Unfortunately, the matter as to whether GW is occurring isn't up to a democratic vote, or an opinion poll. It is happening. The only real question is whether the current warming trend is due to man-made causes. For those with a TLDR complex, here is an excerpt from this recent article here: Climate Change: Public Skeptical, Scientists Sure [emphasis mine] In all honesty, the majority of GW dissenters (if even part of the scientific communities) who disagree with man-made causes of global warming have leaning towards right-wing political conservative, and/or fundamental religious groups. The remainder, and the most outspoken, are the ones employed by large corporations in the fossil fuel industry. Keep in mind that they are all in the minority with their views, paid or not, that GW isn't the result of humankind's activities. In the US, groups like the Tea-Party, the Republican right-wing, and numerous religious organizations are all well known for advocating a form of "science denial". On a side note, this article describes why this may be so easy for some people: The Science of Why We Don't Believe Science
Global warming is major problem in all over the world. Due to this climate has change very fast. We should try to stop global warming like stop deforestation, grow more trees, use eco friendly products and so on. Human are more responsible for global warming.
This thread will become important. But in a way I hadn't thought. As I have said it is difficult to say if it's man made or not. And also that one cannot measure the average temperature. I also have said that the glaciers are melting and the sea level is increasing. It actually doesn't matter if it's man made or not. IT IS happening, but most of us are thinking into a wrong direction. And it happens faster than we are thinking! What is the job of a glacier? Yes, to accumulate water, to buffer it. To release it continuously in summer, to accumulate in winter time Glaciers vanish in the Himalaya and even faster in the Andes. China, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are already afraid to run out of water. Their rivers rise in the Himalaya. Mekong, Ganges, Brahmaputra..... Their amount of water is decreasing every year. China has to take care of 1.2 * 10^9 humans. Desert is expanding. India at one side China at the other. They ALREADY know that a fight for water is unavoidable. China is building a dam to redirect the water of Brahmaputra before it reaches India. India has built a fence with the length of 3000 km to avoid that people from Bangladesh who are rapidly forced to leave their land because of increasing sea levels and decreasing amounts of drinking water will come to India. There is already a tense situation. Humans can live some weeks without to eat but without to drink........ If an area will run out of drinking water, the people will get it, violently if needed. But the first Capital City that will run out of water will be the Capital of Peru, Lima. The situation in the Andes is far more advanced. So you think you won't be affected? Not your generation? NO! THIS generation will become a witness of it. People will have to fight for drinking water, people who still have it. There are facts I didn't know before. If you want to know more about read about Lima and their water situation, read about Chinese plans to redirect Brahmaputra. Read about India and their fence near to the border of Bangladesh. The army and officials already have plans how to handle the situation, one thing is already clear, they won't hesitate to use weapons to defend their drinking water...let's watch Lima and its citizen.
No one is arguing if Global Warming is happening, we all know it is happening but the reasons given especially the anthropogenic ones are downright stupid in most cases. They are primarily fueled by greedy politicians and social parasites like Al Gore and co. There are too many factors and there is too little known about the Sun to jump to conclusions and say man is destroying the Earth. With the water issue as Yen pointed out I think acrsn hit the nail on the head. There are too many people on Earth and China and India are the primary culprits, they will pay a heavy price in the future. It will be a price that will involve massive suffering of a huge portion of their populations. There is also enough evidence to show that the Earth's climate in the past changes drastically without human influence, for example the Sahara desert was once an ocean.
It seems to me some deny with intent that the global warming is man made to have it easier not to show responsibility for what will happen! Nobody voted undecided, but me. I might say the votings here are mostly political as well since nobody really has the scientific knowledge that allows to make a clear opinion about. What I want to repeat is that it really doesn't matter. I doubt that humans can control population. Who should do it? The government? Who has the right to do it? They say one child is enough for one family? What then? Kill the others? How you want to control it? Contraception versus tradition? Who enlightens the poor (women) in India that they have to contracept? Who tells the men how to use a condom? Who should pay for it? Never humans can control their growth without to fall into dictatorship. Would you allow that your government has the right to tell YOU personally no more kid for you, stop it? What is different to animals and humans? Animals consume only what they need to survive. And so their resources balance is equal. They take the same what they give back. But not the humans. They massively take resources away and don't bring them back. I don't know if the global warming is man made or not. But I know that humans are wasting resources and others will suffer. So when some of us are running out of water it is for sure man made. Exploitation is man made, so why to deny or accept global warming to be man made or not??? The energy of those resources are stored in consume goods, thrown away later... To produce needs energy, water and other resources. To save a bit of energy is relizable by everyone you just need to switch off a light you don't need. Therefore you don't need money. Birth control will be done by the nature itself.
When nature has to control population growth then suffering will come into the equation. Who has to teach the poor what to do, their Government of course. Who has to provide adequate food, clothing and shelter for the population, the Government. When the Government wants to sit on their rear ends and do nothing then I'm sorry for the population. I don't agree with you that human populations can't be controlled, it is ignorant populations that will be hard to control.
I didn't say it can't be controlled. I've said "Never humans can control their growth without to fall into dictatorship." Only a totalitarian government could ENFORCE it. To reproduce is an natural urge and controlled by old regions of the brain. It's actually an instinct. It is reproductive drive! Exploitation isn't since it is not found at animals. The will to exploit came with the newer regions of the brain. Also the will to consume for fun. I want to understand how the government should do it. Give an example, please. I'd appreciate to answer my questions above. They say one child is enough for one family? What then? Kill the others? How you want to control it? By the police? Army? You are arrested, because you have more than one children??? Humans have the right to have children! It's their nature and no democratic government has the right to manipulate it by restrictions. But they don't have the right to exploit the nature. Wars will come until the humans will learn that. It is so sad, but the birth control is done by governments, yes indirectly. It are governments who declare wars. Wars causes death of peoples.
The only way you can control it is by educating the people about: a) Contraceptives and; b) why you would need contraceptives, proper family planning. Economic benefits of not having a large amount of children especially in poorer areas etc. Then it is up to the people to understand what is taught and do the appropriate thing. Anyone with commonsense will understand that having 6 children and an income that can only support 1 will never work out. As I mentioned an ignorant population will be hard to control. If the education level is such that they can't understand what you are telling them then the odds of you educating them properly will be small. Unless you undertake the option of trying to raise the education level in the whole community and hope the next generation will be more educated to understand. The primary problem is that governments like lawyers are prone to trash talking and very much into corruption . There are two things you find in the educated communities: 1) Less large families, you will have large ones but they will be financially capable and; 2) Less belief in God and Religion In poorer less educated communities you find the opposite.
Yes, that's the only way, hence I have posted 'Contraception versus tradition?'. I guess it's the word to control I have problems with. Humans have the right to have children. They need to be educated that to have less children will assure that their people can survive at all. I guess you never have been involved into traditions of 'overcrowded' counties. Traditions are a core part of a unique nation. I think it is not easy to change traditions, many things are involved. And it needs generations to change the awareness. Many many things are needed to 'educate' before 'voluntarily birth control' can become aware. There is not much awareness yet. One is not better when having that awareness but hasn't learned much about to respect the resources. That's the reason why I think you first have to 'educate' how to handle resources useful and to provide the technology to help them. To export knowledge and to give them something back. 2) Less belief in God and Religion That is another thing that would fill another thread. I wouldn't say China and India are 'more religious' than Europe and USA. USA simply has no old culture and hence no old traditions. One thing I would like to post. All (republican) presidents of the United States and most of its citizens are true believer in god and religion. And what do they do? They exploit the nature most. (Is it because they are believer, lol?) And when they are running out of resources they get them from other counties.......the only luck they (still) have....they need no birth control. Anyway I'd be curious to see if Obama would have to say: People of America, from now on only one child per family is allowed. This is needed to ensure that our great nation can survive! Don't say no, say yes we can! Lol. The essence what I mean: People need to act in their own life to make the situation better. I don't like to hear when people say: They have to...... never I can do myself. I can help to save resources everyday when buying stuff, when handling electricity, when switching off light, thermal insulation of my house, when having a shower only a short time I can do that many things at home. We should use our 'education' and not only say we have it and the others are less educated. Every single human needs to be a part of it. It will help us all.
I know about Traditions and mores and the lot I did sociology for a bit and I find that most traditions are steeped in ignorance and some in plain stupidity. I think it is Richard Dawkins that said the really qualified people who should be running USA are never going to get the job simply because of their position on God and Religion. It's funny how equal rights is pushed for women and gays etc and yet having a differing view of Religion and God is persecuted in subtle ways. It has always been my belief that Religion, which is not necessary for a belief in God, is the root of all evil. The more you look around you at the wars and general discord of the world the more you see Religion raring its ugly head. One of the primary problems of Religion is that it rewards ignorance. For example many Jehovah’s Witnesses are opposed to both contraception use and blood transfusions, they also have many other downright queer beliefs. There are certain people that you simply cannot educated so you will always have a problem in the world.
It is a huge difference to read about traditions, or even to see celebrations on TV compared to be a part of them, live when they happen. To have friends there, to be invited when there is a ceremony. Traditions are cultivated by ceremonies. Wedding, funeral, holydays, rituals. Also cultivated in handicraft and art. Or simply not to be a tourist, but rather a friend who lives there as a part of the family a short time. I like to travel to Asia and I love to be a part of their life. I like to listen to their stories of life. Some are simply overwhelmed. Traditions are not prepared for the vastly changing world. Some of the western people like to mock those traditions as to be primitive, old-fashioned and so they are derogative. Wrongfully! The western people are controlled by money. Technology and education are overrated by far. How will help you education and technology when the time of your own death will become real? I wish we would live our traditions in a more active way, a nation without traditions and belief is a dead nation, their god is money. The ‘evolution’ of belief of a single human is not continous upward, no, that’s a major mistake. It's happening like this: atheist--->belief in god, actually in a higher power, outside---->there is nothing different, it's actually all the 'Self'. There is a state that is even more 'dangerous' than to be an atheist. The state when you take the bible literally. When you think god is a person somewhere. I think most western people who say they believe in god are stuck in that hard state. When they worship god they look to heaven. They assume god is outside…somebody. Also they are using their belief in god as a vindication for their actions. How can a president swear solemnly on the bible and later sign a sentence of death??? Wise people know god is the 'Self'. So religion is never the cause of a problem. It are the humans who still have to learn. It are the humans who kill each other a religion itself cannot kill. I have to disagree, the root of all evil is nescience. Religion is actually there to resolve nescience. It are a bunch of instructions. But you have to go the entire way, in the middle it can become stony.
I'm sorry but I don't agree ! Religion gives direction to the ignorant, misplaced directions. You are also forgetting that humans created Religion and in some its purpose was or is for subjugation. When you have the ability to subjugate and direct the ignorant wherever you please then you have the perfect tool for havoc. Politicians use the same principle, in some ways Religion and Politics are very similar. They involve misrepresentation and copious amounts of bulls**t. I agree with you on the "self" but in some Religions they would have you hanging for blasphemy.
In some points your right what religion belongs and western people. I was born in Europe and lived here for a long time and i know the European people and traditions,but i also lived many years oversea and know the people there too. The western people only live for more money.When they get 5million they want 10 when they have 10 why not 50 and so on....In USA and Canada people live for money. In one way that is right,you live from money in the other hand they don´t have any social life,people in Europe understand to have fun with friends,family....In USA you poorly see people have fiends and go outside to have some fun. In the other hand if you think that GOD is a real person like many people think specially the people in South America,where those that pat leave you? No where,than you think every day that someone will come and give you what you need MONEY,FOOD etc. I respect Religions and people that believe in it,but you have to be realistic too.You can´t wait that an angle will come and rescue you from your problems and go to the Church all day long and read the bible and something will change in your life. Every country has his own traditions and religion in what they believe,today you work all day and you don´t have the time or money to follow your traditions.Let´s say today is the national country day and your boss gives you a free day,but than you´ll work on a Saturday or even in some countries on Sunday to get the lost day back.Where does that leave the humanity? Many people are unsatisfied with there lives,but what to do?they live like robots,wake up go to work,go back home eat something and go to sleep and than again on the next day.One month goes by, than 1 year, 10 years ,40 years. When you work a 6 day week it´s hard to follow your traditions,your not in the mood for anything after the work. I personally don´t believe what the church says,that´s just a story for little children.People don´t have money and are unsatisfied with there life´s and than they start believing in the church and GOD in hope for a better future. So that´s how i see the world,and a few things about religions Could write much more but have to leave now,will do it later BTW wrote fast so sorry for some grammar mistakes
We have to take care that the discussion doesn't go off topic. It shouldn't become a discussion about religion. I see the point in choosing what is good for humans also in the aspect how to take care of the world we live. There is a real indication why religion cannot be responsible for bad actions. If a particular religion would be responsible for it, it would mean that ALL follower of it would become bad. And that isn't true. There are good and bad people found through all religions. Actually who is judging about? It is always the observer. All people are acting in the way how they actually are. And hence nescience is the reason for all evil. Example: You can easily say to a child to do things that would harm the child itself or others due to the lack of knowledge. An adult would just say, are you stupid? This is not the right way to act. So each individual has to figure its own way what is right and what is wrong. The high insight that god is actually nothing else than the 'Self' cannot be understood by a human who isn't gone through the evolution of self-awareness. The history showed us epic fails of this mechanism. The Inquisition (even though god says: Thou shalt not kill.) and dictators like Adolf Hitler who has mistaken the 'Self' to be the 'Ego' which means he thought he is god himself. All is a learning process, no matter concerning religion or the handling with resources. To make mistakes is essential to find the truth. Hence we all became humans. One has everyday the chance to do good things and to do bad things. The decision is up to you. Already tomorrow ONE can decide to follow a 'group' which is not actually good for him. Indicator for it is your true amount of happiness and bliss. Or to say it more religious: God is watching you. There is a pool of actions which are conform to 'him' The more you stir out of it the less of happiness and bliss will be left. This is at least to me the essence of the bible. Of course there is no old wise man with a long beard somewhere in the sky (heaven) who is watching me. Also the statement that religions are created by humans. I simply can say god is creating everything right now. When writing about this I always come to the same conclusion: Words simply cannot express god. I am a Chemist and I was an atheist, but I've left this behind me. My parents tried to educate me to be a Christian. I couldn't do anything with it. I've studied Chemistry, but it didn't help either. I like my job very much that's not the point. Finally I have been confronted with Asian culture and Buddhism. Buddhism finally helped me to understand other religions as well. That's my way, others have probably to go another. But one thing is sure. Each individual must go its own. A mixture of science and religion seems good for me. I can develop things that can help others, also regarding well-being. Science versus Catholicism..also a part of our history. To make mistakes and to learn. Scientists are not more right in their philosophy than believers and yes this says a professional scientist. To act in a way that others can live in freedom or to support it seems the right way to me. And hence I think each individual should handle resources with care. Each saved drop of water will help so to say. I have found my belief. When the time will come when I have to go my belief is the only thing that will be left. Belief carries me through hard times.
Excuse me sir but I don't think this is the thread to spam rubbish in, we are trying to keep it on topic and serious.
Wise men and women who belong to Hinduism, Buddhism and Christians instruct to 'find the truth' when looking inwards... It took a long time to me to get what they mean....meditation helped. This is what I think they mean: Because there is actually nothing outside! Everything is found in your mind, where else? (My location: In your mind! is meant to reflect that fact). The world is a projection of your mind. It's actually nothing else than (your) thoughts. There must be a source from where those thoughts arise. This source is the 'Self'. Things that are perceived 'outside' actually are not real, they have no core. They exist, but are not real. They are a bunch of thoughts. With not real I mean (it's hard to me to write in English about that). They don't exist forever, they are constantly changing, they have no core. Experiment I have posted a long time ago: http://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/4066-Disassemble-yourself-you%92ll-find-no-I-no-core! What happens with the world when you go to sleep? Most of us think it exists on its own while they sleep. Now we come close to your username: alphawaves and REM sleep period, dreams. At SWS (slow wave sleep) there are no thoughts and hence there is no world. At REM (rapid eye movement) period there are thoughts, creating your dream world with your 'dream body' There is a totally different physic. This state is actually not more real than the world perceived when awake. Most of us think a dream is unreal, whereas the awake-world is real. Can there be actually a world without one who is perceiving, 'thinking' it? To keep this post away from moving off topic: A human acts the way he is. The way he is means what he has inside. He reflects the world with his means. To find inner bliss actually causes good actions for the world he is living. His actions are characterized by the will to want that all humans are a part of it ('share bliss'). The ego of such a person becomes smaller and smaller. This kind of awareness is needed to find ways to fight suffer. In short: The world needs good people to have good actions. Or: You have to know about what's going on inside to achieve good actions for the world 'outside'. The ego is the barrier. Exploitations (of resources) are pure actions of the ego. 'I want to have...' This is what I think is true (for myself). It can be totally wrong for another one. I took this from science and religions and people I met in my life. If I could read what I have posted now when I was 20, I would say: Lol, Yen is an (esoteric) freak.... So take it with humor (as I do).
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