Global Warming: Your opinion ....

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by R29k, Jun 14, 2011.


Is Global Warming man made or a natural cycle ?

  1. Yes, it is man made

  2. Undecided

  3. No, I think there is another reason for it

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  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I don't understand why it should suggest that :D do you really think I don't know about the existence of tools / spear heads / swords / blades before fossil fuel industry?!?!

    Mentioning the iron age myself excludes your argument I would suggest we only got iron and steel after we had fossil fuel industry (except you presume I would not know iron age was far before industrial revolution)...
    The difficulty of the history of iron is to separate meteoric iron from reduced iron, but that's all. Nobody ever would get the idea we only had iron / steel after fossile fuel industry...

    I posted did / do in one sentence because it does not matter when (historically) you have a look at it...
    Iron / steel IS and WAS material to build factories and infrastructure such as railways...means has to be there before you can build them.
    "steel / iron to build factory / industry" This bit already determines that iron / steel is precondition for the existence of factory / industry.

    When somebody does not express oneself clearly (like I seemly did) then you should anyway have a look which suggestions can be valid at all.:p

    As said...we are actuality not much different here (content) but structure of expression / conclusions...

    The history of iron / steel is familiar to me...also its obtaining. :)
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    "Mentioning the iron age myself excludes your argument"

    It actually excludes your point completely - but you went on regardless... That's why I mentioned you jumped into your own stomach...

    "I posted did / do in one sentence because it does not matter when (historically) you have a look at it..."

    I am sorry but this is just... not serious... moving on...
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  3. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1523 Yen, Jan 14, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2020
    I am serious with a clear idea....
    Richard Arkwright is (for me) the one who has built the first factory at all (using spinning machines which also contained iron)...

    A factory (for me) is a place where one produces with the use of machines and different processes (specialized)..and the specialized production of goods in factories (and a high degree of mechanization) is called industry...
    To build those you needed iron / steel....also railways (infrastructure) needed iron / steel.

    And today? There is no difference....building, automobile manufacturing and engineering need together more than 70% of iron / steel.

    Building / fabric and automobile industry together take more than a half...
    Iron / steel is still obtained by using a form of carbon to reduce ore nothing has changed here.
    Hydrogen would work, too.
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  4. BetADNA

    BetADNA MDL Junior Member

    Jul 26, 2015
    #1524 BetADNA, Jan 14, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2020
    on a side note....

    more here:


    And while where at it.....

    New Studie (13 January 2020) - Record-Setting Ocean Warmth Continued in 2019


    Direct PDF Link:

    And (sadly only in german) a video summing it up:

    If the temps in the Ocean rise, corrals and plankton will go away first.. Plankton, btw. makes 70% of our breathable Air in the Atmosphere..


    PS.. im just posting, cause it seems fitting to this Thread. ALso informative, nothing more or less..

    Best Regards
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  5. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Off Grid Energy Independence
    Jan 2, 2020

    Solar Power From 'The Dark Side' Unlocked by a New Formula
    Most of today's solar panels capture sunlight and convert it to electricity only from the side facing the sky. If the dark underside of a solar panel could also convert sunlight reflected off the ground, even more electricity might be generated.

    AW-Energy Oy Secures New European Patents for WaveRoller

    AW-Energy Oy, Finnish wave energy technology developer,has been granted new patents protecting the use of WaveRoller in 38 countries across Europe from the European Patent Office (EPO).

    The patents cover WaveRoller’s energy system and its power transfer application, in addition to a range of operating improvements made to the device, particularly on failsafe operating improvements to protect against varying ocean conditions.

    Granting of these patents in Europe is excellent news, as we continue to strengthen and extend the protection of WaveRoller in Europe for numerous ocean energy applications, including Peniche in Portugal where we have deployed the wave energy technology for full-scale commercialization,” said Christopher Ridgewell, CEO of AW Energy Oy.

    The new patent adds further credibility to the established patent awarded by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in August.

    “The decision by the EPO represents a tremendous boost to the patent portfolio covering our lead position in regions and countries where the need for wave energy is high – and particularly the ‘plug-in’ capacity of WaveRoller to significantly complement power generation with wind and solar energy to the grid. This positive momentum confirms our innovative R&D approach that underpins our commercial strategy, and as a key contributor in how we shape the future of the renewable energy mix,” said Jussi Åkerberg, CTO of AW-Energy Oy.

    The announcement comes on the back of another patent approval by the EPO to AW-Energy in September – EP2606222, ‘Tidal adjustment arrangement for a wave energy recovery system’.

    Certification by DNVGL and Lloyd’s Register, has qualified the technology to mitigate risks and is making the technology bankable for large utility customers in US as well as across Europe and Asia.

    The latest EPO Patent Approvals for WaveRoller provide further insight of AW-Energy’s commercial approach over its technology, and its drive to make wave energy an appealing, viable and sustainable option for tomorrow’s energy mix.
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Very good it ain't...

    What is very good in Humans is out potential for creativity, imagination and doing well - for instance, now the scientists are working on ways to dissolve plastics in various ways, bacteria, enzymes etc.
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    CHEF-KOCH MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2008
    It's Winter ... Already 16 °C here...

    They say the warmest Winter since beginning of weather recording. So there you have it.

    Even if you come with the argument "but the climate always change over long period of time", it's not overall 3 °C within only a few years, the natural process is normally much slower.

    Point is here ->.
  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Milankovic is the point.

    But his peak should have been going down for some time now but it isn't. It is still peaking...
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  10. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  11. Little Johnny

    Little Johnny MDL Novice

    Jun 5, 2019
    If the recent corona virus and the subsequent lockdown is considered, all things suggest that yes global warming is a man made process.

    The air is much cleaner, the environment just feels so natural. I have seen birds that wouldn't otherwise be seen in my area, have read reports of other people seeing clearer through the air and things which they haven't seen in 30 years of their lifespan. What is more astonishing is the fact that nature healed itself so quickly, I mean we had a lockdown for only about 10-15 days now and it just feels a breath of fresh air already. I heard the ozone is healing up too and that too fast. So, if not for human beings than what is this global warming?

    If anything good that has come out of this lockdown is showing the true power of the mother earth.
  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    COVID-19 Pollution Cut Is Not A World Without Cars: It’s Without Oil


    If you want to see how cities without combustion-engined vehicles would be, now you know.

    Some friends of mine have said that, if the world gets back to where it was before the COVID-19 pandemic, we will have failed. They believe this is a great opportunity to change for the better. I agree.

    COVID-19 has shown that a problem affecting a distant country may not be only theirs anymore: It can be everyone's. Paradoxically, the situation is collective, but the solution is individual. It depends on what each of us decides to do. When decisions are shared, the world changes. Even if as a side effect, the cut in pollution levels shows that. Just make no mistake: The COVID-19 landscape is not a world without cars. It is a world without oil.

    Some environmentalists see the pictures presented by articles and a Sam Mitchell video as proof that cars are the Darth Vader to Mother Nature, the Death Star to planet Earth. And they could not be more wrong.

    Attached Files:

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  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  14. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    "The greed of the fossil fuel industry is wreaking havoc on the planet. What we need to do is stand up and tell them that their short-term profits are not more important than our responsibility to leave a habitable planet for our kids and grandkids. As a nation, we have got to take on their greed, break our country’s addiction to fossil fuels, and take aggressive action to transform our country to sustainable sources of energy. #EarthDay"
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  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    'Been talking about reducing our numbers (in a rational and principled manner, through education, family planning and all the other things the Right does vehemently oppose), rationalising our consumerism (25% of energy is consumed by 4-5% of population today - that of USofA) but not very many people dare...

    Science is a part of the answer but not the whole answer. The other bit is political and societal revolution, which is needed to save this planet and ourselves - from ourselves, our product, that is Capitalism... Profit before people at every turn until we'll have no clean air to breath, no clean water to drink, no capacity to reproduce (in rational numbers), no peace to speak of while constantly warring, dying in large numbers of hunger..................... while - for instance - Bezos is destroying this planet in order to prepare to go "out there", into Space.... because he can see "we're not clever enough", as if his actions are rational while causing all this s**t but conveniently omitting that.............

    See and cringe...

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  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    This tech is going places...

    Ferries Shift Towards Zero Emission
    The new 'Olympic Class' ferries, which will have the capacity to carry 144 cars and 1,500 passengers each, herald a new era for the Washington State transport operator in the shift toward technologies that enable significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and fuel use.

    Upon delivery in 2024, the initial vessel of the series will be the first newbuild in Washington State Ferry's fleet to feature hybrid-electric propulsion and a high capacity energy storage system. The new vessels will be able to fully operate on battery power and will have the capability to revert to hybrid mode, if required. For more information see the IDTechEx report on Electric Leisure & Sea-going Boats and Ships 2021-2040.

    "This landmark project supports Washington State's goal for 2050 to reduce emissions by 57.5 percent below the emissions level in 2019, utilizing a hybrid and electric propulsion solution that is space-efficient, easy to install and flexible in operation," said Jay Hebert, Vice President - Marine Fabrication, Vigor. "Vigor is delighted to partner with ABB in this remarkable work prompted by the commitment of Washington Governor Jay Inslee, the state legislature and Washington State Ferries to replace aging ferries with clean technology in alignment with the state's commitment to environmental stewardship."
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  17. Biher

    Biher MDL Novice

    Jun 13, 2020
    Global Warming is a 'fake' news.
  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sure it is - the climate is "off" tremendously and it simply ain't happening.... sure, long live Trump and other ostriches...
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  19. PS Lukas

    PS Lukas MDL Novice

    Jun 4, 2020
    There was a great report on Consumer Reports on plastics. While the main focus of the article could have been about the fact that we consume a credit card's worth of micro and nano plastics, it touches on how industry are still making new plastic rather than recycling it ( One interesting point is that the issue is now more critical because China is no longer willing to recycle the world's plastic.

    Unless our leaders help drive the agenda towards more sustainable future, industry will not move.
  20. PS Lukas

    PS Lukas MDL Novice

    Jun 4, 2020
    I've always been interested in understanding why someone feels Global Warming is fabricated by a small conspiracy of people.

    My reasoning is that if a gallon of fuel can make a car drive 10 miles more or if humanity can produce stuff that do not eat into natural habitat or if we can heat our houses using less resources why shouldn't we?