I agree with this, some people these days tag their children as if they are a prisoner. The obvious mindset the child will have is that the parent doesn't trust them so why trust the parent, and it spirals from there !
Oh, come on! You are reading too many meanings to the OP. His intention might be different from what you mentioned in your post because we all reason differently in some situation at times. I totally agree with most people on the idea the laptops are gifts and shouldn't be monitored.
By the way, I find that people who use the word "gifted", are usually Indian. People in North America would usually say donated or gave !
In my own experiences, I find that people, when exposed to a different culture, tend to pick up some of the colloquialisms of the new culture. Some things just sound pleasing to us. @dhjohns: I agree. I also think that's more mid-west or western USA.
There is a nice relation to the OPs intention and the German language, lol Gift= German word for poison/venom. Gifted then means -simple past- (ver)giftet. One official German meaning for vergiften is: To cause harm by harmful agents, or to spoil, to make sick or unuselable or unenjoyable. He in fact (ver)gifted(t) the device by that...
Sorry for OT I researched a bit about the origin because I always smiled about the double meaning of 'gift'. It originates from 'Gabe' (medical sense of administration of...) Old High German word that later became 'Gift'... It has a relation to the English 'to give' or simple past 'gave' as R29k already mentioned but has got a 'bad taste' during time...LOL
If the House of Respresntives in 1794 had chosen the German Language as national Language for America, how the world would look today? And that was only because one German abstained to vote (F. Muehlberg)! As answer to your speech: "Never accept "gifts" from Germans that you do not know!", I would simply say: Americans go back to you own countries and give America back to it's own native people! The simple fact is, the real Americans are just a very small minority of those claiming to be real Americans!
Doesn't know meaning satire? Not be taken seriously Was only in response to Yen's reply: BTW: the name Keller in closely in my family tree, which means that I am of German decent
So, you like to teach others a lesson, but just telling it's just a satire?! Keller by the way could be also Swiss or others who speak the german language! And my post was just to remember that the majority of Americans simply living on 'stolen' ground, which even goes that far to restrict the real owners in their rights! Have a good day!
You are correct. Not only Keller but Truax and Holmes too. Thus I am an Euro mongrel....aka American. The land was already stole when my great great grand daddy got here from Canada, another American thief
I thanked JoeC for his reply. Never accept "gifts" from Germans that you do not know! Being German I find it funny. Who ever would take Gift (poison) voluntarily? It hurts when hard feelings become involved....I am here to have fun and I have it! Never thought it could lead to a 'who is a real American' controversy. lol Nevermind!
@Yen: Those of us 'in the know' realize the fact that unless you're a Native American (Often called an American Indian) You are -NOT- a native here. We (meaning our ancestors) came here in hope of a better life, free from whatever tyranny was in our respective countries of origin. And being of Italian and German decent, I would only go back to those countries to visit, because they're beautiful places. When will the day come when we realize that we are -ALL- brothers and sisters from one race...The Human Race. @Pisthai: What were you thinking?
@MS_USER: It wasn't always like this. And I do miss the days when Craftsmanship, honor and integrity meant something. Oh, and I'd name Him Sam.