hmm because someone stay worried about little things, when this big thing is how to configure your system properly no only cut/remove whitout at less know what is doing , maybe I'm wrong
dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"D:\2\sources\install.wim" /SourceIndex:3 /DestinationImageFile:"d:\install.wim" /Compress:max /checkintegrity I believe this is the correct command to make an install.wim with single index in it from one with multiple indexes in it. I'm exporting the Enterprise index so on this install.wim it's index:3 Should I rebuild the install.wim or anything after and if I do what DISM command/commands do I run? Your advice would be grateful, Google is not my friend in this.
By exporting you already did a rebuild, componentcleanup would be useful when you integrated an update.
Manual scanning may work in 1803 as Code: usoclient startinteractivescan instead of the well-known Code: usoclient startscan which is in the Task Scheduler too. It looks like the regular command works, but only when it is due to start, not earlier. Can someone confirm this please.
Thank you for confirming. I have to add that the Code: usoclient startinteractivescan runs only as Administrator, which I can see in your screenshot. The more regular Code: usoclient startscan runs either way, but as we have seen, it is no longer as useful as it used to be. Maybe a bug which will be fixed via a CU or intentional change of behaviour, as many others.
Apologies for the ignorance in advance. So which SVF do I use to turn Win 10 Enterprise Eval 1803 to volume licensing? Any Enterprise 1803 VL iso available? There is no Enterprise iso anymore, the business iso will contain Enterprise.
@Enthousiast that's exactly what I was looking at, I just wasn't sure if it turns EVAL to VL Thanks!! will get it done today
hello in widnows 10 pro for me in ethernet option (i don't have wiffi) option "public network or private network" is missing i only show "metered connection" and properties, i dont know where is option to change public or private network
Did you put your UAC consent level to the highest setting? The options you mentioned are only shown if you are on the default consent setting (second-from-highest).
I don't have them either. What I do is using Winaero Tweaker (find on and also in the MDL app sub-board), it offers an option to put the Private/Public switch into the Desktop context menu.
Could use powershell Code: $Profiles = Get-NetConnectionProfile | Where-Object {$_.NetworkCategory -eq 'Public'} ForEach ($Profile in $Profiles) { Set-NetConnectionProfile -NetworkCategory 'Private' }