They are trying, unreal how much MS wants to force things onto people where it is not needed, they are becoming the new Apple "we tell you how you use our products" "your holding it wrong"
Edge has been on windows server preview since TP3 You automatically get Store when you install Desktop Experience feature. this was also the case on Server 2012 R2 so nothing changed there Cortana, well Cortana is also a search function so I find no suprise they added it to windows server as well. Remember that Windows server has nearly always had the same interface as their associated windows client. Server 2008 matched Vista, Server 2008 R2 with desktop experience matched W7, Server 2012 matched W8, Server 2012R2 matched W8.1 So the fact that people are still suprised about how its getting Windows 10 features is illogical seeing MS followed this trend for aslong as I can remember. (Windows XP and Server 2003 were slightly different if the pc client wasn't joined into the domain or had the fancy ui.) People complained when they wanted to make windows server powershell/cmd only, MS changed that for now to installation with gui still possible. though their new focus will probably switch to Nanoserver wich is managed to powershell only. out of a server administrator's perspective I'd say the new startmenu is still a huge improvement (on the TP4 SS anyway) the one from TP1/2/3 is buggy as hell. nobody wanted the modern metro stuff on 2012/2012R2 so that you atleast get a startmenu now on your current screen is already great.
cortana is a big pile of s**t and not a search function if they at least had the decency to make them removable features but i guess it will be the same as usual if you decide for desktop experience you get the hole pile of s**t on top of it
Well, you can argue that Edge and Cortana are missing in action in Enterprise LTSB, so I really wonder why the desktop experience of the Server in this release is more like the Home/Pro instead of the Enterprise LTSB client SKU. I mean, if you install the GUI on a server it's mostly because some server application needs it (like Exchange, for example), and not because you want to perform client-side stuff. OK, the Store is maybe understandable if you require it to sideload in-house apps, although I don't see the UWP platform suitable to write server side software, it's more focused on client-side technologies as well.