MDL means to understand the processes, NOT use any tool from any source. BTW; the REPO has it's own 'tool', but it's script one can check to know what it's doing.
running my own .bat with telemetry removals has really improved the speed of the OS. Feels like I have SSD but I have none. need explanation what this does. it was recommended in one of the teletry scripts I found. sc delete diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service sc delete TrkWks
Nah, don't mess up the REPO. The old Preview stuff is mostly outdated and will only lead to complete confusion. I would prefer to gather all info freshly to assure not beating dead horses and cause system conflicts at best.
I strongly disagree. The preview stuff fully applies to RTM stuff that is being done Now. We are beating a dead horse already. Every piece of scripting being done at the moment is mostly old and has been done before.
There's only one piece of old code in my script, sorry to say, and this is the one by Commander Jin Jay . There might have have survived some entries to remove tho.
Command Jin Jay created the gui while I created the coding inside of it. The scripting for it was a collaboration between the forum and me in order to find a balance so that there was an easy way to disable everything. I have heart burn over the notion that the work I provided should be actively excluded of any mention. This makes me almost want to burn any work I did for the telemetry tracking n such.
I'm speaking about mine, not about any other. I didn't notice the latest scripts given in that thread before you posted the link, sorry again.
It is a continuation I was actually starting to plan out the new script to start active Reverse Engineering later in the week: Delete Scheduled Tasks Turn off Services Registry Edits Host Blocks Firewall blocks RE the CEIP more
I respectfully disagree on this. The general idea was to take control over the flow of information to MS. The previous scripts already started work on this. They even laid the ground work to make it happen. It gives me heart burn that these previous scripts that were serviced by murphy78, Me, you, and Commander JinJay are actively excluded. The staff at mdl are starting to give me issues with the threads that I actively service. In fact I would go as far as to say that the freakin scripts already in place should of have been stickied.
Your good right, it still doesn't change the fact, that i do only use the PS snipplet from Mr Jinje. Rest is completely new and contains fresh info gathered from the various new threads on that topic.
I'm good with you. Am just a little bent out over some of the threads that took a fair amount of time to do. I wonder if I can zip up the new script to use on the univeral oem stuff.