Yes, i know that thread. But this thread is strictly related to LTSC 2019 and my post was also strictly related to LTSC 2019
And most of the info is at the OP of the sticky 1809 thread, this thread got hijacked with cripple scripts before this Your post wasn't strictly LTSC related....
All iso's will be posted as soon as they appear on MVS, as SVF and in the MDL MVS/TB/SVF iso download tool by @s1ave77.
Why? Just because these updates are available for all 1809 SKU's doesn't mean that they're not related to LTSC. OK... wrong word? "strictly" ? Just wanted to share info that these updates are available through WU when running LTSC 2019, that's all.
Share what you want, i also share what i want. @Tito links to the sticky 1809 thread for info at the OP, for a reason
All refreshed EVAL languages:
Ok, I get your point. But we can talk about LTSC on LTSC thread, right? Or maybe we shall all move to sticky 1809 thread?
@abbodi1406 : please add your new Edge Updater for LTSC to your REPO thread so people don't need to search the forums . EDIT: Didn't see he already added it as MSEU .
From what I read on Wzor, non eval English iso will be available tomorrow. MS started the re-release so every iso will trickle down in a matter of days, if not hours. Cheers.