Well that sounds like either a non-answer or a libertarian approach. Letting the situation resolve itself via competition is a popular answer among libertarian minded folks.
Mmmyyeeahhhh... Anyone stating what you just vomited is but a buffoon! The Left (as opposed to Stalinism) wants to get rid of the state!!! So, you know NOTHING about the Left and yet you have "strong opinions", you ignorant oof!!! But don't let that stop you, you're on a huge roll embarrassing yourself big time!!!
Oh, FFS!!!! Taxes maketh a civilised place to live in! The Gov is the biggest employer! It has to pay for education, healthcare, police, army, firefighters, pensions, childcare etc. etc. somehow!!! Individually only a few could do it to a decent level. Collectively we all could have it! As an example! It's the Right wingers who want to control everything and everybody - that is "natural", somehow, by a miracle. When they legislate - well, that's alright, it's how things "must be"! But when the Left does the same... Oh, shock, horror, that's "ideology" and whatnot... F*** off, you offensive, self-important, know-it-all without any qualifications moron!!! You are now gonna be teaching scientists what they have or have not and what they ought to study?!? With what qualifications?!? It's people like you who make this place a miserable rock in space!!! Amuricans should start from themselves!!!
Please read what I wrote, doing so maybe you can avoid a reply filled with premade, whatabautist, sentences. Using taxation to drive and control consumes and habits != use taxation to redistribute wellness (which is what make you rightist crazy). The latter is a good thing but is a way more complex matter, out of the scope of this thread. Sure we need to be in a stereotypical far west, where everything is ruled by the law of the jungle. The truth is that Reagan and Thatcher, with their exasperated liberism, ruined their countries and the rest of the western block, that tends always to ape what the US do. Who came after them continued the trend... An economy based on renewable is still an economy, a solar power expert work and is paid exactly like a drilling expert. On the other hand, the electrical cars will surely lead to an immense amount of job losses, but that has little to do with renewables economy. Indeed it's happening now, not in an hypothetical future where leftist are taxing the poor, miserable, multibillionaires
Government doesn't produce anything. Government steals from people who produce to employ people. This is the same behavior as a parasite. It is not the government's job to do anything to do with pensions, childcare, healthcare, or education. The government's job is to control a country's borders and protect people from victimization. In a loose sense you could argue that delineating city planning responsibilities like road maintenance, sewer infrastructure, etc. But any of those things should be voted on a temporary basis and re-affirmed by the public every few years. When you take money from people they should have a say into how it is spent and if you don't make it a constant negotiation, it ends up like we see with all advanced nations, They just pile up debt upon debt as they add socialist program after socialist program, spending more and more and never solving any issue. It reminds me of bloatware software in a lot of ways. As far as your last three sentences, you just projected more than an 8k ultra hi-def.
Leftists always think their spending will only affect the rich but that's never true. They spend so much that they have to print money. Then that printed money causes a lot of inflation. That inflation makes EVERYONE suffer, especially the poor. I said that, but you conveniently seemed to have skimmed over that part.
Again is not what I wrote. But even if I had, be sure Elon Musk would not starve if his bank account would be halved by more fair taxation. That's a stupid populist generalization. Sane countries have a good balance of public and private, of capitalism and socialism. Just compare public services like healthcare, mail, railways int the US v.s. Italy, Germany, France and so on, let alone nordic countries like Norway, Sweden, Finland.... Public money can be spent well or not. And has nothing to do with the chosen economic system. Here for example the public mail service and the railways are making a lot of money and are prized internationally (unlike the US equivalents), while the flagship airline Alitialia was a bottomless hole for public money. Same nation just different leading people.
That's just not reality when leftists get control. Look at the Democrats in America. They've had control for only a year and a half and they've already printed over six TRILLION dollars over the top of their normal budget which is insanely high. Even if you taxed all the rich people at 100% of their profits it still wouldn't pay for everything that leftists want to spend money on. They have a massive spending problem. They want to use government for everything. They have no concept of money and the role of government.
Democrats are Leftists?!?!?!?!? AHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!! What an uneducated, ill-informed, brainless twat you are!!!! You should get "out" sometimes... That US prison is really unhealthy...
Yes they are, fool. And if you weren't so far left that you think everyone to the right of Stalin is a Nazi, you'd know that.
Allow me to educate you using your own ideology then. You believe that taking from those who have more to give to those who have less is the very foundation of leftism yes? What does every Democrat policy have in common? Yes, they spend money trying to help those who have less. The fact that most of their spending is wasted is more of a problem with authoritarianism in general which leftism always is. It's impossible to force people to give up their earned income without authoritarian means like state force. Fools like ancoms seem to think you can do this without a state forcing people but it is impossible. Nobody volunteers to get robbed. Moreover, nobody would risk their livelihood building a high-risk venture if they knew that someone could just come along and steal all of it. Humans respond to motivation and greed is one of those motivations. You are never going to remove greed from humans no matter how utopian your thinking or how much state control you implement. I do have a question for you though. If you were somehow put in control. What would you do to someone like me who disagreed with your ideas of state forced compliance? Would you put me in a concentration camp? Gulag? Would you just tolerate me knowing that I would fight against your foolish utopian vision that causes misery and destruction?
Not the person you asked but if I were put in control I would make it compulsory to be taught to everyone(incl you) all the critical analysis of all the economic & environmental disasters/significant events happened since Industrialization era began by financial experts mostly incl Nobel prize winners. I always wondered how many articles of Joseph Stiglitz & Paul Krugman(both Americans & both whose articles appeared in my country's newspapers) people have read while debating about economics of left & right & whatnot especially when concerning US.
Oh, no, let ME EDUCATE YOU, Murph!!! Given philosophy is my forte and "Human Nature" my more narrow reference frame... I am sure even you would allow that some of us simply know more than amateurs... Eh?!? Greed as you know it comes with this kind of Capitalism! People everywhere are not "greedy" like Americans!!! To some such horror story is unthinkable and abominable! Ask Amer-Indians, FCOL, you don't have to go to the Amazon basin or to some far flung island... On the other hand check out EU's co-operatives! Start with Spanish ones... You might be REALLY surprised! Friedman is NOT god!!! On the other hand, somebody should have enlightened a conservative president (Nixon) when he stopped inflation turning into a recession using Lefty tools, then... What you don't understand is that it's a monoparty system you have in the USofA, with 2 wings, bullied around by the same bosses (are you really this "innocent" or just plain stupid, not knowing this?!?), whereby everybody else is marginalised or incarcerated - sometimes for decades in a solitary... Thanx to your privately owned MSM, too! Not to mention absolutely abysmal public education system! Deal with it!!! As for being against welfare state: if it weren't invented during the Great Depression you'd be living in Socialist States of America! Back then the very rich were paying over 90% of their excess income in taxes! And guess what: no off-shore accounts, no one was jumping ship, no emotional blackmail BS! And no, it's not just "down to the invention of internet"! That route can be closed quickly, if political consensus was reached. But how, with the monoparty system?!? When you had a stable Social Democratic system - and not a madhouse casino economy like nowadays - USofA was a beacon in the world! After the WWII a very positive role in rebuilding Europe, helping create the EU, heck even Scandinavians came to see how things are done at their best, given Capitalism as the framework. Not today! A laughingstock of the world - either DS driven constant war or a Trumpian fiasco. Cringing! Now you guys are relentless in consumption and domineering the world, to the tune of a possible nuclear conflict, FCOL!!! GET REAL!!! Stop the BS about the world and start from yourselves (adults should be able to do this): USofA has Gulags today! The greatest percentage of population incarcerated! Solitary confinement of political prisoners, who are there on trumped up charges! Never heard of J. Edgar Hoover? How about McCarthy? GOP is the single most dangerous organisation on this planet!!! How about what NSA, FBI, DHS, CIA are doing to their own, not to mention to the rest of the world - Manning, Snowden, Assange?!? Abominable stuff! And you are bitching about people who want to abolish all that BS?!?
Never heard of Stiglitz but I have heard of Krugman and hahahaha that's hilarious. That guy sees everything through a leftist lens and makes bad prediction after bad prediction. Even when he's not specifically trying to dig at right-wingers, he is almost always insanely wrong about everything he says.
First off, I don't particularly like Milton Friedman. He's far too libertarian for my tastes. I find libertarians just as annoying and utopian as communists. They don't live in the real world. Secondly, the North American tribes were barbaric slavers who raped and pillaged their way across the entire continent. While I don't condone breaking treaties, one should not treat them as helpless victims because they were not. Besides if it wasn't Anglos and Spanish bringing disease wiping them out, it would have just been the Islamic world bringing it eventually. They didn't even have the wheel or horse riding. They weren't going to advance on their own for at least a few thousand years. The tax rate for the top marginal rates weren't at or above 90% until the mid 40s after WW2, not during the great depression. There was no big global trade networks like there are these days, so relocating headquarters and shipping your goods wasn't an option. If there was, I'm sure they would have tried, though I doubt the governments would have allowed it at the time. After all, nobody is a liberal in the time of war. I'm not sure why you would bring up the E.U. as a positive. It is essentially a federal government without an army that does nothing a government should do. It is all leftism with no positives at all. The E.U. doesn't actually help anyone who doesn't work for the E.U. at all. I agree that the U.S. has political prisoners. The Democrats have been keeping a bunch of them in Federal prison without trial for a year and a half now. In the U.K. they recently arrested a guy for retweeting a meme about a pride flag. In many left-wing cities they've made it a crime to mis-gender people. These are the kinds of left-wing blasphemy laws that you see when concentration camps and gulags get set up in a country.
Krugman a "Leftist"? Boy, have we lived a sheltered life... And one can imagine who the "commies" in your head are, then... Democrats holding political prisoners for a year...??? I am talking decades of incarceration and yet... It's pointless, utterly pointless... Byeeeee.... P.S. Your racism is abominable!!!
https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/commandingheights/shared/minitext/int_josephstiglitz.html https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/10/22/economists-globalization-trade-paul-krugman-china/
You should learn how to discuss anyway. Destroying context and starting arguing is not the right way. ONLY NUCLEAR fission based energy produces NUCLEAR waste which radiates. So what's the point in saying all production produces waste? And I posted that research is still possible. (To get waste that has a lot less half life of radiation...) And there's 'all'..coming up with absolutes is doubtful at discussing as well. Your 'all' falls right here: When I plant potatoes and let them grow naturally and 'produce' potatoes...where is there any waste? BTW: Ever heard of recycling...