Many plastics can be recycled at a very low cost. There is no reason that manufacture's can not provide an incentive to recycle all that plastic crap instead of dumping into our oceans and landfills... oh wait!!! that would take time and $$$ in order to do that, ...industry can not possibly do something like that because it might affect there wallstreet stock share's
That is absolutely right. I think that humankind will encounter very hard times is inevitable. The change of consciousness that's needed is needed that humankind can survive at all. Most people are not even aware of that scope.
Just because I don't like lithium ion batteries and think it's only man that is the sole cause of global warming, Does not mean that we should not take care of where we live. I like a clean place as much as anybody else. I can still recall back in the early 70's our science was teaching us that we are headed for another ice age.
i been hearing about that for a long time will experience another ice age...humans in this time cant survive something like that 80% of all humans are now concentrated in cities when the power goes CHECK MATE
yes there will be another ice age but first we must get over the warming cycle were in before that happens ! the temp 's around the world are still getting warmer glaciers are still melting forest fires are increasing , that's what the earth does with or with out man cycles thru cooling and warming and has done so for millions of years and will continue to do so with or without man ! and if we are not carful when the next ice age comes and if the population keeps increasing the way it is now how will we survive ?
global warming is maffia-made, by the electrickery people who run all those servers,
They are actually used in sequestering carbon, easy to find if you look for a it a bit.... https://www.offgridenergyindependen...-renewable-energy-only-at-chilean-copper-mine BHP Billiton to use renewable energy only at Chilean copper mine BHP Billiton's Escondida mine is the world's largest copper producer located in Northern Chile. Escondida mine produces around 20% of global copper concentrate production, making Chile the top copper producing country in the world.
There's a much stronger correlation with solar cycles than co2, but humans are having at least some impact. That's really the most irrelevant part of the conversation. The real question is what do you do about it? Are you willing to go to war with another country to reduce co2 that might not even help reduce the warming very much? How many millions or billions of people are you willing to kill to reduce a number? Does inaction cause deaths? How many deaths? These decisions and calculations will need to be made even if the science isn't that conclusive on the future. My honest belief is that nobody can understand all of the variables well enough to predict weather patterns in a decade. Will it get warmer? Likely, but it might also get wetter, which would be good. The Sahara desert was a lush green paradise when it was much warmer than it is now. It's a much more complicated discussion than just "CO2 BAD"
Heh, what rubbish... Humans deforested and depleted soil on a grand scale, committing ecocide over ecocide in the process, since the advent/invention of agriculture... The horrendous impact with the great increase in numbers of Humans and then industrial revolutions are off the scale! But "no great impact of Humans", eh? How immature and uniformed can some get?
I say we go out and kill as many as them nasty humans as we can that are destroying our precious earth. Lets gitt'm all and gitt'm tonight!!!!!
Yeah, X - after all you are just meant to look after yourself, not after your kid's and their kids' interests... I mean, which fool would wanna do that?!? (FFS...) Joe, your gov is hard at work, when it comes to that... Capitalism sure as Hell contributes, in not so positive a way... But your "conservative so called leaders" actually have the opposite agenda, so one cringes...
ever wondered what all those supergreen guys will do if they need to go to the hospital in a hurry? take an ambulance or walk?