New study: We’re outpacing the most radical climate event we know of If we want to know what to expect from our climate as it continues to warm over the next few centuries, looking at similar examples of climate change in Earth's past would be helpful. But there certainly haven't been any similar temperature excursions in the instrumental record. Using indirect measures, we can tell that there probably haven't been any since the last ice age. Even the exit from that ice age isn't especially relevant; while the planet warmed considerably, it was driven by a complicated mixture of orbital changes, greenhouse gases, and melting ice. To find a sudden warming that's driven entirely by greenhouse gases, you have to go back 56 million years to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). At the start of the PETM, a geologically sudden surge of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere caused warming and a large change in the ocean's pH. It took well over 100,000 years for conditions to return to anything normal. During that time, the extinction rate rose, and many ecosystems were disrupted or shifted by thousands of miles... more
Trump administration to announce repeal of the Clean Power Plan You'd be forgiven for thinking that the Obama administration's Clean Power Plan was already dead. After all, President Trump thinks that the problem it was intended to address—climate change—is a hoax, and he signed an executive order directing the Environmental Protection Agency to kill the plan back in March. But the situation is substantially more complicated than that, as the Clean Power Plan had already been through a formal rulemaking process and was hung up in the courts. To get rid of it, the EPA would need to repeat the rulemaking process, something that could take years. So far, there has been no sign of this happening. Today, though, Reuters is reporting that that's about to change—but only because the judge hearing the challenges to the Clean Power Plan is forcing the agency to act. The Clean Power Plan was the EPA's policy response to its own finding that greenhouse gas emissions posed a danger to the public (formally, this is called an endangerment finding). It had gone through the full federal rulemaking process, with a proposed plan, public feedback, a revised plan, and formal publishing in the Federal Register. A number of states, however, challenged the rule, leaving it in limbo while the court system examined its legal foundation. This is where things stood when Trump was sworn in. The new EPA administration asked the courts not to act while it decided on a course of action, and the court set a deadline for the EPA to tell it what was happening. That deadline happens to be this Friday, October 6. In the meantime, the EPA had still not implemented President Trump's executive order to rescind the Clean Power Plan... more
"Rex Tillerson says he won't quit but doesn't deny calling Trump a 'moron'" Man, you gotta LUV the Conservatives - never a dull moment...
@R29k I like this topic, but again a large group says it is because of human doing that the human is partially responsible for the Global warming and others (like you in your post) say not. But what is the truth.. interesting I do believe that humans can be held partially responsible for this Global warming thats happening. We're destroying a lot of nature and thus changing the way earth is responding to all whats happening. There is also evidence of humans contribution to a significant increase in Carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 is the main heat-trapping gas largely responsible for most of the average warming over the past several decades. Most scientists agree that today’s warming is primarily caused by humans putting too much carbon in the atmosphere, like when we choose to extract and burn coal, oil, and gas, or cut down and burn forests.
Why Would People Lie About Climate Change? (Youtube) Bonus: What Is Sustainable Development? (Youtube)
Who knows, but why risk it. What bad reason is there for switching to renewables like Tidal-power generation, Wind & Solar? Worst case it does nothing and planet keeps warming, at least we aren't contributing to it and making power more affordable and environmentally friendly.
Temperatures are low in some parts of USA and Trump said, "We could do with some of that global warming".
it only proves that he is an inbecile, with the brain capicity of donald duck. every people gets the president it deserves.. n-korea gets kim jung boom, and the us gets donald trump. global warming is structural. it is about having to swim for it, if your land happens to flood by rising sea levels. it is not repeat not about incidental cold spells of cold weather.
The Earth can be self regulating
If it were easy to pin down the exact value for our planet’s sensitivity to greenhouse gas emission, it would have been done a long time ago—and you wouldn’t be reading yet another news story about it. It's not like we have no idea how sensitive the climate is. The range of possible values that scientists have been able to narrow it down to only spans from “climate change is very bad news” to “climate change is extremely bad news.” But the difference between “very bad” and “extremely bad” is pretty important, so climate scientists aren’t throwing up their hands any time soon—as two new studies published this week show.,, more