The music of the 60s is NEVER off topic, it will still sounds great on Win 10 TP build 10049/51 Windows Media Player. May even get to try it on build 10054 tomorrow...all back on topic...
Hi Ancestor, but links to twitter tweets are also links in the end. You can't allow links to existing tweets and prohibit links to other external sources
They can do whatever they want...they own this place. Well, actually them and the bank that holds the mortgage.
It takes time until we have the details. As posted already. Due to past events we act rather more careful...I said there is no general answer concerning indirect links. For now we tolerate twitter only. This can change depending on further DMCA events. I hope people can understand the survival of MDL has priority. As posted already they can and they had null routed MDL already. Past downtimes were due to null routing!
This was a really good '.info' site - all (the most) info's aren't faked; the site was also a good source for collectors. Paul, I can remember you, long time ago ;-) Anyone knows, what C. does now? Still live here, perhaps with a pseudonym (account)?
Unlike me? I'm doing my part, testing official builds like MS wants me to, so don't bother me with that blablabla
I like so much this build but I can´t change search provider to "google search" because when I select button " add to internet explorer " it doesn´t work so I can´t install .....any suggestion please ?
If twitter doesn't have to comply with the DMCA, I'd say that gives MDL pretty solid grounds for being allowed to post links to twitter too - after-all linking to twitter is not breaking any copyright laws at all regardless of the content in that particular tweet, that is down to twitter to remove it not MDL
Just updated 10049 to 10051 for to check the Network Settings: still the same BLOCKED. I'll give another try with an clean install and an local account to see that change something or anything. Anyway the next build seems to be around the corner and for me it's just for testing because I didn't use the TP for production at all.
That's Sacrilege, dude. Be careful you could get stoned for saying such things.... Ooop's, wrong stoned.
Longhorn's problem was not its hardware requirements. In the end, Vista wasn't much better when released, a lot of people went to install it on XP-class hardware and got frustated because it didn't run well on it. No wonder after several years of technological enhancement. The actual problem was feature creep, the integration of .NET in too many places, especially in the Explorer, managed extensions lead to nasty side-effects, and so on... and all that on a not well componentized base, that only got sorted out after the reset. I know people look back at Longhorn with a certain sadness and it's understandable. After the PDC 2003 presentation everybody got excited but in the end it turned out it was just a dream that had to be scaled back because it turned into a nightmare. On-topic: Maybe Microsoft should introduce a public "super-fast" ring to prevent leaks... nightly builds maybe? Not really what I dream about but I guess a lot of people here do