I agree that we are supposed to be good care takers of our planet, which means we are not to pollute it or kill ourselves and everything else within it. I am not about to buy into political hype about the global warming. Stating "climate change" is silly.... of course this planet will go through climate changes, it has in it's past and will continue to do so in our future
Global warming and climate change are different terms. And when speaking of 'scientific' then, please rightly! There is a 90%+ consensus at scientists that global warming is anthropogenic (caused by humans)! I don't know how people out there have the idea that scientists are controversial about that and there is no evidence or no generic agreement on this. Furthermore I do not get why people who deny that global warming is man made explicitly (ab)use the therm 'scientific' by referring to a set of data which is absolutely out of context! Nobody ever said that there was no climate change without (before) humankind. It's about whether human behavior has a causality on warming or not and to prove it. Posted that link already: https://skepticalscience.com/97-percent-consensus-cook-et-al-2013.html Or here another one: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/8/2/024024 or a PDF: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1029/2009EO030002 To perceive the earth as a living being and by that I do not mean just an intellectual categorization would make us getting closer to a natural relationship to her. (Symbiosis)
It was not long ago that these tests on the global warming turned out to be skewed. Very embarrassing for the scientific community I'm sure but that damage is now done.
(short version) Mankind is an infestation and the planet will get rid of us eventually. Im a tree hugger.
The damage is done at the uninformed public. There are people propagating that science has no clear evidence / that global warming turned out to be skewed. It is not! People out there are mislead reading fake news about 'scientific data' that prove that tests on global warming are skewed. What's rather a pity than embarrassing is that people out there can be easily manipulated. The established scientific community has no discrepancies. It's actually quite simple. If you want to know what's right visit an established University and ask scientists how's the consensus on AGW. I personally do not know one scientist / colleague who disagrees with causality on AGW. And there is only Trump who is ignorant and against Paris (19/1 G20 summit) I also informed myself what's going on especially in the south of Germany. There is first a significant increase of 'hot summers' repeating. This is statistics only. I consulted meteorological data. What's noticeable is a change at the jet-stream. It's like a dynamic oscillator and its location has moved to the north and the amplitude has increased, but frequency has decreased. These are augments for: South European summer moves northwards. Low pressure areas are passed northwards, too. High pressure areas can last a longer time because of changed jet stream dynamics. All those points just belong to climate change to a warmer climate of south Germany. Means very locally. When going further to examine the reasons for the jet stream change (Chain of causality) it can be reasoned by an increased temperature around equatorial latitudes. Now we have reached global from local. What I want to say...anything starts with locally related conditions and starts with a significance in statistic local data first. They are specific for the region. You compare regional weather data over decades and have a look. Then you have a look at changes of streams / currents of dynamics....meteorological 'constants' which are found 'globally'. If one has a real interest and wants to spot what's fake.... I only can recommend to check one's local weather data over decades. Go to meteorologists and ask if they can spot changes at global phenomenons also at storage such as ice. Ask scientists personally what they think about before reading doubtful stuff in the internet.
The internet is rife with disputing facts on global warming. This year for myself where I live, has been cooler. I know that Europe this year is having an unusually hot summer, but that should not be an influence on your over-all view for the last 1000 years
Bat like Bees too (Fried) but him stopped eating dem Years ago cause of population decline Cept for some Bear problems their numbers are on the increase round here...so Grasshoppers are so-so never got round to roasting June bugs, and caterpillars Suck lobo lucky to live in Florida where they getting overrun with iguana Good on a BBQ pit, just watch out for salmonella Now Bat hungry
What's significant is that the distances from all-time extreme to all-time extreme become shorter (period from an extreme to a new extreme.) When there is a new broken record the last to be compared was decades in the past. Recently you can compare within the last years...this is very well something new and is significant.
Temps were not recorded a 1000 years ago so we have no reference to go by.... There's is a debate on how the records were recorded within the last 100 yrs, some say that these records have been "adjusted" I personally no longer believe that anything on line (internet) can be a trusted source