[Download:] Windows to Go x64 x32 for Pro and Core RTM

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by moderate, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. moderate

    moderate MDL Guru

    Aug 31, 2009
    #41 moderate, Aug 8, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2015
    Switch to Start Screen. When you have Searching-lense and Power-down symbols next to User Tile, then you have W811. When there is User tile alone, then you have W810.
  2. coleoptere2007

    coleoptere2007 MDL Guru

    Apr 8, 2008
    yes I've choosen x64 arch and copied the files to system32 and SysWOW64 and imported only 64 reg file tomorrow i will try again and give you feedback
  3. moderate

    moderate MDL Guru

    Aug 31, 2009
    #43 moderate, Aug 8, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2015
    Install W10 in Virtual machine and try there. After that you can examine, if it is problem of one system or the "installation procedure".
  4. Lucas Rey

    Lucas Rey MDL Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    Thank you, I'll try it soon.
    BTW, currently also "Aomei Partition Assistant" do the same job on all Windows Home/Pro versions without modify original OS. ;)
  5. Scary674

    Scary674 MDL Junior Member

    Mar 23, 2008
    how to get this in german? the files are only en-us and cs-cz
  6. Please-8

    Please-8 MDL Junior Member

    Sep 12, 2012
    No, I used "Physical to USB" (left pane, lowermost button).

    WinToUSB creates a WinPE file, reboots into WinPE and copy the physical partition.
    I also see after booting from USB stick that this is not a fresh ISO installation, but a clone because of some modifications I have made in the original installation: Taskbar hide search bar, hide task switcher icon, show all icons and changed background picture.

    What I have tested:
    1. I changed to use WinToUSB 2.3 beta (before I uses 2.2 stable); but no changes: USB clone is still not activated.
    2. I remember that I have used a "Windows to Go" certificated USB stick. This stick is recognized in Windows as a "local disk" - not as a "removal disk" like other cheap USB sticks.
    3. I tested the WinToUSB cloning with a cheap USB stick (not "Windows to Go" certificated USB stick). And now the cloned USB stick shows "activated".
      • I booted the cloned Windows 10 on another PC. And now the cloned USB stick shows "not activated".
      • I booted the cloned Windows 10 on the initially PC. And now the cloned USB stick shows "not activated".
    4. I tested the WinToUSB cloning with an external USB3 HDD. The cloned USB3 HDD shows "not activated".
    My experiences are just the opposite:
    1. On a "local drive" ("Windows to Go" certificated USB stick or USB3 HDD) the cloned Windows 10 is not activated.
    2. On a "removal drive" (cheap USB stick) the cloned Windows 10 is activated.
    3. Once booted on another PC the activation is gone - even if I go back to the initially PC
    I do not understand what you and I have done differently to have different results.
    But for me my results are more logical: Different hardware = new activation.

    What happens when you one of your 8 external USB3 HDD's build into a PC or notebook ? Then you should have an activated Windows 10 installation based on a clone.
  7. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  8. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    First at all: I use external USB 3.0 /3.1 HDD's only! I need at least an external 320GB external HDD for to get all Apps I need on that WinToUSB drive for my and our stuffs working! ISB Sticks/Flashdrives are out of question at this time!

    I've to admit that I never used WinToUSB on any Stick/Flashdrive till now and could therefore not tell it will works. In all of my post regarding WinToUSB I only talked about External USB HDD's!

    All created WinToUSB HDD's are a clone of the Main HDD of my Office machine because that contains all installed apps we (my stuff and I) need for our work, working fully autoactivated on any computer we're using. The only difference is the slow first start because of the change of the needed drivers in that machine. If restart on the same machine again, the start time is much faster, still a bit slower as to start from a normal internal HDD! Change the machine, the start time will again very slow! Otherwise, everything will works as on normal machine, again: fully activated!

    And I use WinToUSB for around 2 years with no any problems and all times fully activated and directly ready to start activated after the build!

    I've to take your word for it that you face the mentioned problem, but could not see that on the External HDD's I use.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  9. luky

    luky MDL Addicted

    Dec 21, 2008

    Can you tell us how you did clon drive-by-step.
    Thank you.

    All created WinToUSB HDD's are a clone of the Main HDD of my Office machine because that contains all installed apps we (my stuff and I) need for our work, working fully autoactivated on any computer we're using
  10. SM03

    SM03 MDL Expert

    Dec 16, 2012
    I didn't understand the copy-paste instruction properly & which version to download. Someone plz help
  11. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    That's simply done with the option 3 (physical to USB)! First option is ISO to USB, while 2. option is DVD/CD to USB and 3. option physical HDD to USB!

    In WinToUSB those steps are easy and just a few:
    1. open/run WinToUSB
    2. chose your option, in case of clone use Physical to USB
    3. click Next because the C: HDD is automatically selected
    4. Click Yes in upcoming Screen which will take some time, depend on Size of HDD (NOT Partition)
    5. select Destination
    6. select relevant Partitions
    7. Proceed

    Let them write the USB Disk and after that's done close WinToUSB. Check that you could boot from newly build WinToUSB Drive!
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  12. Please-8

    Please-8 MDL Junior Member

    Sep 12, 2012
    The screen shot from user "luky" is not from within Windows PE:
    1. It's difficult to make a screenshot from within Windows PE (perhaps you can do this in virtual maschine)
    2. The screen from Windows PE looks different.
    The screen shot is even before the target drive selection.

    When I start WinToUSB first time and press the left pane lowermost button it appears a message box: "WinPe must be created ...take some minutes ... are your sure ?" and then a blue progress bar. After this I found the 300 MB "boot.wim" file in folder C:\Program Files\WinToUSB\bin

    So the question should be:
    Why this not happen by user "lucky" ?
    No rights to create / write this file ?
    No disk space ?
  13. luky

    luky MDL Addicted

    Dec 21, 2008
    You noted correctly because does not want to make those files.
    Space is not a problem because I have an empty USB HDD 320 GB.

    What could be wrong, that does not want to do this?
  14. Please-8

    Please-8 MDL Junior Member

    Sep 12, 2012
    OK, then forget my test with USB sticks. But:
    So still unanswered questions:

    I do not understand what you and I have done differently to have different results.
    But for me my results are more logical: Different hardware = new activation.

    What happens when you one of your 8 external USB3 HDD's build into a PC or notebook ? Then you should have an activated Windows 10 installation based on a clone.
  15. Please-8

    Please-8 MDL Junior Member

    Sep 12, 2012
    Perhaps your virus scanner don't allow that a program (WinToUSB) create files ???
  16. luky

    luky MDL Addicted

    Dec 21, 2008
    May well clon disc WinToUSB nekomercional version, or to be profesional version WinToUSB :confused:

    Thank you.
  17. moderate

    moderate MDL Guru

    Aug 31, 2009