Global Warming: Your opinion ....

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by R29k, Jun 14, 2011.


Is Global Warming man made or a natural cycle ?

  1. Yes, it is man made

  2. Undecided

  3. No, I think there is another reason for it

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  1. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    This is the basic truth about climate change that people like to ignore. All we actually "know" is that there seems to be some change going on. The rest is speculation.

    To pretend to know, that it is manmade is ridiculous, pretending to know that it is not, is as stupid.
    Even more idiotic is to claim it can be stopped. Even if there were a will the stop it, it could not be done.... Does anyone really expect politicians of this world will get together and actually do something? Did you observe all the summits that they attend? So, just forget about them and think yourself.

    The intelligent behaviour is to understand what is happening, what will be happening if this goes on, and then consider what kind of consequences make sense. Not on the public level, if you put your hope there, you are a fool...
    I am talking about a personal level. Look at the possible consequences and understand how they will affect your life. Check some articles that do NOT try to promote one of the fixed ideologies

    or even this

    And if you do live in Southern Florida... sell NOW! :fish2::fish2::fish2:
  2. MysTikAL3

    MysTikAL3 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 15, 2013

    You've made several good points...but then LOL, the links you have are 2 of THE most outrageous BS sources anywhere in the world. They are both full of completely unsubstantiated false statements that have been debunked 1,000 times over.
    These articles were clearly written by the global warming, governmental propaganda, scare mongering for greed machine....
    Maybe you were playing devils advocate with the New Yorker and Rolling Stone?

    The ocean is not rising at 1 inch+ per year in Florida...
    The problems they describe in southern Florida is a direct result of the soil they have there is as porous as a's constantly moving and sinking with tides and land buoyancy (or lack of). Yes, southern Florida does have problems, but it has very little, if anything, to do with a rise in sea level, it's land movement.

    There are hundreds of 'credible' sources in this thread you may want to have a look at.
  3. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    As I wrote... feel free to believe whatever you want. I prefer not to believe... As a philosopher, I either know an or do not.
    And the older I get, the less I know....

    By the way. Given the quality of the media in this age, it is very rare to read anything worth my time at all. For quite some time I have now considered The New Yorker the qualitative best magazine world wide, in all the languages I can read.
    I admit, it is embarrassing to me, that it is american, but then, so are most of my favorite authors.

    But your biggest mistake is missing my main point:


    The hype about it is a waste of time and serves only the hypocrites who want to show the rest of us, that they are the better people.

    Do you actually believe, that the people of the world and their governments are willing and able to stop this?????
  4. MysTikAL3

    MysTikAL3 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 15, 2013
    #604 MysTikAL3, Mar 10, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2016
    I am in complete agreement with your statements here!
    I thought I made that very clear in my post...:confused:
    NO I don't, and they NEVER will, nor could they stop anything...
    ALL of their rhetoric is at best grossly exaggerated, and many times completely false BS...
    The whole "global warming/climate change" machine is solely for politicians and governments to attain $$$$$$$$$$$, and more power and control over the people by control over ALL resources, water, land, CO2, etc., etc. to that end...GREED!..:mad:
  5. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    Sorry about my misunderstanding....

    What everybody should do instead of listening to politicians and voting for them because you like their promises, is to think, how will global warming affect MY life, should it happen, the way it is predicted. ´HOw ill loife in big cities change? How will it affect the place I life? How will it interfere with the food supply? The drinkwater supply? Working opportunities? What will it mean for my children, if I have any....

    So many questions... much more important than protesting holding up signs.

    :fishing1: :buddhastone:


    Jan 25, 2012
    @ThomasMann: what you're asking is a change in the way of thinking and that won't change on a global scale too soon...unfortunately. Humans don't know/like to follow "by example", just look throughout history: all the wise men & women that set examples were either killed or ignored. Humans love to roll in mud and complain at the same time they're dirty, but if you give them a soap and tell them to take a shower, they start bitchin' "why should I take a shower when my father, grandfather and those before them rolled in mud?"
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  7. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Analysis of sediment core ties Antarctic ice cover to CO2 concentration

    Antarctica wasn't always the barren ice world that we now know. In the distant past, plate tectonics placed it at warmer latitudes. But more recently, even after it adopted its southern location, high global temperatures severely limited the ice on Antarctica. That started to change as the period known as the Eocene came to a close and global temperatures dropped. But the precise details of how the continent went white are a challenge to determine.

    Now, a large international team of researchers has obtained a sediment core from just offshore of the East Antarctic ice sheet that captures key events in the glaciation of the continent. And because it provides relatively precise indications of when things happened, it's possible to line it up with other global records. Combined, the records indicate that there were two key transitions: one where an ice cap began to form and a second when it expanded to meet the ocean.

    Both of these events appear to have been tied to the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide. And in each case, we've been on a path toward reversing them before the century is out... more
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  8. zen45

    zen45 MDL Addicted

    Feb 25, 2010
    global warming really ? nothing else to worry about ? don't we realize that we adapt to climate change every day ! put a coat on if your cold take it off if your warm ! even if we go into another ice age we will adapt ! we will live under ground, or migrate to the moon or mars we adapt , climate change will happen over a long period of time we here will all be dead and long gone by the time it happens . want to worry about something worry about drinking water and pollution of the air in cities ,that is now a problem that we can do something about ! want paranoia worry about a comet or very large meteor hitting the earth because that would eliminate all life in a flash lol . we adapt kids just as fast as change happens which is slowly as is climate change !
  9. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    I totally agree with you, but there is also a misunderstanding on your part.

    "what you're asking is a change in the way of thinking...."

    No, I am most certainly not asking that, as I also do not ask my dog to learn Chinese... I am simply talking to the seven or twenty-seven people who read this. The idea that the large majority of humans (and I mean LARGE!) are able to look at things without their own opinion on the subject already fixed, the idea that they are able to, or at least willing and interested in examining their own opinions, is childish idealism.

    That is precisely why I say, even if climate change is man made, to expect humans to get together to change this, is preposterous.
    Since I was a child I have watched in wonder how disgustingly humans treat this planet, and then I bought a car and enjoyed living on all continents all over the world by using a lot of flights myself. So, I am not blaming anyone, I am simply pointing out what an individual should do. Watch and learn, how the change can be best managed in your own life.
  10. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    I am a bit to old to believe in what is called science in this age....

    Higgs Bosons? Gravity Waves? Yeah... sure.
    But, I understand them, I do not blame anyone, I would also like a well paid job, where I can indulge in my hobby.

    And you missed my point anyway. I did not say it is not caused by CO2, I said I do not know, and I said even it is caused by humans, one has be pretty childish to assume humans will stop ANY of their destructive behavior, which harms this planet...

    Two planets meet: "Oh I fell so f**ked, I have a bad case of homo sapiens..."
    Replies the other: " No need to worry about that. I had that once myself, it disappears by itself."
  11. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    Very interesting!

    "want to worry about something worry about drinking water and pollution of the air in cities"

    Let me repeat a clever person, only change a few words? Yes?

    "drinking water and pollution of the air in cities" really ? nothing else to worry about ? don't we realize that we adapt to "drinking water and pollution of the air in cities" every day ! put a coat on if your cold take it off if your warm ! even if we go into another ice age we will adapt ! we will live under ground, or migrate to the moon or mars we adapt , "drinking water and pollution of the air in cities" will happen over a long period of time we here will all be dead and long gone by the time it happens.

    No one is going to stop you abusing the word Zen. Feel free....
  12. kaljukass

    kaljukass MDL Guru

    Nov 26, 2012
    #612 kaljukass, Mar 11, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2019
    Here is the one and the only serious evidence, that the global warming is actually going.
    All the rest or other theories is just politics and commerce.

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  13. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    The survival of species suddenly looks better

    Findings on Norway spruce show how plants and animals can adapt better to climate change than previously envisaged.

    The spruce remembers what the temperature conditions were like when it was a seed. This memory helps it adapt to climate change.
    "There is a kind of flexibility in the genetic material. Environmental conditions during seed development create a memory of those temperature conditions. Much like a 'molecular thermostat' that can shift the growth cycle of the plant", Carl Gunnar Fossdal explains. He is a senior research scientist with the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO).
    This exciting phenomenon is caused by epigenetics, a hot topic in science. This field of genetics looks at how environmental and other external factors affect genes and their behaviour.
    Internal thermostat
    In the winter, the Norway spruce is so hardened that it will survive even if it immersed in liquid nitrogen, around 200 °C below zero.
    In the spring, however, when the buds are flushing and it starts to grow, it has no tolerance for frost at all. If the buds flush, and then are confronted with late spring frost, all the new growth is likely to die and the tree will lose to other trees in the competition for space and resources.

    Read more at:
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  14. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    "Remembers"... Hmmm, is this a journalist "interpreting" scientific research for the masses or a scientist actually - well... not sure what s/he would do there with that "epigenetic" story...
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  15. Larvey45

    Larvey45 MDL Novice

    May 3, 2016
    It is surely man made
  16. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

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    Nov 9, 2009
    Climate change is a natural phenomena

    Climate change is a natural phenomena. The earths heating/cooling cycles are primarily driven by the sun. The data being used by the climate change hack scientists has been altered to fit their agenda. While some gases have properties that damage the ozone layer, or at as heat sinks, choosing carbon dioxide as the evil gas that will destroy the earth is a hoot. Carbon is in everything. Carbon is essential for life. We are a carbon based planet. I must note that the climate change adherents are primarily Communists or Socialists, and/or will have a huge financial windfall if a carbon tax is imposed. Its the Communists using Capitalism again.
  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #619 gorski, Aug 4, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
    BS. The only REAL propaganda here is the capitalist one, wanting to continue "business as usual", fueled by the enormous short term profit greed on enormous proportions, the kind we have seen for a few centuries now, polluting immeasurably, in all directions, with complete disregard to the consequences of their actions, allowed to do so by the system and its "neo-liberal" 'strategy' of "deregulation" as "the way forward" to oblivion!!!

    Start from the Koch brothers! I presume you know how to search online a bit... Just scratch the surface! You might even find how Chamber of Commerce and Koch bros in particular are consciously out to buy everything and everybody, from scientists to politicians. They are the only ones who can. So point a finger at your own self (or "your own side") first! (If not a gun to your temple...)


    P.S. Of course, there are natural cycles in all this but we have grown so powerful we can and we are affecting the climate (and environment in general) enormously! Not acknowledging this is a crime against Humanity, especially the generations that are following!
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  20. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007

    "Climate change is a natural phenomenon." This might be right (at least a part of it is natural) but your reasoning...hurts....:rolleyes:

    May I give you a serious not argue that way with one who had one lesson of Chemistry in life already. You would make yourself ridiculous since you've failed at its definition already. :)

    You confuse carbon as element with ligated carbon (organic substances) carbon is not in everything and no we are an Oxygen based planet...(50%)

    It is quite reasonable that 'socialists' are concerned. To do something own for the benefit of more/others is social. A capitalist is not interested in environment protective measures since such would cost money and decrease own profit.
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