Does anyone know how to..

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by atsky, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. johnye_pt

    johnye_pt MDL Addicted

    Aug 26, 2010
    Thank you very much! Combining your instructions with the ones from Mr.X gives an almost complete Windows 7 installation experience! I used the Windows 8 files for the mod and an ei.cfg with an empty [EditionID] to skip the key dialog, and the only difference is the Windows 8 dark blue background with "Setup is starting" sentence that still appears between the "Install now" and the Windows version selection, but everything else from boot to finish is the Windows 7 original look!
  2. whatever127

    whatever127 MDL PHP Wizard

    Nov 9, 2012
    Replace background_cli.bmp with Windows 7 one in sources in boot.wim and sources in ISO and this screen should also change.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  3. johnye_pt

    johnye_pt MDL Addicted

    Aug 26, 2010
    #43 johnye_pt, Dec 4, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
    Thanks once again! Here's the comparison between both methods:

    Mr.X's method (Windows 8/8.1/10 boot.wim with Windows 7 GUI files):
    - boots with Windows 8/8.1/10 logo
    - looks basically identical to Windows 7 installer
    - No upgrade option
    - Can't install on CPUs without SSE2 (Pentium 3 and below) if using Windows 8/8.1/10 boot.wim as source
    - Can't install on CPUs without CMPXCHG16b (x64 only) if using Windows 8.1/10 boot.wim as source

    mkuba50's method (Windows 7 boot.wim with Windows 8/8.1/10 files):
    - boots with Windows 7 logo
    - looks basically identical to Windows 7 installer
    - No upgrade option

    Here's the ISOs I used as guinea pigs:
    Windows 7 ISOs:
    - pp_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677373.iso
    - pp_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677459.iso

    Tested against these ISOs:
    - pp_windows_8_x64_dvd_915432.iso
    - pp_windows_8_x86_dvd_915499.iso
    - pp_windows_8.1_with_update_x64_dvd_6051497.iso
    - pp_windows_8.1_with_update_x86_dvd_6051655.iso
    - pp_windows_10_consumer_edition_version_1809_updated_sept_2018_x64_dvd_803a26e5.iso
    - pp_windows_10_consumer_edition_version_1809_updated_sept_2018_x86_dvd_02c615bc.iso

    And here's the simplified steps... all 5 of them!
    1. Extract your Windows 7 ISO to a folder (ex D:\WIN7)
    2. Extract your Windows 8, 8.1 or 10 ISO to a folder (ex D:\WIN8)
    3. Edit the following batch and modify "win7folder" and "winESDfolder" variables' values to the correct folders
    @echo off
    ::change D:\WIN7 below to the full path where you extracted Windows 7 ISO
    SET "win7folder=D:\WIN7"
    ::change D:\WIN8 below to the full path where you extracted Windows 8/8.1/10 ISO
    SET "winESDfolder=D:\WIN8"
    ::set debug type (0=no output nor pauses, 1=output but no pauses, 2=output and pauses)
    SET debug=0
    ::don't edit anything below this line unless you know what you're doing
    if %debug% EQU 0 ( set "silent=>nul 2>&1" ) else ( set "silent= " )
    echo [1/9] Mount Win7 and Win8/8.1/10 boot.wim
    set "boot7wim=%win7folder%\boot7wim"
    set "bootESDwim=%win7folder%\bootESDwim"
    %silent% md "%boot7wim%"
    %silent% md "%bootESDwim%"
    %silent% dism /mount-image /imagefile:"%win7folder%\sources\boot.wim" /index:2 /mountdir:"%boot7wim%"
    %silent% dism /mount-image /imagefile:"%winESDfolder%\sources\boot.wim" /index:2 /mountdir:"%bootESDwim%"
    if %debug% EQU 2 pause
    echo [2/9] Copy GUI files and \recovery folder from Win7 boot.wim\sources to Win8/8.1/10
    %silent% takeown /f "%bootESDwim%\sources\ARUNIMG.dll"
    %silent% icacls "%bootESDwim%\sources\ARUNIMG.dll" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F
    %silent% copy /y "%boot7wim%\sources\ARUNIMG.dll" "%bootESDwim%\sources\ARUNIMG.dll"
    %silent% takeown /f "%bootESDwim%\sources\spwizimg.dll"
    %silent% icacls "%bootESDwim%\sources\spwizimg.dll" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F
    %silent% copy /y "%boot7wim%\sources\spwizimg.dll" "%bootESDwim%\sources\spwizimg.dll"
    %silent% takeown /f "%bootESDwim%\sources\background.bmp"
    %silent% icacls "%bootESDwim%\sources\background.bmp" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F
    %silent% copy /y "%boot7wim%\sources\background.bmp" "%bootESDwim%\sources\background.bmp"
    %silent% takeown /r /f "%bootESDwim%\sources\recovery"
    %silent% icacls "%bootESDwim%\sources\recovery\*" /T /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F
    %silent% rd /s/q "%bootESDwim%\sources\recovery"
    %silent% xcopy /o/x/e/h/k/y "%boot7wim%\sources\recovery" "%bootESDwim%\sources\recovery\"
    if %debug% EQU 2 pause
    echo [3/9] replace Win7 boot.wim\sources folder with Win8/8.1/10 boot.wim\sources folder
    %silent% takeown /r /f "%boot7wim%\sources"
    %silent% icacls "%boot7wim%\sources\*" /T /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F
    %silent% rd /s/q "%boot7wim%\sources"
    %silent% xcopy /o/x/e/h/k/y "%bootESDwim%\sources" "%boot7wim%\sources\"
    if %debug% EQU 2 pause
    echo [4/9] Save Win7 boot.wim and unmount both boot.wim
    %silent% dism /unmount-image /mountdir:"%boot7wim%" /commit
    %silent% dism /unmount-image /mountdir:"%bootESDwim%" /discard
    %silent% rd /s/q "%boot7wim%"
    %silent% rd /s/q "%bootESDwim%"
    if %debug% EQU 2 pause
    echo [5/9] Optimize new boot.wim
    if exist "%win7folder%\sources\boot7.wim" %silent% del "%win7folder%\sources\boot7.wim"
    %silent% dism /export-image /sourceImageFile:"%win7folder%\sources\boot.wim" /sourceIndex:1 /destinationImageFile:"%win7folder%\sources\boot7.wim" /compress:max /checkIntegrity
    %silent% dism /export-image /sourceImageFile:"%win7folder%\sources\boot.wim" /sourceIndex:2 /destinationImageFile:"%win7folder%\sources\boot7.wim" /compress:max /checkIntegrity
    %silent% del "%win7folder%\sources\boot.wim"
    %silent% ren "%win7folder%\sources\boot7.wim" "boot.wim"
    if %debug% EQU 2 pause
    echo [6/9] Backup Win7 files from \sources folder
    if exist "%win7folder%\sources\install.wim" %silent% move /y "%win7folder%\sources\install.wim" "%win7folder%\install.wim"
    if exist "%win7folder%\sources\install.esd" %silent% move /y "%win7folder%\sources\install.esd" "%win7folder%\install.esd"
    %silent% move /y "%win7folder%\sources\boot.wim" "%win7folder%\boot.wim"
    %silent% move /y "%win7folder%\sources\ARUNIMG.dll" "%win7folder%\ARUNIMG.dll"
    %silent% move /y "%win7folder%\sources\spwizimg.dll" "%win7folder%\spwizimg.dll"
    %silent% move /y "%win7folder%\sources\background_cli.bmp" "%win7folder%\background_cli.bmp"
    if %debug% EQU 2 pause
    echo [7/9] Replace Win7 \sources folder with Win8/8.1/10 \sources folder
    %silent% rd /s/q "%win7folder%\sources"
    %silent% move /y "%winESDfolder%\sources\boot.wim" "%winESDfolder%\boot.wim"
    if exist "%winESDfolder%\sources\install.wim" %silent% move /y "%winESDfolder%\sources\install.wim" "%winESDfolder%\install.wim"
    if exist "%winESDfolder%\sources\install.esd" %silent% move /y "%winESDfolder%\sources\install.esd" "%winESDfolder%\install.esd"
    %silent% xcopy /e/y "%winESDfolder%\sources" "%win7folder%\sources\"
    %silent% move /y "%winESDfolder%\boot.wim" "%winESDfolder%\sources\boot.wim"
    if exist "%winESDfolder%\install.wim" %silent% move /y "%winESDfolder%\install.wim" "%winESDfolder%\sources\install.wim"
    if exist "%winESDfolder%\install.esd" %silent% move /y "%winESDfolder%\install.esd" "%winESDfolder%\sources\install.esd"
    if %debug% EQU 2 pause
    echo [8/9] Move Win7 backed up files into \sources folder
    if exist "%win7folder%\install.wim" %silent% move /y "%win7folder%\install.wim" "%win7folder%\sources\install.wim"
    if exist "%win7folder%\install.esd" %silent% move /y "%win7folder%\install.esd" "%win7folder%\sources\install.esd"
    %silent% move /y "%win7folder%\boot.wim" "%win7folder%\sources\boot.wim"
    %silent% move /y "%win7folder%\ARUNIMG.dll" "%win7folder%\sources\ARUNIMG.dll"
    %silent% move /y "%win7folder%\spwizimg.dll" "%win7folder%\sources\spwizimg.dll"
    %silent% move /y "%win7folder%\background_cli.bmp" "%win7folder%\sources\background_cli.bmp"
    echo [9/9] Create ei.cfg to disable key request during install
    echo. >>"%win7folder%\sources\ei.cfg"
    echo Done.
    4. Run the batch AS ADMINISTRATOR (right click, Run as administrator)
    5. Use NTLite to compress install.wim into install.esd and create a new ISO

    NOTE1: the batch only modifies the Windows 7 folder.

    NOTE2: close any explorer windows after starting the batch, DISM command is a little picky when unmounting folders, sometimes it outputs an error even if you never navigated to the mounted folder with the open explorer window. It's simply out of my control...

    EDIT: modified batch to recompress boot.wim after modifications, it cuts a few MBs.
  4. johnye_pt

    johnye_pt MDL Addicted

    Aug 26, 2010
  5. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #45 Enthousiast, Jan 5, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2019

    I ran thru all the steps from your guide:
    For x86 all went as expected, it doesn't ask for a key at initial setup, but on x64 it asks for a key, used the same ei.cfg as always (and working on x86).

    I've used the en-US 2016 LTSB x64 boot.wim and the en-US x64 Ultimate boot.wim as source wim files for the modifications.

    Any idea about this weird problem?

    EDIT: I think i found the culprit, running a test now.
  6. foxyrick

    foxyrick MDL Member

    Aug 25, 2011
    Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix the following please?

    I've been trying to do this Windows-7-esd-inside-a-Windows-10-installer myself for a week. I hadn't spotted this thread until yesterday

    I used the batch file by @johnye_pt above, which completed properly (I removed the echo off to watch every line). However, it gave exactly the same failure I keep getting myself when trying to install the result in a Workstation VM, when Setup tries to start:

    Windows cannot find the Microsoft Software License Terms. Make sure the installation sources are valid and restart the installation.

    I am using a Simplix-updated, en_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677332 ISO as the Windows 7 source. I've tried Windows 10 LTSC and Windows 8.1 as the 'wrapper'. The updated Windows 7 install.wim is converted to install.esd with ESD2WIM.

    I've a feeling I'm missing something simple... but I don't know what. I'm more familiar really with modifying things with a soldering iron than with windows installers :confused:

    P.s. the web is full of ways to fix the above error on a VM, especially Hyper-V, but they do not seem relevant to my case of a probably stuffed up installer.
  7. johnye_pt

    johnye_pt MDL Addicted

    Aug 26, 2010
    I only used untouched ISOs of Windows 7, 8.x and 10 (not LTSC, don't know if it makes any difference). I tested Windows 7 x86 and x64 against their 8.x/10 counterparts and installed 1 Windows 7 version in VirtualBox each time without any problems. To convert/compress the WIM into ESD I used NTLite.
  8. foxyrick

    foxyrick MDL Member

    Aug 25, 2011
    Hmm. I've just tried with the untouched en_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677332 (hash verified) and keeping install.wim as .wim, and still get the same error. I doubt using LTSC is the issue since I also had the error when I tried a Windows 8.1 untouched ISO.

    If I replace the ei.cfg from the created one to the ei.cfg from my original Windows 7 ISO, it changes where I get the error (after 'select version' rather than as soon as Setup starts) but it's still the same error.

    I'll keep digging and learning...
  9. johnye_pt

    johnye_pt MDL Addicted

    Aug 26, 2010
    If you're using VMWare, check if you have an emulated floppy drive because setup sometimes looks for a license in it. I also read somewhere else about disabling dynamic ram but I think that only applies to VMWare Hypervisor. For testing I used VirtualBox.
  10. foxyrick

    foxyrick MDL Member

    Aug 25, 2011
    Thanks for the ideas, but it's not those. I already checked. I'll have another go tomorrow - Mrs says I have to get off my PC and give her some attention now, lol.
  11. foxyrick

    foxyrick MDL Member

    Aug 25, 2011
    #51 foxyrick, Jan 6, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2019
    I finally realised where I was being stupid... :doh:

    I was using the en-gb version of Windows 10 (being in gb). Of course, there is no such thing as a en-gb Windows 7. It's just en with the region chosen at installation. Changing to Windows 10 en-us worked. Obviously mixing regions upsets things.

    Thank you for the script @johnye_pt it works perfectly!

    ETA for completeness:
    The Simplix-updated ISO installs just fine from inside the Windows 10 installer, both as a split WIM and converted to an install.esd file with abbodi1406's WIM<>ESD.
  12. plexorite

    plexorite MDL Novice

    Jan 22, 2019
    Greetings all! WARNING! Very old non-geek here with a "Catch 22" problem:
    My old HP EliteBook 8560W has lost its passwords control. I have 3 users and cannot login except to GUEST (no password and no ability to add/alter anything).
    "CATCH 22" :
    Have found several helpful Sites and got "fixes" but they can't work because of USER ACCOUNT CONTROL, which requires a password to do anything. The original passwords wont work.
    E.G. "Trick" using simple workaround via login screen to reveal passwords made a mockery of "security" except that UAC wants a password and then ignores them.
    I can't even simply turn it off via Start Menu option because it....... requires a password.

    My HD is a SSD which I'm now told is probably failing and has mebbe lost the passwords??
    Naturally, I can't test it.....
    Can't upload any "fixer" utils either.
  13. plexorite

    plexorite MDL Novice

    Jan 22, 2019
    #54 plexorite, Jan 22, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2019
    Hi,thanks for your help. "Catch 22" is UAC : HP wont load from DVD or even a thumb and I can't alter boot order :-{
    N.B.: Couldn't reply to you till now as this Forum won't allow addresses in reply and I had to work out problem - *I* didn't add URL, it was in your included quote. Took me a while to figure problem with unable to reply to you. Would catch a lot of oldies/newbies like me!
  14. johnye_pt

    johnye_pt MDL Addicted

    Aug 26, 2010
    Why can't you alter boot order? Unless the BIOS is password protected, you should be able to boot from any device. UAC (User Account Control) is inside Windows, it has nothing to do with BIOS/UEFI.
  15. foxyrick

    foxyrick MDL Member

    Aug 25, 2011
    @plexorite, I have an old 8570w although I've always avoided using some of the more advanced security options because I didn't want to accidentally lock myself out. The following is from memory, but should be close enough...

    You say you can't change the boot order... can you get into the BIOS settings? (Escape as soon as the laptop powers up, then F10 from the boot menu)

    If you can, then just enable the bootable devices in system setup in there. You can then choose from them with Escape/F9 at powerup but make sure to already have a USB flash plugged in when powering up or it might not be listed as an option.


    As mentioned above, Windows passwords and UAC have nothing to do with BIOS or changing boot order. If you can't get into the BIOS, you have a more immediate issue. What happens when you try? Have you configured a BIOS admin password, HP Secure Protect or TPM Embedded Security?

    If so, see this thread:

    Alternatively, contact HP business support. If I recall correctly there is a way to force the laptop to boot from another device with a 'special' file on it, supplied by HP, even if you can't change the boot order. Otherwise you'll need to have a spare laptop HD to boot from to reset the BIOS as in the above thread.
  16. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #57 Yen, Jan 23, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2019
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  17. George King

    George King MDL Expert

    Aug 5, 2009
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  18. shhnedo

    shhnedo MDL Expert

    Mar 20, 2011
    @George King what are you trying to achieve, exactly? I mean you're not actually providing the useful information. And also, why are you using x86 sources? This "jerry-rigging" is meant for modern machines and they definitely need an x64 OS.
  19. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #60 Enthousiast, May 20, 2019
    Last edited: May 20, 2019
    This can be cause by mismatching setup.exe files too:

    Replace the setup.exe from the iso with the one in boot.wim index2 sources folder.

    You can extract the setup.exe from the boot.wim by using 7zip.

    These need to match:
    Compare contents
    The two files have the same content!
    The setup.exe from boot.wim index 2 sources folder is serviced by the updates, the setup from iso:\sources isn't and when they mismatch, the shown error occurs.

    Same goes for 8.1 and probably 7 too.

    Either way, they need to match up.

    After this, try again.