Global Warming: Your opinion ....

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by R29k, Jun 14, 2011.


Is Global Warming man made or a natural cycle ?

  1. Yes, it is man made

  2. Undecided

  3. No, I think there is another reason for it

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  1. BrianCohen

    BrianCohen Guest

    no no, brian :D
  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Exactly, he who never answers anything ('cause he is a looooossseerrrr!!!! :D ) dares complain how I don't answer, after I answer EVERY TIME and to THE point...:rolleyes::p MEH!!!:biggrin:

    "No, it isn't!"

    "Yes, it is!"

    "Oh, no, it isn't!"

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  3. BrianCohen

    BrianCohen Guest

    yes it is :D
  4. BrianCohen

    BrianCohen Guest

    im sorry, is this the 5 minute argument or the full half hour? :D
  5. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I do not disagree much with what you have posted....although a few things seem to me too much pessimistically 'predetermined' from your POV….a few things to add.

    “To a capitalist a social idea is unreasonable, what else should it be?”
    “No it’s not. The point is, for him the realization of a socialist idea brings disadvantages,….”

    It is unreasonable. But you're right, that is the effect already. The reason however is his self-identification. To live against one's idea of oneself is never of any 'advantage'...

    If capitalism should be against ones ‘true’ nature then the mentioned ‘disadvantages’ will become manifest as well or the illusionary character of 'the thought advantage' unveils…Like "Money doesn’t make one happy"....

    The only way for him to realize a socialist idea WITHOUT to have changed self-awareness would be that he gets paid for it, lol.

    That is btw a popular measure of governments to ‘gain’ capitalists for social projects. For instance by lowering taxes/interest….when using / buying solar panels..
    The self-identification with capital remains hence there is no real progress.

    “It is the individual that can change HIMSELF! No one can change another!”
    This is right from the perspective of an individual…I expressed it with:

    There is seemingly no chance as you’ve mentioned because you cannot change one’s self-identification by words. (verbally, laws, 'Reason')

    Anyway to look at it from the perspective of an individual plays no role, because it applies to ANY individual….”Change yourself, the world ‘outside’ will, too.”

    “Are we talking about a world of wishful thinking or the one that actually exists?”

    You should know (I know you do, but it might help to get rid of personal predeterminations) the world is like the way you see it. It is not absolute.

    Nice poem BTW….one can check ‘what’ feels attracted to it….(concerning self-identification)…:)
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  6. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    It is called psychological hygiene, something that dodos like yourself who find happiness in making clever remarks like in primary school, cannot understand...
  7. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015

    You say „if“: „If capitalism should be against ones ‘true’ nature…” Look around the world, where do see a place where GREED is not the true nature of men? If this has been achieved by capitalism or not, makes no difference. Because if men did not already have the potential for greed, then greed could not have taken over their life…

    "Money doesn’t make one happy", that may be true, but then, why is it that it is always the people who have none, repeat that sentence?
    Too little money certainly prevents happiness, something having money will not. Wanting more does...
    In my experience is actually not the possession or lack of money, that is the problem. I have learned that as long as you have to use your time to earn money to make a living, there is no way to ever be your self….
    This seems to be a fundamental truth, and a very sad one.

    “There is seemingly no chance as you’ve mentioned because you cannot change one’s self-identification by words. (verbally, laws, 'Reason')”

    That is not my experience. Unless you go beyond what we call reason, there will be no true change, only your ideology will change. I am a slow learner, so it took me 15 years in an Indian ashram to learn that.

    ”Change yourself, the world ‘outside’ will, too.”

    No, that is wishful thinking. There have been innumerable enlightend masters and the world (and humans) are still unchanged. Look at the self-proclaimed followers of Christ! The catholic church is the oldest, bloodiest and most perverted criminal organisation that has done the most horrible harm to human beings. Did you know that Buddhist monasteries used to have armies?
    When you change yourself, you will see that the world is exactly the only way it can be. I, and I assume you too, am not a good enough person to get to the point where I feel compassion for my fellow man. I still feel they need their asses kicked or worse, but I can accept that in myself.
  8. BrianCohen

    BrianCohen Guest

    if you cannot change this world for the better you had better make peace for yourself in the next TM.
    the sooner the better preferably.
  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yep, conservatives the world over can't figure out the nature of socialisation, even if their very lives (and the lives of just about everyone/every single spieces on the planet) depended on it...:rolleyes: Just too much for their metaphysics infested (and hence reduced :p ) brains... :D :p :D

    But it's easier like that and that is the nature of dogma, which most people seem to really need... or else...:wallhead:
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  10. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I wonder why you (frequently) have the need to try to make your ego bigger by diminishing others (name calling)….where is your awareness you have got being in ashram 15 years?! ;)
    I mean your name calling is just useless :)

    Now there are more things I have to disagree, better said experienced the other way…
    Greed is also a justifiable effect of one’s self-identification. Greed is the big brother of adherence.

    When a human individual’s self-identification is the way that the idea of oneself grows by accumulating things…..and due to lack of self-awareness the ‘current little’ needs to grow (driving force) then greed is a systemic effect.

    Not because it is wide spread at humans it has to be a ‘true’ nature.

    The entire ‘chain’ is based on one ‘unverified’ predetermination: “I am not enough yet”
    ‘Reason’ would require going after this, BUT self-awareness requires absolutely nothing but oneself.

    When you say “……, there is no way to ever be your self….” Then I ask you ‘who’ is saying that? Or : Who prevents/distracts you from ‘being’, but your thoughts?

    Consider this:"OK, I want now be myself! Or how can I be myself? Or: I cannot be myself" Got its senselessness? How would you have to be to be yourself???

    “When you change yourself, you will see that the world is exactly the only way it can be. I, and I assume you too, am not a good enough person to get to the point where I feel compassion for my fellow man. I still feel they need their asses kicked or worse, but I can accept that in myself”

    You’re standing in your own way….so to say. You know that you cannot change another one but you try to kick their asses?

    The change ‘happens’ from the perspective of an individual. Also it appears thoughts are involved….There is change in self-identification and with it ones relative world...s/o dualism
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  11. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    long story short; undesirable name calling. i am ohso tempted to do it myself,lol. ;)
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  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Me, three... :p Only I do retaliate... :D Nothing like the taste of one's own medicine, I find... :D
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  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    "...and I assume you, too..." is more telling then the rest!

    The rest (which I could see very easily and very early on, when Thommy started posting), was the basis for "misunderstanding" :D between the 2 of us...

    He is a true blue conservative, for sure... Germanic kind, I think... :D

    And I am a Germanic/Slavic kind of a Social Democrat... :D

    So, there... :p
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  14. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Nah, all is about looking through ones ego not prescribing the same medicine. It's about to get awareness (back).
    I am a German social democrat but have lost my representatives. I am scientist, but creatively open..most conservative (scientist) people think I am a fool or do not know...what they have studied. (the truth for them) lol
    I'm a researcher simple and a bit crazy I did not study to the highest grade. I did not want to loose my lab job and my job as practicum/trainee lab leader. Being doctor you get a desk job in pharma industry. OH ,many people where disappointed about my decision. They saw me as the next great is my life as kid already. We made a lot of 'childish' things.
    I love the nature I see her in myself and myself in her. No gorski no weed involved or the like.:)

    I never wanted to make big money, I want to help people first with fighting diseases now with mild phytos

    Compassion means to see oneself in the other and to feel to be (human) with him. And people mostly come to the conclusion that money does not make happy when something suddenly happens life threatening disease, are not the poor who cry it are the rich who painfully have to understand even this!!!! Also doesn’t money bring back fossil fuel once burnt.
    And you cannot 'use' it. It is just a bunch of paper without real value.

    I have also answered this way being a moderator, but I decided NOT to moderate what mostly has the bitter taste of censorship 'why here at me an not at him' Right gorski? :hug2:

    So I thought I just reply saying what I 'see'.. Many people have lost their amazement at nature. They don't even see it distracted by them it is an object with more or less advantages here and inconveniences there...what I mean cannot be studied.

    Open eyes and a calm mind are enough :)
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  15. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    talking about capitalism and greed are u guys aware that a bottle of 30 viagra fifer pills cost $1500 thats none generic:mad: big pharma produces them for 50 cent a pill....... capitalism at its finest:rolleyes:
  16. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Nah Viagra 100 mg 64 pills are around 1000 bucks.

    Viagra (Sildenafilcitrate) is still protected. THAT is mostly reasonable since research (quality management) costs a lot of money in advance....
    But Viagra was in a complete other test. The human guinea pigs found out quickly who had got placebo and who verum. Those with verum had a far shorter 'regeneration' phase after coitus. They even shared the pills

    Viagra is no aphrodisiac!!!!,,,,,it was hyped, I know a guard.....he said 5 years ago almost one time a week people try to break in and steal viagra.
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yen, that post certainly looked like weed-ennobled... :p :D :p

    Recently, I think, a US court refused to protect a drug from being produced by a generic manufacturer, citing price etc. That is, before the usual expiry date of their sole right of manufacturing. And if you see prices shooting up 1000% or more - they should tell them to f-off!

    Viagra is very cool in so many ways... :p if your wife would want it/tolerate it... :D

    On Croat TV one can see some "African Plum" advert, with a rocket blazing off... Ridiculous! I think some herbal remedy... which I doubt works in any serious way... :D

    But some of my friends say weed gives them the same action as Viagra... :D So, no wonder it's illegal! :p
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  18. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Viagra is pure physical 'man' stands a longer time lol for those who could not stand at all any more thank good Viagra is here..

    But actually people want better sex. An aphrodisiac....all are myths, BUT if you know yourself well (and your partner) then there are lots of aphrodisiacs!!!

    Weed can depends on the sort and contents...weed can be a strong aphrodisiac.:)
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  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I'll take your word for it! :D

    I am allergic to tobacco, plus I have never tried smoking (or eating) weed, so I wouldn't know if it is possible and how (without tobacco) etc.

    Anyway, from old Egypt (blue lotus) onwards, various cultures have had their own version of Spanish fly... :D

    Our, modern Spanish fly was "invented" by accident, as a side-effect, so it's time to remove the protection in favour of generics! :)
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  20. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    not were i live here in the US a bottle of 30 pills 100 mg runs for $1500