someone tell me how to get the youtube videos to embed properly and i'll share some of my favs, please... i couldn't get it to work correctly...
Dear stayboogy,you go to youtube,take the video you want. 1.Click with right mouse on the site example http://youtube bla bla 2.go to copy 3.go to were you are writing your thread and click on (INSERT VIDEO) 4.there will stay :Enter your video clip URL below. 5.all you have to do is paste and thats it Good luck and give it a try
one of the greatest movie moments of ALL Time--which is near to impossible to find or see in it's fullest anymore since it has supposedly been cut from all versions that have been reproduced in the last decade for "religious reasons" which doesn't make any sense to me (not quite sure about the special edition 2 disc blu ray version though--wish i owned it), although it was included the last time i saw it on TV (strange but true), and i've never read the book, but i assure you this scene does exist, i've seen it with my own eyes-- is the scene just before the "Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite" famous light scene of 2001: A Space Odyssey--Dave gets back into the pod to go inspect the monolith because he notices that it is fleeing from the Discovery. As he is approaching the monolith he starts sending a message back to control. He says something like, "I'm approaching the Monolith now. This thing is huge. It appears to be more than a kilometer in length." He also gives dimensions of the height and width but i can't remember what he says too accurately. He then gives his distance from the monolith every few seconds as he gets closer. He also describes its composition from what he can see, saying that it's solid, but as he starts to enter the monolith he says something like, "Control, are you reading this? Control? Control? Is anyone reading this?" Then the pod starts rumbling, and he says something like, "I'm moving inside it now... I'm inside... No, wait... Control? No... This thing's hollow... It must go on forever... And... Oh my God, it's full of stars!" and then the pod starts rumbling like crazy then it cuts to the light show that every "geek" has seen. i assure you this scene exists. i've talked to some others who saw this when it first came out and they have seen this scene as well. The first time i ever saw the movie was on TV without commercials and this scene was present. and it was present the last time a saw it on TV about two years ago around halloween. But the dvd copy that i rented recently didn't have it, nor did the blu-ray copy that i borrowed from a friend, and this scene doesn't exist online anywhere, nor does imdb mention it, and most people online will say that it's not part of the movie at all but part of the book, yet i've not read one line of the book and i am very familiar with this quote: "No... This thing's hollow... It must go on forever... And... Oh my God, it's full of stars." (probably not completely word for word, wish i had recorded it from the TV now) there are others, and many from 2001 alone, but this is definitely one of the greatest movie moments ever. others in no particular order, maybe not the greatest but some of my all time favs Hal interview, 2001 American Beauty ending scene Fill the Empty Spaces The Wall Goodbye Blue Sky The Wall Seven ending scene Creepshow where's my cake The Shining The Ring Video Pulp Fiction Casino Royale opening
Copy the link example: a video on youtube then open it with right mouse on video and take (copy link location) 3.then paste it in thread (INSERT VIDEO) Try that
Uhmm....aren't the humans (US Americans) the aliens? No really, for a commercial movie not a bad one, I like it. And the story is meaningful. I have to agree with TS.
I think what's alien is a technological world to me known as the technoshpere I prefer the path beyond technology and avatar is a reflection of that and an honoring of the world that serves and loves us while we hurt and destroy it and it's occupants (All planetary life) Only higher knowledge can save us But these blue smurf giants had nature helping them because they held nature sacred And nature won
avatar was James Cameron's biggest mistake and the whole world ate it up. the aliens are too much like indigenous African tribes and definitely not aliens... money doesn't make a good movie, and Avatar surely isn't a good movie... the acting sux, the story line is weak at best... i can't believe how many fans Avatar has... i've watched independent/indie films that were much much better... do not waste your two hours on Avatar, seriously... James Cameron owes me two hour of wasted life i can't get back...