand MDL Addicted

    Jul 15, 2016
    The CABs I have are the default en-US cabinet files. At some point this week I will try to gather more of them in other languages.
    SettingsVisiblity was loosened up a bit to accommodate additional languages, though my original intention was to keep the script for en-US specifically.
    The PowerShell DISM cmdlet returns the Display Name for an image in place of its Image Name. LTSC's Image Name is *LTSC 2019 but its Display Name omits the 2019.
    I will probably just convert this script into a full module just because creating resource functions it can call is becoming more viable considering how large the script has gotten.
    The update I release tomorrow will have some more new features.
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  16. Supern00b

    Supern00b MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2010
    I found some problems in the Setupcomplete.cmd, mainly syntax errors.
    The problematic lines are the powershell commands, got about 5 errors.
    When parsing the commands, the main issue seems to be the ´" vs '" that makes the command invalid.
    On some lines (last two) you have the extra } those are not needed (they are only valid in the first part of the statement).

    I made the needed corrections to your code already, can you please review it?
    PowerShell -Command "& { Get-Service -Name DiagTrack -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Service | Set-Service -StartupType Disabled }"
    PowerShell -Command "& { Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName @('"Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser'", '"ProgramDataUpdater'") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Disable-ScheduledTask }"
    PowerShell -Command "& { Get-NetFirewallRule | Where-Object Group -EQ '"DiagTrack'" | Remove-NetFirewallRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }"
    PowerShell -Command "& { Set-AutologgerConfig -Name '"AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener'" -Start 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }"
    PowerShell -Command "& { New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName '"Block DiagTrack'" -Action Block -Description '"Block the DiagTrack Telemetry Service'" -Direction Outbound -Name '"Block DiagTrack'" -Profile Any -Service DiagTrack }"
    PowerShell -Command "& { Get-NetFirewallRule | Where-Object Group -Like '"*@{*'" | Remove-NetFirewallRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }"
    PowerShell -Command "& { Get-NetFirewallRule | Where-Object DisplayGroup -EQ '"Delivery Optimization'" } | Remove-NetFirewallRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue"
    PowerShell -Command "& { Get-NetFirewallRule | Where-Object DisplayGroup -Like '"Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service*'" } | Remove-NetFirewallRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue"
  17. GodHand

    GodHand MDL Addicted

    Jul 15, 2016
    #1677 GodHand, Oct 29, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2018
    Having double-quotes within a single-quote like some of your changes will not allow PowerShell to expand that property value because it treats those strictly as string values.

    I corrected the syntax on GitHub. PowerShell can be picky about backticks when calling a command.
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  18. Supern00b

    Supern00b MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2010
    Well, I've just tested the image and it worked fine, had no errors with the changes I made to setupcomplete.cmd.
    The powershell commands executed correctly.
    But if your corrections solve the issues, I'll stick with those then.

    Deployed the image, Edge integration working, store working, all policies and tweaks in place without being overly restrictive.
    This is a Spanish image.
    The only issue still present (strangly) is Internet Explorer showing a blank page in protected mode.
    I had that worked out but it turned out that the new image came back with the issue. Will have to test on other systems.
    If I get it sorted, the registry-hardened option will get a test run.

  19. RanCorX2

    RanCorX2 MDL Expert

    Jul 19, 2009
    be better if they merged Server + Education + Enterprise and called it Windows 10 Business Edition
    merge Home + Pro and call it Windows 10 Consumer Edition

    dont need soooo many versions.
  20. GodHand

    GodHand MDL Addicted

    Jul 15, 2016
    #1680 GodHand, Oct 29, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2018
    Just one example:

    And I can guarantee that command did not "execute correctly" because having those wildcards enclosed in both a single and double quote will not be recognized by PowerShell.

    The command uses a double-quote first, then a single-quote, double-quote and then ends with another double-quote. That is completely incorrect syntax. Double-quotes allow PowerShell to expand any variables, wildcards, etc. used within a command. Single-quotes tell PowerShell to treat what's inside of that single-quote as nothing more than a string. This is why if you look at the Here-Strings I have in the script (they start with @" and end with "@ with additional code between the quotes, and I use double-quotes when the content within has variable I want expanded when that Here-String is used. Conversely, I use single-quotes when I want all variables and content within to remain as strings and not be automatically expanded (i.e. $Env:TEMP will output as $Env:TEMP, whereas it would output as C:\Users\*\AppData\Local\Temp if I used double-quotes).

    And lastly, I have 3-4 other people who have tried to replicate your issues, and we have yet to replicate some of the issues you're having. This may come across as somewhat obtuse, but after your initial comment to me, where you incorrectly stated a handful of variables and path testing were erroneous, when in fact they were 100% correct - and the fact you are manually changing things within the script that I cannot be made aware of (which is completely fine) - I am starting to suspect some of these issues are arising from you meddling with variables, wildcards, etc. And lastly, LTSC is a supported flavor I incorporated only because a lot of people were requesting its incorporation. Remember, I have the full GUI project coming out when PowerShell 6 does (so it should be very soon), so these requests to incorporate multi-lingual support, multiple architectures, etc. are not top priorities considering the Optimize-Offline GUI project requires an extensive amount of meticulous coding, debugging, etc.
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